This is what a AAA title looks like in 2017

This is what a AAA title looks like in 2017.

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This is what AAA facial animation looks like in 2017.


Maybe she's a robot.

>girls wearing eyeshadow

do guys actually like this shit?

Are they still using UE3 or something


Looks like a SIMS hud.

No. Most of women's beauty standards are about impressing other women, not men.


Women wear make up because other women wear make up

And the worst thing about this, is that most of the time it makes women uglier.

holy fucking shit and i thought the series couldnt get worse

Even for bioware this is terrible.

If this fails will EA finally kill Bioware?

Why do they have no self-awareness? Is the company so infested with tone deaf women that shit like this gets imported hand over fist, with no quality assurance testing? Or is this just the audience nu-Bioware is shooting for?

Looks like No Man's Sky.

isn't this being made by biowares B team?

i heard they had a new project they're focusing on

>Is the company so infested with tone deaf women that shit like this gets imported hand over fist, with no quality assurance testing?
How is that any different than other western studios anyway? This is the state of videogames in the west.

Can bioware even be considered AAA anymore
this looks and feels like an intern project

All of their teams are B teams.

>Most of women's beauty standards are about impressing other women
Impressing other women by attracting more males than them.... how fucking retarded are you?

Best evidence of this is the stupid fucking eyebrow fad EVERY pleb woman is doing these days. Looks absolutely fucking ridiculous.


I have two sisters and I was asking them why they wear makeup if they look legitimately WORSE with it on.
I still have yet to get an answer other than "because I can".

There is no way makeup is a legitimate thing. It's only around because women see other women using it, straight up.

It's made for the girls who are not as pretty as the born cute girls, but still have something going on. It's meant to accentuate; if you have nothing to accentuate its just shit on your face.

Make ups SOLE PURPOSE is to make women compete with the naturally pretty women; but what women fail to see is that the naturally pretty women are always going to be more pretty; and the make up only serves to damage their skin, and make them look like dolled up pigs. The girls who look better with some make up on are still not going to ever be as pretty as the ones with naturally attractive features.

So it ended up all being pointless

Before Makeup: Naturally Pretty Woman > Naturally Average Woman > Naturally Ugly Woman

After Makeup: Naturally Pretty Woman with Makeup > Naturally Average Woman with Makeup > Naturally Ugly Woman with Makeup
See? No one changed position. The makeup was useless.

By making yourself look worse for any man? Sure thing, pal. They care more about their little same sex social competitions, that's how they work.

>Every (supposedly elite soldier) character looks like a millennial starbucks college kid with trendy haircuts (men are still model tier facial features while women are ogres) cause apparently state of the art military naval ships have hairdressers on them.

Can you tell who is in charge of character design now?

It's almost as if videogames appeal to teenagers.

I haven't noticed but i think the only person that looks over 35 years old i've noticed is the dad characters.

>neckbeards in Sup Forums talking about women
Oh boy, this is rich.

I miss the times when Sup Forums prided itself on being isolated, and didn't cringeworthily behave like /r9k/ as a whole.

Because the main audience of videogames are young people, not older ones.
Old characters are not appealing.
And no, just because you think they are, doesn't make you the majority.

If I were isolated, I wouldn't have first hand experience on female social behavior. But sure, downplay evidence just because you don't know any better.

AAA generally refers to high budget/promotion, not quality or competency.

I am going to downplay all talk about society on Sup Forums because nobody here knows anything, yes.
It's just in the last years people started pretending they do, and thinking they can change it, becoming the WE WUZ LIJUN that everyone used to hate.

>that lispy krogan that sounds like a butch trans female addled with estrogen drugs
>it probably is
hehhehh dey get us.. this so appealing!!

jokes on you im gay

>if u criticize the opposite gender, ur a neckbeard

huh... really makes you think

Why aren't older guys more popular?

That's exactly how they think, actually.

Even more reason to ignore whatever you have to say.

That's silly, even childish stuff like the power rangers have an older authority figure around.

But i've never been one to self insert.

Older = physically worse.
Nobody likes that.

>alien planet
>foliage is thin stalk with a bulb on the end

Is this the laziest way of establishing a planet as an "alien" world? I've probably seen this in dozens of fucking sci-fi games.

