After almost 2 years
Was it really 10/10?
After almost 2 years
If Mass Effect 3 is a 10/10 this sure as fuck is.
If Breath of the Wild is a 10.10 this sure as fuck is.
most definately yes
and no one can say otherwise
Botw is 10/10
Uhhh, sorry sweetie~, but that's a no from me.
Yes. I think it is indisputably the best RPG ever made. It's not even close.
what monsters are those?
Not the best combat
Not the best story
But holy shit the scale of the game makes for it.
I fucking love how Witcher 3 came out of fucking nowhere and dumped Fallout 4 in the ground
>fetch quest
>good quest
only 1
The closest thing there is to a 10/10, yes.
Combat I can agree with, it's not a whole lot of a fun but it's a good distraction.
The story though is probably the best I've seen in games.
As a long time Witcher fan, it's definitely a 9/10
>Witcher 3 came out of fucking nowhere
Did you live under a rock?
but he is right.
No one expected it to be a good game
especially after MUH DOWNGRADE
>Witcher 3 came out of nowhere
Maybe the second one, but Wild Hunt had massive hype.
I don't get this. At least The Witcher 3 tries to make most quests somewhat interesting instead of the generic fetch quests that 99% of RPGs have.
>fetch quest
That's not a fetch quest because it requires you to explore and think, not just following your GPS system and pickin up the weapon and bringing it back
The fun part about this quest is figuring out HOW to get that weapon. It's not about going to a point A marked on your map, picking the weapon up and then coming back
What's with all the gothic fags lately? Gothic 2 is one of my favorite games of all time but its disgusting seeing these autists insert it into everything.
You can't have a Morrowind thread without retards coming in and sperging out all over the place when no one even mentioned them or their game, and now they're doing it in Witcher threads. This is some console-wars tier faggotry.
Everyone expected it to be GOTYAY, what are you smoking?
Should I buy this game and dive in, or play all of the Fallout NV dlc that i never played.
Not him, but it seems like a boring quest regardless. In the end it still tells you where to go.
Probably the most overrated game since FF7.
toppest of keks user
>following a gps on your minimap then using witcher senses that solve the quest for you without you even having to use your brain is interesting
Literally not even true, the only people who complained about it were here on Sup Forums. Every critic and almost every other site was fawning over it for half a year before it came out, there was nothing quiet about it.
Have you beaten the previous Witcher game? if no than don't buy it.
Speaking of Witcher 3, has the performance increased at all since a couple months after launch? I pirated it when it was 1.0.3 or something and it ran like ass.
turn it off then
It excelled at absolutely nothing
As opposed to, "Hey, get me this orc weapon." You don't use your brain in any of them. The pic itself says that a guard tells what you to do basically.
Wait, it's been almost 2 years?
Take away the cutscenes and what you have left is the game itself.
If you are a fan of Bioware/CDProjekt type games this does not matter.
If you like more gameplay in your game this may be important.
It is all a matter of taste.
Waifu sims with a save the world mini game are pretty popular atm.
The story starts with a nice flow. Loved the white orchard and Velen parts but it gets stuck in the Novigrad part. It was too slow. It dragged some things too much. Fuck Dandelion.
It tells you to go to a cave with an Orc in it, but the Orc is powerful as fuck and you're weak, so you can try to kill it which is extremely hard and you will die 100 times trying to do it.
Or you can explore the world, if you ask the hunter to help you hunting you will go out in the woods hunting, and it won't be about getting the Orc's weapon, it will be about hunting. You also get to kill other monsters with him before you encounter an Orc (you didn't know about it)
Going to that cave that the guard told you about requires you to fight your way through other monsters to get to that cave and explore using the directions he gave you.
Ive been told it doesnt matter if u do or not
Didn't Fallout 4 win the DICE and BAFTA GOTY awards.
I know Witcher cleaned up with the Teen Choice tier awards but Fallout took the Oscar tier ones.
>The story though is probably the best I've seen in games.
The fuck? The story was completely uninspired and boring?
Yeah, he gives you directions. Which you still have to follow. The difference is that in that game you have to spend some time walking around looking for a corpse in a world that's probably less than a 10th of the size..
