ITT: Overhyped garbage Sup Forums actually fell for
ITT: Overhyped garbage Sup Forums actually fell for
>Sup Forums is one person
nice imaginary friend, m8.
Has that even released?
How is this barely known indie kickstarter game "overhyped"?
>this level of i m p l y i n g
>Implying I payed money for this garbage
>Implying I ever thought this was even a decent concept for a game or any form of fictional media
I just want a new skullgirls, but that's not happening
I was just enjoying the Sup Forums tears. I didn't pay a single cent for this.
Is it even out?
ITT: games that won't come out in the 2010s.
This is now a Phoebe thread. Post Phoebe.
The schadenfreude was completely out of control. I literally rofl'ed when hit when it hit $1.5m. This was some reverse TORtanic shit, what a ride.
Are you from the future?
How do you know?
That's not even what she looks like you dumb idiot.
I'm going to miss these retarded politics shitflinging threads when they finally start animating Thorani's jiggling tits and redesign the bad apples in
I'm pretty sure the majority of us just made fun of how all their fund raisers kept failing while jerking off to the characters.
So what was it about this thing that made Sup Forums not amused? I was busy when this thing got a KS so I missed all the hype/rage.
So, did the game get funded?
I honest to god forgot this game.
She looks like a mecha now.
I think it kept getting extended deadlines until they finally hit their goal on the last day. Last I heard of it was when they released an alpha on the PSN.
Did we browse the same Sup Forums? This game got shitposted almost to death.
the old design with the cool looking dragon cannon and harpoon around her was great and all but now she can fly and she's cuter which is better imo
Everygame you like
>Wanting more obscure anime fighters
Just stick to Shit Fighter V or Tekken.
They got one extension and finished a few days before the deadline
that 6 hours was all it took to beat
Perfect length for an action game
>fell for
first of all it hasn't even come out yet second people here were laughing at this game because it was having an awful crowfunding campaign and the owners saying that if it didn't get funded the studio would go under and it seemed like it was going to fail up until the last 1-2 weeks when they started to use all of their mafia favors to get as many Indie stars to appear in the game as post game cameo playable characters and even then people were still laughing at the desperation and effort being exerted to salvage this mess
also fuck 505 games
14 hours is better
If the level design and exploration could be as good as Ninja Gaiden Sigma, which happens basically never, sure.
They got at least two extensions, the first one was to increase the time to the original max because for some reason they chose a shorter timeframe than the site allowed, and the second was to add two more weeks.
Fallout New Vegas
I remember when someone got publicly warned, and later banned, for shilling the kickstarter
was she right?
Sup Forums hyped EYE up so much but it's just a broken source game that regularly corrupts itself.
There was just one extension. They initially set it for 40 days and then extended it to the IGG maximum of 60.
Reminder that all your shitflinging can motivate your enemies. It's better just to ignore if you don't know what you're doing.
Where are Yan's arms
no, thats exactly how it works. You buy finished product, not empty promises.
>Go to pizza hut
>Order pepperoni with pineaples
>"ok sir that will be $40plus tip, you pay right now and we will deliver it in a year or so!"
>"oh btw if you pay extra $20 you'll get this sticker next week!"
>food analogies
Sup Forums complained about this game every day during the Kickstarter
who cares
you don't need them
I just want new characters for skullgirls, not this cheap dragon quest knockoff: tumblr edition.
Nothing overhyped about those brown gams.
If anything Sup Forums fell for the anti-hype. People were literally making up shit about the game trying to get the campaign to fail.
Glad it pulled through
Why do you feel the need to lie like this?
Every thread people always come in here to say this utter bullshit that never happened, offer no proof, but keep claiming their revisionist nonsense is somehow true.
I think they are ripping off Valkyrie Profile, sans the likable characters and good storytelling.
And EYE was still very fun.
They openly shilled it to high hell and back. With a base as large as Sup Forumss, it was bound to get enough suckers.
>sans the likable characters and good storytelling.
How do you know?
Are you from the future?
Honestly, given it's Lab Zero I bank on shit storytelling too, but since the gameplay will likely be excellent I don't really give a fuck.
