I´m in the reactor level, and holy shit I can´t believe I didn´t play this masterpiece before. You were right...

I´m in the reactor level, and holy shit I can´t believe I didn´t play this masterpiece before. You were right, Sup Forums.

How far I am right now?

Alien: Isolation thread.

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Slightly more than half way.

You've got a bit more, but you have a lot of equipment to use now. So it goes a bit faster.

Yeah, its a great game.

the game is 10/10 until you get to the point where there's no alien and you're just fighting robots for four hours then it becomes a boring slog

I don't know what the fuck they were thinking, it's one of the most pants on head retarded design decisions I've ever seen in a video game

I don't think the alien was absent that long.

When you discover that there more aliens than just one is the point where the game starts to drag.

I´m actually enjoying that part a lot, it takes out a little of the tension and lets you enjoy the enviroment and explore at your own pace

What's wrong with the android parts? I thought fighting swarms of them was fun. The way they just sorta stagger when you shoot them. It was cool.

Man, I started a new playthrough on Nightmare when that patch hit, but haven't come further than the intro yet because I remember the game and how taxing it is on my nerves.

because the entire hook of the game is the Alien, avoiding it and creatively manipulating the AI to take out the robots and humans for you when you can

shooting waves of boring bullet sponge enemies isn't fun, yeah their meme dialogue is funny and all but it doesn't make it fun to play

You're right near the point where you'll start wishing it could just end already. I actually stopped not that long after where you are. It got very tedious and unfun.

I thought this is one of the best horror games I've played in the last three years, it's really a very tense experience isn't it?

It does get a little long, longer than most horror titles, but in some ways I feel like it adds value. I definitely got my money's worth cause I got it on steam sale.

ending felt slightly rushed and abrupt but the last part of the game was good

Currently playin' it, it's awesome... but why is Chapter 10 so long?
Also I learned that not every android is hostile...

have to admit, i suck at this game.
i walk through an area for ten minutes get captured by the alien (my mistake or some new mechanic), die, respawn and already try to rush through the known areas.
If i get caught again i already lose interest :/

Learn to take it slow and know where the Alien is at all times. Never go underneath vents that have saliva dripping from them.

>Also I learned that not every android is hostile...

The secret it's in their eyes, but if you do some shit near them they'll get mad and will start chasing you.

I love this game so much and I cant believe some shat on it because its long or hard.
I mean wtf? how are any of these problems? its like complaining that your Steak is too big and juicy.
It's a miracle this game happened it was a gift from the gods and was a bright light of hope for what I thought was a dead franchise.

I finished this recently and I loved it. It dragged a little and started to feel like a slog towards the end but overall it was a great experience, both as a fan of the movie and a fan of survival horror.

christ i found this game boring

>saliva dripping from them
yeah that was one of my first deaths, thought the alien is not in the area and i was curious if there are some alien goo or eggs in the vent.

but this is also one of my major complains. The alien is always near you. I know that now. But at first it is a bit frustrating when you sneak perfectly through a big area and the alien somehow is always right next to you.

"Ohh you thought the alien is down the long ass hallway in the big room at the start, wandering in the wrong direction. Guess you can explore the room for a second without checking the detector? Nop he is waiting on the door and you always have to take cover and wait for her to enter the room and go out again."

doesnt matter if you unlocked a new door, or it is some random corner in a random room. the alien will always be near you.

I know this is why people like the game so much. But for me, its not much fun right now.

it isn't that the game is """too long""" it's that it goes on, and on, and on long past the point of reasonably fun returns

the android only segments are inexcusable

Played it on hard. I usually use normal, but for Alien hard was only real option to get real Alien to hunt me.

Only 5,5% has done it on Steam?

I should be more clear about my experience being different than the stock one, because I installed a mod that makes the alien roam around the levels more rather than just follow you.

Even if you have the stock game, you can distract the alien with noisemakers.

What reactor level? The whole game is basically backtracking ad nausea to the same four places.

You know, the level with the reactor and lightning surges?

Did you play the game, user?

nah this is not really a complain about the difficulty. Its just that i expected the alien to behave different. She basically follows the player in every fucking room, without even getting a single hint over the players existance there.
perhaps i try the mod or change the difficulty from hard, when it really gets frustrating.

games good but the ending was retarded

There's more than one alien

I still don't get...
If you feel its getting too long and you want to stop just stop and play another time.
Everyone seems to think you have to paly through the whole game none stop till its finished.
But I say fuck that if I like game but wont to stop playing ill stop and play another time. its simple.

Fuck off Aidsmoby

this I was questioning myself "How did the xeno get so fast to where I am after I took a transit car?" Then the nest sequence happened and everything was explained.

>nope hes waiting
>wait for her

Which is it faggot? Is the alien male or female?

i thought, well its just a game.just ignore the transit sections.
from now on, i wont assume its gender.

>Giger-inspired creature
>Assigning a specific gender

Look at some of his artwork. Everything is bristling with dicks and vaginas.

He had a great style.


watch this vid if you want to understand the xeno better


Alien is what it is because of him.

How about you give me a quick rundown rather than a 10+ minute montage shitheap?

>type out something that takes you 10 mins

I don't owe you anything

thanks for the vid.
So the Alien will always be on my ass. But will give me room for a few moments to let the stress level go down.