is this the closest we're ever going to get to a
Is this the closest we're ever going to get to a
pretty sure the saw movies are closer
how so?
oh wait never mind, i got it
lisa the rpg thread?
I didn't realize I wanted to see this until now.
Even if it's just kinda close, Lisa is an excellent game.
I think the opening scene in this movie is very "lisa" esqe
like the opening credits on a blank screen with audible noise in the background.
and then a hard cut to some wasted guy I half expected that 70's song that was in LISA to come in.
Don't think I've ever seen a real life example of this
>old cynical man, dying and busted body
>goes on a mission one last time
>uses shots so he can function for short periods of time
Summer Love is unironically one of my favorite vidya songs.
Movie was great but the ending could have been better imo
>Gets impaled on the log, girl shoots metaphor for Logans anger
>Girl runs over all sad
>He tells her to go, a poignant short line or two
>She crys but nods and runs off to saftey in canada
>Movie ends by zooming out slowly with him dying on the log
>But still happy with what he did
would a Lisa the RPG movie even work?
It would have to be like an HBO series or something
God I fucking love LISA.
Overplayed. The ending we got was much better than that
>The Nobody hates himself
Had to try desperately to hold back tears. Fucking phenomenal game.
The shots reminded me exactly of Old Snake
>Not the last of us
But seriously it has more similarities with the Last of us than it does with Lisa
That's the thing about why I wouldn't want it to be a movie, the masses wouldn't understand.
Brad Says Goodbye, despite Joyful being a poor experience, is the most moving scene in the game.
How did Wolverine die from being impaled on a log of all things?
Probably, but it'd still be better as a game. The highlights are when it tells the story through the gameplay, like when Brad becomes a Joy Mutant, he gradually gains Joy Mutant abilities and the music shifts into the Joy Mutant's themes.
Healing factor was barely working, wound was too big.
As he (and Charles) aged their powers started to fade. His healing had been slowing down for years and by the point the movie happens, it can't even close up his knuckle wounds from his blades completely.
Also just before that he took a big ol dose of some mutantsteroid serum stuff that made him like his young self for a bit, but afterwards made him even worse then before.
Did you ignore the entire fight scene that happened before hand? Or the entire movie explaining things?
His healing factor was quickly burning out and the green goop had kicked the last of it into overdrive. His body could hardly keep off the adamantium poisoning that was going to kill him anyway
It's not their powers fading as much as the water and food retarding their X gene. That's why there's no more mutant babies as well.
I've wanted to play Lisa for a while now but there's just so many games I've been playing I can't really pick up a new one without forsaking it or one I'm already playing.
How long is it? I usually do semi completionist (maybe ~80%?)
Did you miss the entire subplot about the US government literally poisoning the water and food supply of the country to weaken mutants?
>that literal who scientist villain
>Logan shoots him in the head during his monologue
Won't take you more than 5-6 hours if you don't dawdle.
Do it.
>richard grant
>literal who
Fucking kids.
I missed the part where it weakened current mutants. I thought it was just to prevent more being born.
>Poison fucks up anything with the X-Gene, including causing miscarriages in X-Gene babies
Gee I wonder how this could have negative effects on a person with an X-Gene.
I wasn't doubting you, I said I missed it. Chill.
It's unclear, but Logan dying from food is stupid and it should have been his aging
>Neir soon
>Zelda emulator progressing fast
>Started System Shock 2 a week or two before that
Fuck. I need more time.
Why would aging cause your genes to turn off?
It's several things, aging, adamantium and poisoned food slowing his healing factor down.
It's like you went to take a piss during the ending and assumed something else happened
The chemicals in the food/water supply (ie. from corn) destroyed the X gene which suppressed Wolverine's healing factor. Combined with the adamantium poisoning and the fucking centuries of injuries he's built up, Wolverine finally succumbed and died.
How did you guys even miss this? The scientist villain literally gives a speech about it right in the climax.
Press X to pay respects
here's the song it was sampled from, jarring and weird the first few listens but p. gud
Did they actually have the brains to use the fact that adamantium is poisonous in this movie?
What the fuck was the Windchester incident that made Xavier cry for no reason and where are the rest of the X-Men? Also there are mutants all over the world right? Why was it implied only Logan and Xavier were left?
They're dead user.
Charles had his first siezure at Westchester and killed all the X-Men.
