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Looks like a Tower of Hanoi.

It's the most basic, generic puzzle that's used in every game where the developers are too lazy and uncreative to think of an original puzzle. It's another step down from shitty sliding block puzzles.


They used the same puzzle in KotOR

A very basic tower of hanoi puzzle.

I can't believe people have trouble with these.

There's a reference to this in the ME3 Citadel DLC where there's a Tower of Hanoi arcade game but Shepard refuses to play it.

Found the pleb. Mass effect 3 will be more your speed

I think they still use it because despite being used constantly many people still find it challenging. also I'd rather devs do a Tower of Hanoi than some garbage puzzle that doesn't make sense like in old point and click adventure games



These are a few rules about the puzzle.

Only a single box may be transferred to any stack, regardless of whether or not they are adjacent.
Only the topmost box will be "picked up" when one presses the corresponding face button. It will be 'placed' in the same order when another face button is pressed. This means that if the top-most box is selected, it will drop into the top most area of any stack it is dropped in. The same applies to the other boxes as well.
A box may not be transferred to a space where there will be a blue box in any slot above it.
After transferring a box to another stack, it may be transferred back as many times as required.
Only one box may be "picked up" at a time.
Direct Solutions Edit
Noveria-Mira core activation mini-gameThe VI can be manually reinitialized with the following key sequence:
Xbox 360: X Y, X B, Y B, X Y, B X, B Y, X Y, X B, Y B, Y X, B X, Y B, X Y, X B, Y B
PC: Column 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 3 → 1, 3 → 2, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3, 2 → 1, 3 → 1, 2 → 3, 1 → 2, 1 → 3, 2 → 3
PS3: ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯, ▢ △, ◯ ▢, ◯ △, ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯, △ ▢, ◯ ▢, △ ◯, ▢ △, ▢ ◯, △ ◯

The problem with the Tower of Hanoi is that it's only challenging the first time you see it. After you've solved it once, it's always the same thing. And it's more tedious than hard anyway, especially since the only way to make it harder (adding more layers) doesn't actually change the steps to solving it, it just means you'll have to repeat them more.

At least with shitty point and click puzzles you can get a sense of satisfaction at seeing the bullshit solution play out. With a tower of Hanoi, there is no satisfaction because it's just the same tedious three steps over and over until it's solved.

skip it with gel

>can't solve a puzzle aimed for literal retards

The problem with it is that the game does not explain the rules whatsoever.
So you have to spend 5 minutes or more trying to figure out what the fuck is this all about.

I just override it with 100 Omni-gel


>tfw was to intelligent for this puzzle so I skipped with biogel because I had more than I knew what to do with it

I just solve it in 30 seconds but whatever floats your boat

>So you have to
I didn't

>does not explain the rules whatsoever
It tells you that yopu have to move the tower from one stack over to another stack. That's it. That's the rules of Hanoi.
Holy shit it's an intelligence test used on animals and the mentally handicapped. Sad!

Let's try something a bit more challenging, shall we?

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

they don't tell that you can't put a bigger ring on top of a smaller ring.
And in case of those blocks it does not make sens why you can't just move everything since there are no sticks anyway.


No, it's retart, retart.

No. I want to fuck that goat.

1/3 chance of getting the goat if you switch, so switch every time

kek monty hall problem


I don't know why you would choose a car over a goat. You have to pay taxes and shit on the car while a goat would be a cool pet. Sure you could just sell the car and buy a goat but then you wouldn't have that story about the time you won a goat.

Lets restart.

I live in an apartment so I have no lawn for the goat to snack on.

>the people who hate bioware are just salty brainlets

It finally makes sense.

Just use the omni-gel you dumb fuck.

>used to have to do dumb logic puzzles like this for my talented and gifted class back in elementary

Talented and Gifted was nothing in my district though, because I went to school in Detroit

who makes all of these anyway

Scenario 1: You pick the car. Monty shows a goat. You switch to the other goat. You lose.

