Daily reminder if you use

Daily reminder if you use

>Power Pill
>Ranged Weapons
>Magic in general
>Ninjutsu in general
>Living Weapon
>Heavy Armor
>Hyotokko Masks
>Parry against humans
>Final Blows

you're cheating the game.

I see the "no magic!" crowd from dark souls is here.

daily reminder that okatsu is bae

why aren't you including 1kat and axe

1kat literally one-shot bosses with the mystic art and some extra damage from behind with Iai

Axe ki breaks everything like it doesn't matter

more like "no fun"

and it's going to get worse after PvP comes out.

yea why isn't OP including every weapon type

t. barehand masterrace

They better not nurf my mage into the fucking ground just because some pvp fuckers cry; I could give less of a damn for pvp, just leave my main game alone!

>just leave my main game alone

But how can you ENJOY the game when the bosses are PISS EASY?!

>Actually fighting enemies at all
>Even engaging the enemies on any level
>Even avoiding the enemies
>Even playing the game in the first place
Casual as fuck, desu.

I want his boi pucci

Night Rain + Sword of Execution to a boss's back is fucking insane.

>tfw inherit 24.9% barehand (pre-familiarity) on every armor piece, join that clan with +70% barehand, use barehand scroll thing, and other barehand ninja stuff then go help people on NG

>if you use features in the game you are cheating

kill yourself

>caring about how other people "play"

kill yourself

>trying to be elitist over how you play a fucking game

kill yourself

I hope you fags aren't using your hands to use the controller, that makes using a controller a tad too easy.. it's pretty much cheating.

He's trying to shame faggots into backing out of the good shit in time before the PvP gets released. Fat fucking chance, really.

Daily reminder that if you

>play the game

You're cheating the game

is there only way of the samurai and way of the strong ?

also which is the weapon of their respective clsses

Daily remind if you use

>Options available to you and everyone else in the game

you're cheating the game and are a coward

kill your fucking self

I've been stuck on the boss with the balls and the chains since launch, I've been trying to play fair by not attacking nor dodging but I keep dying, any tips?

I already cheated to get through that guy in the prologue and I feel pretty bad about it.

>still touching the controller
I think I found your problem

I don't use anything in the OP, heck I don't use anything at all except ochoko cups and a lv750 thing appear, bows and kills everything for me in 1 hit.

Game is too easy imo.

This. I finally beat Onryoki after playing the honorable way, having my dad hold the controller while i tell him what buttons to press. The only challenge is speaking fast enough so he can land combos.

I wish I wasn't terrible at this game. I got to the very first area, and a place with 4 samurai dudes I can't single pull and a giant ogre thing in a house and I just can't kill them all without dying.

>"dad, bring the right analog a little leftward down, and push the left analog stick up"

this game has a lot of "alternate" paths for those that can't deal with multiple enemies

in this case you can come from the back, and there's even a handy shrine -- just need to explore instead of charging in

>"Are we winnin, son?"


Literally what is the purpose of that style. Exposing the thighs historically gave +7 Onmyo or something?

>level 90 mission
>i'm level 69

these mission level requirements are getting ridiculous with the amount of XP they give to level up

Of course.

Game will need all the waifus it can get. IRL Ginchiyo will be died years before the next DLC's battle (the one we see Hanzo fight in the epilogue). Pretty much leaves just Okatsu and Fuku.

the "recommended" level (at least on way of the samurai) is just the average level of equipment the mission will drop

so if anything it's the recommended equipment level

in post-game you'll be doing level 320 missions while under 150

Use sloth if you want to cheese the game you complainer. Nothing else I can suggest

>Forgetting about Spider-Girl, Yuki Onna, Hino Enma, and Ogress

>join coop game for humanoid boss
>Alright here we go
>equip all my armor with bare hands attack up
>equip the clan that gives it as well
>use five attack boosts just before the boss
>run in
>here we go
>boss is coming to attack
>get ready to parry
>get hit by boss and die and watch as the host dies trying to run away
Never been more embarrassed

The game design of this shit is fucking horrendous. No game should tease make your only resort be a fucking cheat item

Is there any real difference between "Yokai Realm with a Companion" and "Random Encounters" for co-op

I wouls have had more respect for the devs if they just made a easy mode instead of 1 mode which any loser can beat if he gives in to his cowardice and uses cheese items

Nope. Only difference is "Yokai Realm With A Companion" lets you die more before getting 'Failure'. Shit is stupid

yokai realm is more like what you'd do in monster hunter, start stuff together for farming -- can even revive each others and stuff, failure rate is low

random encounters is more soul style where you drop into someone's game and help them, if someone dies it's over

so no real reason to do the first one outside of the trophy?

>beat hard-mode
>Fuku transformation unlocked

Sad this will never happen. The game has fuck all in terms of rewarding the player.

>needed help so summoned someone
>he goes and one shots the boss before i do anything

Wow, never summoning again. Jist needed the guy to smash the healing crystals so the boss would stop healing, nigga ended it in a hit

>tfw just want to help people in way of the strong but random encounters has no difficulty option and some lv20s summon you to beat hino-enma

I end up kinda pretending to fight, just landing a hit now and then

why are the nioh threads hidden?

