What does Sup Forums think of Asuka 120%?

What does Sup Forums think of Asuka 120%?

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Is it some hugely complicated game?

I'd give that character 120% of my dick, though I had never heard of this game before

Not at all. It's pre-Guilty Gear anime fighting game. It's pretty easy to pick up.

The title sounds like something I would expect out of some japanese hardcore EDM.

Then the text at the bottom is kinda pointless.

Thought about getting the PC Engine port(original?), but I'm not sure if it's worth it with the Saturn version existing.

Plus now post-college I can't play fighting games with friends as easily so it would be exclusively for the gurlz.

Not like I've bought games because of pretty anime women before...

As far as retro waifu fighting games go, it's alright, though not on the same level as Advanced V.G. 2.

What does it say? I can't read moonrunes.

Was there ever a U.S. release of this? I like fighting games, so I'd like to get this eventually.


As far as I know, the first waifu fighting game to get a US release was Arcana Heart.

Explains why the director is looking for Western feedback for AH4.

>that soundtrack


There is a Saturn version called Asuka 120% Limit Over that is the most balanced of the bunch and it based on the Saturn version of the game,the only problem is that they removed the story mode,the PCE version is fine too though

I played it for the first time not long ago and I found funny how much Melty Blood took from it.

The Saturn version is the best. This and LimitOver are the last one made by the original team.

Before playing the game make sure to read the manual. Store it in carefully a place where you can always look at it.

I was under the impression that AVG 1 and 2 were nothing more than panty-shot simulators wrapped around a fighting game engine.

To elaborate on this, Asuka 120% doesn't have a burst, airdashes, roman cancel and much advanced defensive subsystems.

Combo system is close to Melty Blood. You can double jump and jump/double jump cancel, tech in the air, tech wallslam, alpha counter. There's a clash system reminiscent of Arcana Heart's.

The 120% refers to the meter that can go up to, well, 120%. If it reaches 120%, it slowly goes down. I forgot what the fuck having 120% gives you, I need to replay it.

I mean, the games overall play like a stripped down anime fighting game. If you ever played an anime fighting game, it's easy to pick up. If not, well you can just mash buttons and shit happens (the controls are pretty loose).

AVG2 should not be compared with the rest of the series.

The mechanics are refined, the controls are tight yet responsive, combos and stuff actually work. It doesn't play like total shit anymore. It's worth giving it a shot.

>panty-shot simulators wrapped around a fighting game engine.
Isn't that why you're playing it in the first place?

Tamaki's theme is so fucking good in every version of the game.
Here, have this cover that somebody made for a competition a few years back. It's actually how I discovered this series.


Funnily enough, AVG2 got rid of ecchi scenes. Even Sakura in SF is way lewder than any of AVG2's character.

Fair enough; I was only familiar really with AVG 1, which is just an excuse to show off ecchi scenes. I'll have to check out AVG2. I am confident that surely this game hasn't been gouged out the ass by ebay!

I get where you were going from. AVG1 was already a big leap forward compared to the really shitty earlier games, but AVG2 just went even further to a point where you can actually discuss tiers and combos without trying to figure out why things don't work.

AVG2 and VG Max are the only legit games in the series, but I'm not a fan of chibi fighting games. Plus, AVG2 characters just have KOF14-tier long limbs that you can use to zone, footsies or convert into bnb's (I guess that's what you get with those mid-90s slender character designs).

I know very little.

Here's a really obscure one you didn't know from the makers of Dead or Alive

Is that game the one where 2D sprite characters coexist with 3D model ones? It sure is a weird 90s game.

Yes, and it's pretty broken too. Even though the 100% combos are almost humanly impossible.

To further elaborate on AVG2, it plays like a cross between Alpha 1 and the Real Bout games. Combos aren't very long (it's a 90s game after all), but you can easily dish out 40-70% combos depending on the amount of meter used (up to 3). All characters can do that, even the shit tier one (Manami). There are target/dial-a-combos that you can mix with juggles and links (links are pretty loose though, like 3f-ish). Not all characters require either links or juggles or even air chains.

They were actually hentai games that began on the PC98. Advanced VG 1/2 and Super VG (for SNES) are the "tame" versions of the hentai games.

I think most people knew of this game from MUGEN, since Raiya was a popular character back then. Too bad the rest of the characters suck.

Black Raiya uses Ode to Joy as a theme, weirdly.

What about this grill?

>tfw they don't make cute 2D like they used to

animu hair used to be a lot more appealing before about 2002 or so

That's actually where I discovered her from, too. I thought she looked cool if her moves were a bit run of the mill shoto stuff. I liked her theme, too. It's very 70s/80s anime.

good thread anons


It's the shading. Five separate shades per part; highlight, bright, main color, darker color, nearly black. Sometimes only four shades, not having the bright color. It adds depth, but doesn't border on photorealistic like most games seem to try for nowadays, nor does it try to be super simple like modern anime styles.

The colors weren't super saturated either, unless the game was entirely bright and colorful. Everything just naturally fit in the environment it was put in. Modern stuff is like South Park; slapped together and barely fits.

any more?

I like to think the photorealistic style is an evolution of the classic 80s/90s shading.

Any more of what?

What? Early anime 2d 90's fighting games?

There was one game from the era of good anime games, but I can't recall its name. Only character I remember was some girl in a blue bodysuit with a white vest, bigass sneakers and gloves, and rabbit ears. I remember it was a fighting game, but that's it. Any idea what game this might be?