Scenario 2: You pick goat 1. Monty shows the other goat. You switch to the car. You win.

Scenario 3: You pick goat 2. Monty shows the other goat. You switch to the car. You win.

So as you can see, you only lose by switching if you picked the car the first time around. And the chance that you picked the car first time around is 33%.

You win by switching if you picked a goat the first time around. And the chance that you picked a goat first time around is 67%.

this image was from mass effect 1, the last good game bioware made.

some poor depressed soul on /r9k/

user makes them

Looks like the inside of my asshole.

I guess this is too well known on Sup Forums to properly bait people any more.

Maybe I ought to get out the aeroplane on a treadmill, or the portals.

It's the Professor Layton pancake puzzle

>You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, "Do you want to pick door No. 2?" Is it to your advantage to switch your choice?

I don't understand why I would need to switch.

If one of the doors has a shit goat, and I already see the goat, I now have a 1/2 chance. The goat door is irrelevant, and switching wont help at all. It's just a 1 in 2 chance.

it doesn't matter it is 50/50 after he removes the 3 door.
there were 1/3 door 1 and 1/3 door 2, so the 1/3 of door 3 split equally on door 1 and 2 so it is 50/50


>tfw I used to get the airplane on a treadmill one wrong all the time until someone explained to me how airplanes work


If it was a 5 stack puzzle you might have room to complain, git gud.

Aw, thanks guys, that's awfully kind of you

Hmm, that claw...

It's literally CS101 level like literally the first example you get in Concrete Mathematics basic

Is this a test to check for underage anons?
Because my high school math teacher never shut up about the fucking monty hall problem every time anything remotely related to probability came up.

No fucking shit dude. I think you are forgetting that most people don't know very much math.


Let me explain why you are stupid.

Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of one million doors. Behind one door is a car, behind the other 999,999 doors are goats. You pick a door at random, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, reveals 999,998 doors, all revealing goats, and leaves one door closed. Is it to your advantage to switch?

the gold ball problem still works
I still have no idea if its 1/3 or 2/3

>paying attention in math class
what are you, some kind of nerd?

but it doesn't matter. There's now only two doors, why would I switch? its just mindgames at that point.

We only did the monty hall problem for fun at garbage time during senior year.
Thanks Mr Hamilton

it is fucking 50/50 after he removes the wrong doors.
and you can't explain something asking a different question, duh

Why would he open door 3 when I asked fo door 1? Is the host supposed to be retarded in this scenario?

moot, he creates all the memes
fuckin newfags, I swear

I had to google this

And Dragon Age Inquisition in Orzammar...

>Game glitched on release to make it impossible to actually view and move items in inventory
>Had to look close as fuck to the bottom of the claw to see what the hell it is
Thank god the claws are at just the right angle. Any further and you wouldn't see a thing.

Use Bayes' rule.

re-doing your choice makes mathematical sense but pragmatically it changes nothing, your old choice had a 50% chance of being correct at the point in time where there are two doors with one being a part of it.

You could argue changing your choice now means you'd get a 50% chance of being right, but this ignores the obvious flaw in logic that you also have a 50% chance of being wrong.

>there are anons actually "arguing" against the mathematically proven solution to the classic Monty Hall problem
Oh Sup Forums.

>doesn't own land
You'll make it one day, user. We'll all make it.

the most reused bioware puzzle ever

Here's a fun one:

I have three cards in a box.
>one card is red on both sides
>one card is black on both sides
>one card is black on one side and red on the other
Without looking, I pull one card out of the box and place it on the table in front of me. The side facing up is black.

If I turn over the card and look at the other side what are the odds that it is also black?

this isn't math, this a real problem.
even if math gives an answer doesn't mean it is the correct one.

>makes mathematical sense but pragmatically it changes nothing
oh lawdy lawd

Except that Schrodinger's cat already did that, showcasing the inherent flaws of mathematical logic.
>MFW dumb niggers think it means some dumb shit about reality being defined by observation or something not being true until observed



stop it Sup Forums this isn't funny

>solve this puzzle
>immediately think:

>"We're in."

