Who else got their 2B today?
Nier A Tomato
Looks worse than nendos.
Anyone who bought it iwas a massive retard.
Jizz on it.
I was expecting a QUALITY fig and here it is.
Alter fucking when?
This look like shit.
Upset you got put on the wait list?
I have work soon
come back around 12am EST and if there's a thread up I'll consider it
>that skull
Is 2B british?
>pre-ordered day one edition
>not coming until the 13th
what's wrong with her head? and her hands? jesus christ.
And they shipped it, as they promised you. Sorry you didn't pay for prime or same day ship.
Is this Squeenix's in house figure maker? No wonder it looks awful. Will wait for a better manufacturer to release their fig.
Im a virgin so this game is perfect for me.
It's still "Preparing for shipment"
I don't mind getting it a little late because I didn't shell out for Prime but an entire week is bullshit
Oh yeah, amazon has been giving non prime people the shaft lately. I reckon it'll only get worse going forward.
Fuck being european.
The artbook and soundtrack are the only things in this box worth having.
Why would I be upset you wasted money on a Prize fig?
fucking kek even bellfine has higher quality
Still on the waiting list. It hurts.
The Kainé futafags are less gay than everyone bitching for the sake of le Sup Forums hates everything meme
Mine got stuck in Florida for four days and according to tracking number it's a "small packet" so I kinda feel like SE sent me the wrong thing.
Too busy having delay left and right.
Flare should be good enough.
Isn't Flare known for being retardedly expensive?
I guess Goodsmile/Koto might also announce something down the line.
fuck i wish i had one
Art book is super nice
the figure is kinda shit desu
The quality of the figure and art book kind of disappointed me desu
Not especially much than other. All scales are retardedly expensive.
Square's figures have a bad reputation. That said it's not as bad as some pack in figures.