If you think RPGs are challenging on this level, you're playing the wrong games.
it's recommended if you want the full effect. you won't feel that connected with the characters if you start with 3.
In all honesty you should read the books because you will be a bit confused as to who characters are and things, but you really don';t have to do that.
Yes. I started blood and wine last week and it's still excellent. Better than the fag enabling cancer shit you faggots play
As good as Horizon.
Too hard.
Never know where herbs or ingredients were.
Punishes you too hard for not reading the books.
Bosses are ridiculous.
I got up to griffin before i broke out Cheat engine, wasen't much longer before i quit
It's a solid 6/10 but sadly gets overrated by the following:
>Witcher fanboys
>PCbros because this is one of the very few AAA games where they don't get completely fucked in the ass
>Waifu autists
>Muh high tier fantasy GoT and Skyrim crowd
It has all of the recipes to strike popular and throw in how sickingly streamlined/watered down it is and the fact that it's ultimately more fun to watch than play and you have the reddit "TLOU IS TEH CITIZEN KANE OF GAYMAN" crowd flocking to it.
The game was mediocre. Story was meh, characters were well written and the overall writing was definitely above average but the game failed as a game. Loot is all but near worthless the moment you get witcher gear, POIs/dungeons follow a sickingly formulaic gaming approach (Geralt following red shit as he mumbles to himself), combat offering close to no variety, depth or real thought and the gameplay is just mind numbingly boring/bland.
This quest sums up Witcher 3 completely
>Quest where I need to find a hidden passage
>Go to house
>need to read his book and solve the clues
>"Holy shit, this game has depth! That riddle sounds hard!"
>Clue is me needing to go into a wine cellar and find a specific wine bottle to open the passage
>"Damn, where do I start!"
>Game tells me to activate Witcher senses
>I do so
>Bottle is highlighted in red
It's this kind of sickening bullshit that makes me convinced that people who praise this game as a 10/10 or "Best RPG ever made", simply haven't played any RPGs outside of Skyrim and Fallout 3/4.
Witcherfags are literally the exact same Redditfags who called Last of Us the best "game ever made" despite it completely failing from a gameplay perspective.
>Game from 2002
>Modern game
It's literally the same thing as The Witcher 3, you're just trying to make it seem more complex to prove your point.
Every story can be reduced to that pretty much. But it's the way it unravels that makes it truly special.
ill never understand the autism that comepelled someone to creat this image. w3 has deeply complex quests, full of moral dilemmas, with unpredicatable yet sensible consequences, involving interesting, three dimensional characters
>there are multiple ways you can fetch him an axe!
i dont think the wretched creature even understand the depth of its autism. if only we could harness such power...
But the Sup Forums spoiler thumbnail is a nice touch.
It can't though.
That's literally the Witcher 3s story. You find Ciri then need to defeat the Wild Hunt and stop the White Frost. You don't even know how she defeats the White Frost
Ciri is literally the star child of ME3.
Try and simplify Planescape Torment, Bioshock 1 or Deus Ex. Go on, i'll wait.
>But it's the way it unravels that makes it truly special.
Sure, if you've not played many games
>2 years ago the President was still the host of Celebrity Apprentice
>Planescape Torment
Kill urself my man
Don't kill urself my man
>Deus ex
Shoot the bad guys
>. "w3 has deeply complex quests"
>Follow the red shit
>"Hmm, Winds howling"
kys Witchershill.
Also, what fucking Moral dilemmas. I keep seeing this meme but I never once saw it.
1. Cerys is clearly the better choice for Skellige. When you side with her brother the game does everything to paint him as some braindead savage whereas Cerys not only comes up with the way of defeating the spirit who took over that old man but she also is the only way to fully solving the Berzerker massacre that happens in the feast
2. Why wouild ANYONE side with Djkstra over Broche?
3. Why would ANYONE not remain neutral and let Temeria reclaim their land?
4. Why would ANYONE not kill the Witcher who clearly and even admittedly, slaughtered innocents after they refused to pay him?
5. Why would ANYONE side with the tree spirit especially when there's a fucking book that talks about how evil it is?
Fucking KYS
>best story I've seen in games
>2/10 main villan
With gameplay like that? Absolutely not.