Brain thread

Brain thread

Other urls found in this thread:

kill yourself, teenager

Brain thread More like Brain DEAD haha


>video games
kill yourself, teenager


NL is a fucking autist with deep voice, same with TB

What are you talking about? Just get your spirit heart so you can guarantee the guppy dream and survive long enough to get permanent polaroid invincibility.

NL is redditman


iDubbbz was only good for his kickstarter crap segments. But he let that popularity get to his head and now he's a massive tool.

Pewdiepie is also watchable now. I'm not even kidding. Try it.


the 3rd one is paprika right?
is it that good?

Rogue pewdiepie is pretty good

I thought it was the weakest of Satoshi Kon's movies but it's still very good

Fuck off you cancerous faggot

> dare I say based ourguy
Back to rÄ—ddit.

You idiot! You're not supposed to put facts!

Dude transhumanism lmao

dry baby

What gaming related channels do you watch Sup Forums?

Lain is packed with so much shit there are literally college upperclassmen courses based on the show alone. I think you could do the same for Eva, but more so focusing on its world and terminology, for the message and visual metaphors were quite simple.

Idubbz doesn't fucking play games, and Maxmofoe is a bore to fucking watch when it's just him. At least when he's with Chad things get livelier. Joji is too busy actually being successful and Ian is just a fag riding off of e-drama and reusing his old shit because he can't come up with new content besides his "Comedians" thing.

I really want the five to open a channel together, because those vids are the most entertaining ones they do.

Saged because of eceleb shit


>Idubbz doesn't play video games
He does though

DSP is an awful person and an awful gamer but he's still funny to watch, just to laugh at him.

Robbaz is a meme loving fuck, he's awful now.

Like once every blue moon, nigga.




miss me with that gay shit f a m


Epic, dude, epic.


>its a thread with NL in it



>I am 16 and my humour is fucking superior starter pack

Neck yourself

How could i laugh at this of all things?


>tfw to smart for """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""deep"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" anime




all wrong


Actually I think you'll find that with Asperger's, your intelligence gets lower. Obsession does not equate to actual intelligence.

I'm surprised that I can still find NL funny, the guy is a ruthless reference machine and the embodiment of silver tongue. Probably one of the most presentable ecelebs out there, only compared to professional hosts and not some fags that rely on editing, scripts or screaming.

The thread is still cancer


>edgelord idubbbz


t. tana mongeau


I hate to say it, but yeah, NL knows how to keep up the fucking one-man banter

Technically, wasn't mensis school the biggest losers of the scholar trio?
Burgertown had Rom covering up the bloodmoon, and the Choir successfully beckoned Celestial Emissaries and had Ebby-chan ascend, but what did Mensis do? They just awoo'd at the moon, sewn bodies together and had a giant rotten brain in their basement.


If you're a fan of mindfuck you might also enjoy perfect blue (also by satoshi) and kaiba


Top 3 should be reversed

>weakest of Satoshi Kon's movie
Well it's not like we're going to be spoiled for choice any time soon.



>phone poster

kill yourself

Fuck off dsp shill


What's PPI? Just literally a Scapular?

Make the pipe from the last strip green and purple and we shall transcend our mortal shell together.

It's just when you have no red hearts or half a red heart backed up by a bunch of soul hearts. Every hit you take gives invincibility

Oh just the normal boring Devil Deal whoring strategy then.

Those are the keys to the kingdom right there



friendly reminder that Lain's a Key the Metal Idol ripoff



I feel my brain massively expanding right as of now.

dunkey went downhill really quickly
I actually cant remember if he was ever good at this stage




holy shit

Honestly this.

>a-am I Sup Forums yet guys? GUYS?


>the egg worse than the gay guy
Shit taste lad

>defending phone posters

Kill yourself x2



>tfw haven't look up CWC shit since last year because of those images

Youtube LP attention whores are pure unfiltered cancer and you should be ashamed to engage in this shit.

The only acceptable way to "watch" video games is pic related.

who's the qt next to dunkey?

>shining past 90s
just why? what were they thinking?

dead meme

>not CD

Did we switch to the game where we see who can be the biggest hipster?

What prize do you want, a kale shake or a caramel latte?


Got it upside down




I wish Evangelion wasn't such a fucking meme nowadays though.