It still hurts.
It got multiple extensions.
You don't really understand what you're even saying do you?
>fund raisers kept failing
They had two and the first one was so successful it rejuvenated skullgirls
Literally one. Prove otherwise, liar.
Now we're name calling? I've already won this debate.
Honestly, many anons liked the art designs of the characters and just jerk off to them. When they saw how they didn't have that many pantyshots or excessive fanservice, people went crazy and called the game SJW
>they had two
>one funded several times over
>the other finished with 124% funding and has been rising ever since
Uh, what failed fundraisers?
>thats not how it works
watch me, sister
I forgot to mention it was skullgirls and when they saw indivisible, it got shat on for not having designs appealing to their fetishes
>muh revisionism
>muh Jojo baby memes
>muh running away in defeat
Come on now, user.
cry more
Tiger pelt girl has some pretty good porn.
The campaign was just the perfect drama magnet.
They said they'd have to disband the company if the funding failed, thus the LZ fans desperately wanted it to succeed and the not LZ fans desperately wanted it to fail. There were other reasons too.
tl;dr: it was high stakes
Shill somewhere else, kike z
It's more like
>Friend wants to make a pizza
>But he doesn't have the ingredients
>If you give him some cash he can make the pizza, give it to you for free and sell portions of it to other people to make back his money
>You're not 100% faithful in his ability to cook a mean lean pizza
>You tell him you'll wait until after the pizza is ready, then you'll pay him for the pizza like everyone else in order to stay safe in case it sucks
>He can't make the pizza and nobody ever enjoys it
>Food analogies
>make legitimate points
>say LZ is trash at writing
>hurr durr shill
This was far more reasonable than I expected anyone in this dumb thread to be.
>Overhyped garbage
>Still over a year until release
Is Sup Forums really this desperate to hate this game?
The most shilled game to ever grace Sup Forums, surpassing even Borderlands. Nearly 100% thread uptime with half the posts shitting on the game, yet the threads STILL kept getting made.
The fucking thing even had to be extended another month and was finally helped with a large donation.
What a horrible fucking time.
There was also this tiny little issue that it chose a rather poor time to try for a KS.
Go shill at /vg/ or tumblr, kike z
>Sup Forums tries to turn it into the next TORtanic
>it gets funded at the last minute
>Sup Forums eternally butthurt
>was finally helped with a large donation.
Uh huh, sure it was, and you can prove it too I bet, you're totally not shitposting.
Will Sup Forums ever support a crowdfunded game ever again post MN9?
Shouldn't you be in a console war thread crying about how persecuted you are or something?
>yet the threads STILL kept getting made.
People were having the time of their lives when it looked like it would fail.
that guy doesn't give a shit about this place
pic related might be a different story but he might just be a Sup Forumsfag
can't think of any video game characters he's made animations for
>The most shilled game to ever grace Sup Forums
have you even been here this past week
Sup Forums is Ninten/v/odrone territory. nobody cares about indie titles
Don't engage the revisionist retards, they're so far out of reality it's not worth it.
Pic Related
First and Last time I listened to Sup Forums. Now I wait for more to come out about games after realease to buy, or I pirate ASAP to test.
The fact that they even had to use kikestarter in the first place shows how inept they are at making and utilizing money/resources/capital. This is the indie way, a bunch of hopeless NEETs who want to be all Picasso or Lovecraft in but don't have the disposable income, or otherwise comfortable positions, to pull it off without begging and compromising/fanservicing.
The ZONE color is one of my favorites.
>replies to revisionist telling him to not reply to revisionists
really got my neurons firing
He made one for Elizabeth from Bioshock infinite and one for Filia from skullgirls
The fact that there is someone, somewhere who put his actual money on this garbage to "spite Sup Forums" is quite hilarious to me.
Shouldn't you be begging your fans to pledge six million dollars?
Ajna a CUTE
>I was just enjoying the Sup Forums tears
What why?
It looks like there will be a lot of cute in this game.
37 mins? Just how bad was it?
>he's still salty enough to shitpost Indivisible
Don't you have anything better to do?