Disgusting. Why is this allowed? Worst 3D Zelda to date and you faggots still buy it.
Disgusting. Why is this allowed? Worst 3D Zelda to date and you faggots still buy it
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>Worst 3D Zelda to date
Woah there son.
It's by no means the 10/10 critics make it out to be but it's still better than WW or SS.
It's the American fat neckbeard man-children that buy Nintendo products because Nintendo had a big impact on America during the 80s and 90s
wait for Sup Forumsintendogaf to spread that 24fps is a cinematic experience on Switch
It's more interesting to me that Nintendo's best-selling standalone title was still Super Mario 64 after 20 years of massive game industry expansion. I guess people who bought a Wii really didn't buy any games for it.
As usual Sonybro scumbags trying to start shit.
Go back to Neogaf you trash.
Because you have an absolute shit taste in video games, my friend
>make skyrim with zelda skin
>it sells like hot keks
who would have thought
Much much better than Skyward Sword and Wind Waker.
Better than Twilight Princess.
You have a shitty opinion.
>Launch title
Last one which was able to compete was Twilight Princess.
>skyrim with zelda skin
botw doesn't crash/bug the fuck out every other minute though
Holy shit, Breath of the Wild has a PS4 version?
Horizon is way better though. This game looks like children crap I played when I was a kid.
Only neckbeards play this shit anymore.
The game looks pretty good.
Shame the console it's on it absolute trash.
neckbeard comment with smug anime girl picture was a good touch
Sony internet defense force is here.
>0.05 cents were added to your account.
>shame that the consoles it's on are absolute trash
Fixed it for you
He actually fell for it.
I love it
>smug anime girl poster thinks he's in any position to call others neckbeards
BotW has actual gameplay
The game is fucking great. But if any Wii U owners bought it on Switch I am terribly disappointed with you and you are nothing but a cuck.
you can definitely the people who actually played the game in these threads.
>Loser nintendo babby who is too poor to afford a real console or a gamer pc
Bet you're one of those pathetic losers who play Mario Party alone.
I'm glad, it's the only good open world game in years, there is a lot of stuff to do and exploring is really fun, i hope other developers take note.
>Worst 3D Zelda to date
It's literally the only good 3D Zelda, though.
PS4 Pro, PC, Switch owner here. Try again. I'm enjoying Zelda more than any other game that's released in awhile
I bought it on the Switch because it's portable, and I can play it while I kill time in my office at work a few hours a week.
I preordered Horizon too. It's currently on hold cos Zelda is so much more fun. Horizon is one of the most visually stunning games to date however. And the performance is way worse than Zelda. I can only imagine how good Zelda could have been if they had decent hardware to work with.
It's not even open world thought. Those shitty loading screens everytime even thought it's a fucking barren wasteland and still manages to run at sub 20fps on the Switch. Nintendo is a fucking cancerous company.
I own all three as well, but I'm enjoying Zero Dawn more than any Nintendo game ever made.
You enjoy owning no games machines don't you?
Are you ASKING him to post a larger closeup of a generic smug anime girl?
>loading screens
>Buying an X1 Tegra tablet for $300
>And the performance is way worse than Zelda
Oops, you outed yourself, try again
>the only game on the system sells well
Who would've guessed?
what loading screens? you only load when you teleport or enter a shrine. Am I missing something here?
>Worst 3D Zelda to date
>Skyward Sword exists
Objectively wrong. Even by chance that it was a bad game.
Majora's Mask and maybe Ocarina of Time are better than it.
BotW doesn't have any dungeons (haven't been in Hyrule Castle yet) and so far all the bosses are shit.
Not even SDF.
It's getting an (unofficial) PC release. I'll play it at that point.
holy shit this post
>better than WW
Haha, for real? I even enjoy SS more then BoTW but I understand why I'm in the wrong there.
I meant better. Zelda has crappy performance with framerates dropping below 20 and pretty much never staying at 30. Horizon never goes below 25. That was an honest error
>Worst 3D Zelda to date and you faggots still buy it.
How would they know that unless they played it for themselves after buying it, you tremendous faggot
I pirated it before release and i love it
The sony defense force is so desparate, they need to fling around bald-faced lies as facts, now.
It's like we're going back to 2007.
This isn't surprising.
