>Okay guys, we've figured out our design for Mehrunes Dagon
>He's gonna be a 500 foot tall darth maul with 4 arms and a battleaxe
>...wait... how about wolverine claws
Shittiest Character Designs
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Beteshda has had really mediorce art direction in every game, except for some reason Morrowind.
Half of the overwatch characters and 90% of the skins in the game are shit tier.
The claws are super stupid. Were it not for that the character wouldn't be so laughable. Just a demon with four arms, generic but not ridiculous.
Buttblasted Battleborn fanboy.
Let's be serious, Battleborn has the worst character design among super high budget AA games.
They're both pretty bad.
What should he have looked like?
>What should he have looked like?
exactly like this but having horns or some shit
Not just wolverine claws, but only claws on one hand!
Mehrunes Dagon has always looked like that you fool.
Everything about the designs in Oblivion were bad.
don't call me a fool you fucking prick
He didn't skip a neck day.
Jazz for the soul.
Mehrunes is a definition of edgelord, why do you expect him not to look edgy as fuck.
No, Oblivion was just exceptionally bad. Skyrim's art direction was fine.
I'd say Molag Bal is the god of edge.
he is god of rape not edge
yeah he is edgy who loves to kill and rape
but not like mehrunes who wants everything destroyed
Doesn't mean OW's characters aren't generic
serious question
who is the strongest daedric prince
Malcath or that guy with goat head who turns people into lycans
>taking shit about a character design from 10 years ago
>it was really about the logan claws
I am sure this is a bait
but fuck this Logan existed since 1974
Pretty sure jyg is said to be the most powerful. Him or hermaeus mora would be my guess. Possibly even sheogorath due to his unpredictability
Skyrim is full of dumb design choices, like overdesigned swords with spiky handles and unique weapons that look identical to their regular versions
Shivering Isles and Skyrim were good entirely thanks to Adam Adamowicz
Rip in peace
Why the fuck can't you fight Merunes? I know that he's a Daedra and everything. But they should have made him like Dagoth. He doesn't fights you at his fullest in your first encounter, then he's impossible to beat by normal means.
You get to fight Dagoth before getting to the Heart? Since when?
Everything in Skyrim looked fucking awful you blind horse-fucker.
>wolverine claws
Holy shit i never saw that
isn't sheo suppossed to be Intelligent not strong?
I mean when he challenged that other prince that he can beat his beasts he sent a butterfly while the other prince sent a huge strong beast but due to the butterfly's ability to fly the beast couldn't hit it and exhausted in the end
It takes skill to make a generic concept memorable.
I know about that, I thought you implied you get to fight him much earlier in the game than that.
Dagon doesn't want everything destroyed, he wants everything changed and revolved. Molag Bal's real literally has a replica of the Imperial Tower with shit, blood and cum all over it.
You can if you wabberjack him. I know you're not supposed to be able to kill him, but you're not supposed to be able to kill Dagoth ur without using Kagnerac's tools.
Oh, no. I was saying that Dagon should be fought in the same manner as Dagoth. The first time normally and the second time in a special way.
If by "shittiest" you mean "best", then here you go.
>exactly like this but having horns or some shit
>yes and with a battleaxe plus wolverine claws
>oh and with red skin and 4 arms
>also he should be taller
>get to that part on Xbox
>drops to literally 2-5 fps
I unironically like this but without the coat and without the tank top