Switch your settings to 60fps.

If its hidden, how are you posting?

get out of my sekrit klub
only ps4 owners are allowed ITT

it comes up as pic related when im on the catalog.im using Sup Forums x btw

>he's a casual

kill yourself

maybe it trips a filter

We all know who William's true waifu is

Check his character nio in game. It hints that Saoirse and him are "Possibly more than friends and family"

character *bio

>every character is 'William' size

Fucking why?

We'll probably meet Yoshitsugu's daughter in the DLC, who marries Yukimura. Maybe with mothboigirl possibly.

>no fun allowed
I don't care that you're memeing, fuck you.

Greater demon hunting right? I did it at 55, levels don't mean much except for equipment. Even then. My gear was level 40.

Those are hips you fucking ignoramus

I don't even know what sloth or most of this shit even is, I haven't beat the game yet, but I killed a remnant at the start that gave me some crazy ass Kahana and that's all I've needed to get through the game to the point I'm at, based on the demos I expected the game to be WAY harder then it is.

How do i apply mystic arts to my lightning dual kats?

>tfw Axe can only cosplay as lunchbox size Kaido and Muppet baby Yasuke

When/how do you unlock the katana mystic art? I'm on the fifth region and have 99999 proficiency points.

gee, this is what i've felt every fucking souls game

and then it all gets nerfed into the ground because pvp

It's supposed to be can arena mode, so hopefully it will be separate from the main game. Fuck PvP.

I think you'll unlock that in the sekigahara region+ kill atleast lvl 20 or so but you'll have to to the dojo mission

You telling me you went through the game barehanded? Against EVERY boss?

I meant skill about lvl 20 for 2kat and the same 1kat with 20 heart or so

im doing the sub mission where you have to fight tachibana on a one on one, and i cant beat it. i suck so bad don't I? i died like 50 times. my stamina runs out so quick and when i try to get it back before i know it i'm being attacked. and he spams the sheathe attack. what da fuck how do i get good? i'm using duel swords and kusa

I'm lv65 and did way of the veteran.

Oh so 20 in heart stat?

It took me like 20 tries to beat him. I used every cheese I could muster and barely, I mean barely pulled it off.

I'm not very good though, you can probably beat him easier than I could.

How is cheesing a boss fun?

not way of the veteran pic related for 1kat

i'm a noob when it comes to this game. i don't know if you can even parry. i can only get 1/4 of his life down.

I know you can dodge the sword sheathe attack, but he will get me eventually, because he keeps fucking spamming it.

>you put in the hours to beat the bosses "fair", but if you want to rape them you're playing the game wrong
>I like hp sponges that can one shot you even with decent gear
>and don't forget to gimp yourself, cause you're not casul scum
Fuck you and your bait.

Ah, ok.

>dual swords
Weak. Your speedy attacks will just bait you into using more ki than you think you'll need.
Give yourself space, stop attacking so much so you can save ki and read the fucker's telegraphs so you know when to run. You can easily outrun his iai slash and come back and punish him.

I bet those fags use a normal controller to play. What a bunch of cheaters.

Everyone knows the only way to truly play the game is with a modified homemade onahole using only your dick as inputs while your dick is soft.

>not air juggling everything

I'm shit at it because of only messing with it for an hour. I'd like to get much more stylish and lengthy with it though.

Enjoy having wasted 60 dollars. Ill be playing a game that actually lasts me until the next big release while you finish it in under an hour with cheat shit

Drop the kusa. Use 2Kat low and mid stance. When he does his iai, dash past him when he's taken 4 steps. 3 minimum, and back attack him. Try to parry his normal attacks if you're confident. Run from the dog always, and remember the fucker charges twice once shiggy is at 50% hp and lower. Always interrupt his buffs, be careful about the white sword buff though, sometimes he hyper armors through that one.

kek that faggot deserves it

For a game based on honor, you sure arent playing honorably

The amount of Red Demon and Kingo users at that spot is something else.

I bet he doesnt even perform a tea ceremony before every visit with Danjo to check his clan battles

Wrong game buddy. This isn't Ubisoft.

>he doesnt have a morter and pestle to grind herbs into elixirs and sip one simultaneously when William does

It's like you hate fun or something.

How's that Oroboro cock taste?

Samurai never cheesed their fights you coward faggot. But go ahead and cheese the game if you want

If you cant beat Orochi on the first try you are pathetic

Huh they did mocap for this game too?

So what I get from this is
>casuals lack of ability to play video games inhibits how much fun they have

Real Samurai cheesed their fights all the time m8. They cheesed them so hard that they forbade all the faggots that came after them from cheesing so that when shit got real they were stuck thinking about dojo honor, suddenly got blinded by superior nihon positioning, and had their skulls split open by a wooden oar.

Yes, exactly.

The "no magic" fags are casuals that need everyone to use only square, triangle, and mid stance on every weapon because they're too bad at the game to even be able to stance flux.

Okatsu is goddamn sexy as fuck, I swear. But she will never EVER have a bond with William like he has with Saoirse.

>mfw the guy who wrote hagakure and spent 200+ pages fellating death never saw war