Also, while not exactly as old as the others, Arcana Hearts 3 is my favorite fighting game with anime girls. So many good designs.


what about NGE battle orchestra?

>but I can't recall its name. Only character I remember was some girl in a blue bodysuit with a white vest, bigass sneakers and gloves, and rabbit ears
You're talking about Waku Waku 7 user.

Her name was Arina

that sounds like Galaxy Fight by Sunsoft. The character would be Roomi.

Sadly, the game is probably better in your mind than in real life. Some weird design choices, like infinitely-scrolling stages in a fighting game.

Holy shit thank you. That's been driving me nuts for a while now.

Why does everyone care about Limited when Final has more content and further refinement?

Why isn't modern anime as good as it used to be?

user they're all similar, don't split hairs over it

>further refinement
That's up to debate though. It wasn't made by Fill-in Cafe and it introduced the down system which is controversial.

Limited feels more traditional.

Well they redid the sprites for Limited didn't they?

Do we even know who made it?

I recall hearing it was made by either really dedicated fans or ex-devs.

A change in art, a change from hand-drawn and cels to digital, and a change in consumers' interests.

While the change from hand drawn to digital is unavoidable, we just need more people in the world who want better stuff. Unfortunately, cheap cash grabs are much easier to make, and appeal to such a wide audience. Talking in the third person like a special ed student, getting upset about dropping bread when running down the street, japanese truck driver murders, and so on; it's more wanted than good art and good story.

All it takes is motivated artists and programmers, and we could easily go back to the days of good anime art in games. The quirky and unique styles of yesteryear are sadly antiques, much like Felix the Cat and Popeye The Sailor.

Also, in relation to Asuka 120%, Phantom Breaker Extra is its spiritual successor. It's made by former Fill-in Cafe staff.

Budgets are a main thing. Anime is now focused on pumping out as many 1cour shows per season and seeing what sticks rather than focus on fewer long form shows.

I don't know. Litte has changed. Everything's a business decision with corporations controlling what gets made. It's only that corporations have become more desperate lately and focusing on things like otaku and internet memes. Because of the internet...yeah, the internet.

You know what, I think it's the internet that has changed things.

The people who want something have become more vocal about what they want on the internet and the companies find it allright to pander to them with greater force than normal. Before, what people liked was generally a mystery, so they had to play a guessing game with that, and bank on really idealistic people.

It's the internet, my friend.

Is there a link to play LimitOver?

Is there an easy way to play it?

i 120% want to fuck that anime girl

Phantom Breaker Extra? It's on PS3 and 360.


LimitOver is the one made by ex-devs. Final was made by Success Corporation.

Wow the Windows port is on Archive.org

Pretty amazing how this eluded me for so long.

I see. thanks.

>likes bishoujo fighting anime with badass waifus, wants more of them
>Okay! Let's make shitty battle harem with gary stu MC and female characters riding on its dick and using shitty magical power

>shitty battle harem with gary stu MC and female characters riding on its dick and using shitty magical power
That's been replaced by Isekai lately and it shows no signs of stopping. The good thing is, new trash doesn't suddenly make old anime vanish. I have something like 150 shows on my backlog so I can easily ride out bad seasons.

Isekai just reminds me of those 90s fantasy anime, never got interested in either of them.

And true that, but people usually like to talk about new stuff so it's kinda tiring hearing about isekai this, isekai that.

>It's a "Sup Forums thinks it knows anything about anime" episode

speaking of which, fans of fighting girl anime should watch the 2-episode Natsuki Crisis OVA. Better than the manga (which I think is unfinished), and more worthwhile than the ho-hum SNES fighter the game is based on.

great music too

Anyway, good thread. I hope it survives a few more hours.

There's actually a lot of that out there, they're just niche doujin games, user. On the other hand, companies think you're in the vocal minority apparently and that guys are still turned off by playing as weebbait anime girls and girls don't want to play as sexy hot anime girls. Which is probably true.

Anime fighting games have been getting more and more anime girl characters lately, though. Just look at Blazblue and Guilty Gear. We used to have only less than a handful of girl characters, but now cute anime girls are nearly half the roster.

I'm moreso talking about anime in general, because it's geared toward eastern culture, whereas vidya has to sell both east and the west, and the west is partially to blame as to why you're not getting what you want, since what you like is not admittedly coinciding with other western players' wants.

Note that I said "admittedly", as in, people don't want to admit it. People are afraid of looking like weeb fags who like girly anime babes wearing a bunch of pink and spray magic at you because it makes them look sissy.

i actually own this and many other female fighting games for saturn.

comfy times

I was talking about anime too. Stuff like Ikkitousen doesn't get made often whereas battle harems get released by the dozen.

So guys just want to have a gary stu escapist MC with shitty girls surrounding him. This is sad.

I played a really obscure PC fighting game that wasn't any of these. And it fucking sucked. I think it was some dojin game. I don't remember the name sadly, but I think it was for PC-98.

Yep, pretty much. Have you seen Sup Forums? They all want that and complain about "yurifags" because there's no guy to represent their tiny penises. Because pretending to have sex through anime means you're no longer a virgin, and stuff.

It's a shame they can't go out and get realistically laid "with a 3d girl", but they're still so insecure about looking like a virgin or a cuck in the 2d world. I have no words for these people.

>wanting to touch or go near irl 3dpds
have fun being a seat on the cock carousel