Gaming is a bigger hobby now than it was at the release of the N64. The amount of adults who buy games nowadays is much larger, too. Of course it would have a bigger launch.
When I had an N64 as a kid, it was our family's console, shared between four kids. Now it's more likely that each kid would get his own game console.
WW is an empty void. Game would be much better if overworld was shrunk to 1/4 of its size.
The game is fantastic, the Switch has a lot of issues. I haven't really had any big problems with mine yet, but I'm already starting to feel nervous about it and thinking I should have just bought BotW on the Wii U.
there are more man-children now than 20 years ago
Why user why? the wii U version is fine, while console launches all have issues, specially this one for some reason has a shitton of defects
How's that 8.8 treating you?
Looks like it deserves it to me, FPS is a shame but for 99% of people it didn't ruin the experience at all.
Is this what your parents and siblings told you when you were born?
Actually there is a PS4 version. And it's better in every aspect (even in the audio department which previous Zelda entries were known for the high quality compositions)
Yeah I know right we're MATURE ADULTS so we should limit the games we play to MATURE ADULT games
>no fishing
wtf I hate sony now
Can you imagine being this butt devastated over someone liking something you don't?
I bought it on the Switch because I was going to get a Switch anyway, because I like the games planned for it.
>What is hit detection
>games planned for it
Why do you act like switch is bad while posting a picture that makes it look better than ps4?
Should I trade in TP for BOTW on WII U?
I only beat the first real dungeon and it was pretty great, but these wolf parts are extremely grating. I feel like I could drop the game now and not feel bad. BOTW actually looks fun, and I actually have spring break now to play it. I'd only get it after trading this game in, but I wouldn't finish the game within the week. Is this game worth sticking out for? Or should I just trade it in now for BOTW?
Oh, yeah. Imagine that..
the wolf parts arent that long, it really opens up after you finish
>ps4 looks that shit
Pirate BotW. Don't let Nintendo get any money from this.
Best game since splatoon from nintendo.
The last good zelda was majoras mask.
TP is literally the worst main line Zelda title.
BOTW is 10/10 from me.
TP is just as good as BotW
To be fair ps4 is running at 60fps
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Has anyone else noticed that posts using Simpsons reaction images are consistently awful? Nearly 100% of the time, they are blatant shitposts.
LOL and
You don't know but those rocks comes from the PS3 version. They look better from a distance but when you zoom in you actually see this
Better than the anime weeaboo trash most of you post.
>What is electricity?
Arguably one of the best Zeldas to date. The fuck are you talking about?
pretty damn good for a handheld....
One of these cases where the game looks better downgraded simply because it's lacking post processing.
>Worst 3D Zelda to date and you faggots still buy it.
They bought and loved Wind Waker, Spirit Tracks, Phantom Hourglass, Minish Cap and Triforce Heroes, which are infinitely worse. This is nothing.
>He believes that a single arrow with voltage in contact with water can instantly kill a fish
Just like in hollywood amirite
Holy fuck that is so bad.
How can ps4 even compete?
Nier is coming to pc also.
I was gonna get ps4 for nier, horizon and maybe some other stuff like nioh or other weeb stuff but damn, ps4 blown out.
I don't have a swith and I'll get one for splatoon I guess, but fucking handheld looking better than ps4 is sad.
it's not post processing happening in that pic though
American education
go back to pleasing old men for money, rin
Try electrocution water with fish in it big boy.
Oh and she shot like three arrows and they were right next to the fish.
>I know it's a troll so I'll give it a rating
Why did we let this become a thing? I know it's been a thing for years, but now that it's a part of our culture, it actively makes people more likely to respond to trolls, which just perpetuates them anyway.
Meanwhile no one ever posts the old "don't feed the trolls" pics anymore from the first few years of Sup Forums which gave the actually good advice of not responding to trolls.
Just like in hollywood movies.
>Sony fan
>Posts anime girl
>Calls other people a neckbeard
Starting to get really fucking tired of people shitting on Triforce Heroes without having played it OR having only played the single player mode.
>the only game on the switch just so happens to be the best selling game on the switch
HAHAHAHAHA you can't make this shit up
that isnt a fish tho?
taking bait is Sup Forums culture
Nah, the filter is pretty clear. Looks off.