I bet you're one of those people that believes all teenage audience movies should have a teenage main character.

And Power Rangers came when, 20 years ago?

If they prove to be profitable, of course.
You seem to forget that Triple A games are purely a business, what people think of the game is irrelevant, they are made to sell, pay and do whatever you want afterwards.

The gif of that uncanny valley Nip robot that someone made. This woman has the same exact facial movements!

Fucking pleb, old people are cool as fuck.

Yeah, people hate Wolverine and Arnold Schwarzenegger.


>people hate Wolverine
The character that started as a 20 something?
Oh yeah, people loved Terminator Genisys.

How the fuck can Japanese game devs make better 3D animation with 70% less budget?!

How come a redditor like you hasn't been banned already?

>Terminator Genisys.
That movie sucked, that had nothing to do with Arnie. In fact, you could argue it was the only reason people wanted to see it in the first place.

Passion, talent and abusive japanese work culture.

No, but the 300 pound lesbian who designed the character probably does.

that UI is fucking awful

looks like a racing game

People like good games. Not muhh self insert character games.

Old people still play Pokemon games. And young people still like Raynor and Kane.

>Help the LGBTQPDF+ 16-32 years old squad find a new galaxy!

I remember when Saren killed himself, that was cool.


>That movie sucked, that had nothing to do with Arnie
Oh yeah, the fact that it looked as if he was going to fall over constantly and he was obviously old as fuck didn't look absolutely terrible.
The only reason to watch that movie is to laugh at their tries to make him not look like a 70 year old.

>People like good games
What they like is irrelevant, what matters are sales.


>Oh yeah, the fact that it looked as if he was going to fall over constantly and he was obviously old as fuck didn't look absolutely terrible.
That would be entirely irrelevant if the movie was good.

>colonization mission
>enlists homosexuals

Fuck off Anita.

>What they like is irrelevant, what matters are sales.

>Ghost Recon Wildlands

If we concentrate a bit more cancer in so little time it will spawn a black hole.

try posting a good game

Is the asian chick part of your crew? I hope you can fug her up.

You first.

And guess what, the only thing people remember is GTA Online, because that's all people play.

Whoa, but any of them are teenagers how could it be succesful?

Is this 720p image supposed to be better?

GTA 5 sold 75 million copies.

can confirm OP's picture is medium quality


Yes, 75 million people who bought it to play the cancerous grindfest that GTA Online is.

Because everybody wanted to get the online experience and make a youthful character.

the horses front hooves are floating.


It only goes downhill from the original Mass Effect.

>People like good games.
Sale charts beg to differ.

>Old people still play Pokemon games
Not often I get the chance to use the term manchildren correctly.

It's called ''GTA''.

This is what AAA aliens look like in 2017.

Mass Effect 3 sold 3.5 million copies.

You seem to be implying BioWare has ever made a good videogame.

It released without GTA Online and still sold incredibly well.

Only on goths.

Otherwise it just makes women look like prostitutes. CHEAP prostitutes.

Yes, because it's a fucking GTA.
But the only reason it has kept selling is because of GTA Online.
Nobody would have kept buying a game for 4 years to play a 20 hour long singleplayer.

>Fucking ryder character design

JUST give me shep back

how do games like re7 and me:a exist at the same time

Bad make up will make you look bad just like a bad haircut or bad fit will make you look bad. Doesn't mean it's fundamentally a bad idea, in fact every woman that wants to look good should be wearing some amount.

The point of fucking make up is to make looking at your face produce supernormal input into someones brain.

Baldur's Gate II.

This isn't the worst example of a 2017 AAA game.

It's pretty similar to me 1 don't try to make excuses

>This obvious 12 year old answering immediatly to everybody

Yeah pal, adults drool and kidz rule.You can stop now.

Starved early adopters would beg to differ. See single-player remasters' sales.

This is what a AAA writing looks like in 2017

Being made by different companies I suppose

30 million copies. Bioware would have to release 9 Mass Effect 3's for that.

Why is Sup Forums discussing makeup


That's actually a lot more character than anything the first 3 could show.

March 7