How did you miss that?
His first seizure from old age killed the X-Men
Seems Xavier accidentally killed a lot of them with one of his seizures.
By "aging" with Logan, we are really talking about his healing factor, which is not infinite.
The adamantium poisoning causes it extra strain which is why he ages much faster after receiving it. Eventually the healing factor burns itself out and this happens much faster because it's constantly repairing the dam age of his skeleton
Oh fuck...
just seen this movie tonight.
holy fuck dude.
what a goddamn SLAYER.
Yeah they keep it vague for awhile but Logan refers to it specifically later on
What movie was that in? If it was in one anyways, it worth watching?
He never knew until they were talking about the casino incident on the radio.
And then he gets an unmarked grave in the middle of a forest.
Happened a year before the events of Logan took place.
Zombie wolverine will be the next installment
It would take about 1 year for his body to recover from that injury
Yeah. Logan makes references to it several times and by the end he basically says it outright.
Wasted potential.
X-24 was such a shitty plot device. Came out of nowhere and had no purpose except kill the most beloved characters in the franchise.
*leans back*
He looks like Max Payne in number 3.
So tired and broken.
The Donald was a pretty good character
Gotcha. Didn't think it happened on film, but just in case I was wrong. Thanks user.
I get it.
I thought it was pretty funny, but you immediately put two and two together and knew the clone would kill off the original.
Hope for a future of mutants? A way for Logan's conflicted life finally finding a small measure of peace?
I really don't understand all the people who liked the movie.
Plot was contrived. Characters were shit- except cHARLES, Logan, and that black guy who died. Oh wait, EVERYBODY died. F. This isn't in itself a bad thing, but it felt forced. What border were they crossing? The villains could have been great but they weren't developed at all. x-24 was a fucking shoe-in. Charles first seizure was just hinted at- I saw it and figured he killed a bunch of them, never thought he'd killed ALL of them.
I think (I hope) he meant the character was a literal who
>tfw Picard says 'fuck' a lot but Withnail doesn't at all
Did you see that chubby nignog at the end though? I was rooting for him, hoping he wouldn't get caught. Truly cinematic.
do you plebs not pay attention to a simple capeshit movie?
when logan is driving the truck after they leave the casino, the radio mentions the "westchester incident" that took the lives of dozens of people including 6 members of the team known as the x-men, and then logan shuts off the radio in disgust
xavier is the most powerful psychic on earth, but he ended up suffering from seizures as an ironic fate, the villains even make a joke about this
>original cinematic timeline ends with everyone getting killed from Sents
>DoFP creates a new cinematic timeline that doesn't end up with Sents
>Logan shows that everyone dies again anyways lol
But why
The Wolverine movies took a huge fucking step backward imo. X-24 was basically as shitty as the pseudo-Deadpool in Origins
nothing changes with xavier
> you now realize that xavier wasn't old enough in the original timeline or days of futures past, and would ALWAYS eventually suffer a seizure killing half his students and team
they were on borrowed time with a ticking timebomb and had no idea
I couldn't stop laughing at the little fat fucker.
>What border were they crossing?
God wills it
The version that was in Lisa The Pointless is pretty close to the original. Didn't realize that til now
charles is that strong a seizure can kill most of the xmen?oh shit
South Dakota?
>Lisa esque
... You've literally described the most used action movie cliché.
He has telepathy and a degenerative brain disease.
Weapon X
>But why
Because mutants are a blight and humans deserve a godd ending. I still can't believe they dared to pull this off.
Too bad none of the x-men are coming back in the next game
I can't listen to it too long.
has there ever been a good xmen game?
Lisa the painful is kinda funny.
All these people that claim to be into it for the story and they miss out on a great experience because LISA will never be as popular as undertale and that's a huge bummer.
I'm never going to play it because the artstyle is revolting. Ironic/Onpurpose bad is still bad.
x-men arcade
both sega genesis games
x-men legends 1 & 2
marvel ultimate alliance 1 also has x-stuff
and of course the ravensoft M-rated wolverine game which is one of the few good movie tie-in games
League of Legends.
>see logan
>feel like playing the wolverine origins game
>no one is selling it
Goddamn copyright whores.
I'm thinking about spending this Sunday doing a double feature of this and Kong at the Alamo.
I think the Wolverine game on PS1 was decent