It's a probability problem, ignorant nigger. Should've stayed awake for a single high school math class at least.

Here, have the graph from the fucking wikipedia article, now you can all shut up about this.

Just for visual reference I once made this in GameMaker with the computer following the rule that it always switches doors after the first goat is revealed. It more or less maintains a 2:1 win/loss ratio with that strategy.


It's actually 66%.

Think about it, start the entire experiment from the ground up at the moment there are only two doors. 50%, on either door. This means that picking either door has a 50% chance of success, if all this stuff with the 999 other doors that occurred before then happened without your knowledge, would picking either door, including the one you would theoretically "change" from, make any sense unless you know all that shit?

You think the odds change when he reveals the content of one door. They dont.

From the start you have a 2/3rds chance of selecting a goat, and only 1/3rd chance of selecting the car.
Afterwards, when revealing the goat, there's still a 2/3rds chance you chose a goat.
So switching choice increases your chances of winning the car.

it's a trick OP, literally impossible
the only way to progress is to bypass it with omnigel

2/3 black.

wikipedia can get edited by anyone, you should not trust it.

huh? but the only other card with black has red on the other side thats 1 in 2

I don't get it. Still get a 50/50 shot.

That's not maths, that's quantum mechanics.

And Schrodingers Car is just a thought experiment to visualize superposition, not a refutation.

Its entirely true, if it weren't you wouldn't be able to post retardation like this on a Chinese cartoon forum, because quantum theory enables modern computers.

Fucking hell man, that is absolutely the solution to the problem that I distinctly remember. I was just trying to help you visualize it, but hey, stay in ignorance.

>He doesn't understand how QM can be used as a massive dig at math
Oh user.

there are 3 black side, and 3 red side.
you pick a black side.
2 side are on a black/black, 1 is on a red/black.
picking a black side means you have 2/3 of picking the black/black card

>Mass effect 3
still mad

"The given probabilities depend on specific assumptions about how the host and contestant choose their doors." So its a mind game.How the fuck does that count?

this shit is so dumb, if you open a door and show me a goat, and the car is in the door i didn't pick right, the door I picked has a 1/2 chance of being goat or a car. you can't tell me that for some reason, this dumb gameshow host has the ability to make switching better; that just makes no sense. It's 1 in 2. The revealed door is one less number i need to worry about.

QM still explains reality extremely accurately, take your pseudoscientific philosophy somewhere else.

If someone were to walk into the game show after the first door is opened and asked him to pick one, his odds would indeed be 50/50. Unless you told him what the first pick was.

I don't get this stuff. Why would it all change if you still have no idea what is behind the door you chose? Even if you chose a goat door and the other goat door is opened, you still have no idea if you chose the goat or the car.

It's a two tiered selection.

The first, you have a 2/3 chance of picking a goat.
Picking the car here is the only way to lose by switching.

Which means that switching has the better win ratio, but will still have a 1/3rd loss chance attached. Because of the cases where you picked the car in the first place.

It's simple as fuck man.
In both cases where you don't immediately pick the door with the car, switching will always win.
Only in the case where you pick the door with the car right away is it 50/50.
So over all, it's more likely to win if you switch.

oh fuck, i didn't about that; thanks

With problems like this and the Monty Hall, you need to think from the start and not just skip to the last step.

>What are the odds that it's the white card?
Since both sides on the white card are white, it can't be either side of that card. So let's say the white card is 0/0.

>What are the odds it's the black card?
Since both sides are black, the black card is 1/1.

>What are the odds it's the mixed card?
It can't be the white side, but it might be the black side of the mixed card. So it's 1/0.

If you look at it like this, you see that the black card has twice as much chance of being the one you picked as the mixed card., so it's 66% for black and 33% for mixed. Of course, the odds of picking ANY card is 33%, but you already KNOW it's not any card because I told you one side is black.