>post yfw you don't fall for Ubisoft memes anymore

buyers remorse thread?

I told you retards, but then again those retards were probably legitimately shills

>flavor of the week

From what I've seen of it it seemed like there was a good game somewhere inside of it, hidden under layers of shit

>HEY Sup Forums! The (Insert Ubisoft game) is pretty gud stop hating plox!
>Sup Forums is one person! none of us liked it
>cycle x1000

Happenedon Division, Siege, Ghost recon and For honor.

fuck you guys for letting shills get to you

>there are anons on Sup Forums right now who preordered this

They almost had me this time, but patience triumphs once again.

>installed beta
>played 2 hours
>deinstalled, never to return

Ubisoft are the kings of creating big explosive powerhouses that last a handful of days before they die. Rainbow Six Siege is a miracle that it came out the way it did and GAINED players over a year.

That's a cute trap.

>Play the beta
>Love it
>Don't buy it because I know it will die quickly because of Ubisoft bullshit
>Saved money and had lots of fun with it before it got boring

This same thing is going to happen with Ghost Recon.

I was somewhat hyped for this game, looked good
is it that bad? damn

People keep buying Ubisoft games.


Thank fuck I didn't buy this crap.

I'm in love with this lady

and Sup Forums will circlejerk it like no tomorrow

Haha, that gif is awesome.

The core gameplay is great, it's just the servers are fucking terrible. Like the first public event they tried had to be extended because games were crashing half the time.



>mfw not falling for any western scam memes anymore

>Ubisoft game flops


goddamn Sup Forumsirgins

What did you think would happen?

Anyone with half a brain could see the repetition since the beta footage. A lot of people even said they were bored with it at the end of the beta.

And Battlefront EA.

>post yfw you realize Ubisoft pays some faggots to play their game for a week or two to artificially boost the playerbase

That's why Ubisoft is so god awful. Merely making a bad game is regrettable. Making a potentially good game and driving it into the ground with horrible decisions bent on rubbing every penny out of it is pure evil.

Balance issues and p2p fucks a large portion of the player base who apparently have shit internet


All they had to do was make dedicated servers and not Peer2Peer bullshit

As someone who usually gives in to hype, I'm glad I've been able to resist Ubi's garbage.

There are better games out there to buy with my credit cards.

>xD I'm so ironic


is it really a trap?

Siege is gained more people after launch tho

50% rating on Steam

They charged 60$ (+season pass) for a 30$ game that doesnt work half the time

Feels amazing man.

>Play Division beta
>Its shit
>Play For Honor beta
>Its shit
>Dont bother with Wildlands beta
>Its shit

triple aaa trash dead in a week. what a surprise.

Super bunny hop on suicide watch.

To fill anyone in who hasn't bought the game with as little memeing/intentional disinformation as possible

For Honor is a game that's fun at low levels before everyone really figures out how the game works. Before everyone can parry reliably, guard-break-counter reliably, what have you. Because of how many defensive systems are in place, and because across the board defense is quicker on reaction than any offensive option, the game has encouraged a Hyper-Defensive Meta where you're trying to bait your opponent into doing something that you can defensively react to, so your damage is guaranteed to land while he's staggered by his attack bouncing off your guard/parry/etc

Combine this with poor class balance (Lawbringer being a noted Bottom-Tier pick, a counterattacker who can't actually get damage off any of his counterattacks because people can parry/dodge his counterattacks due to how long they take to start up/Peacekeeper, Warlord, and Warden rule the roost as The Character Fast Enough To Actually Hit You Before You Can Block, Best Defensive Game, and Has A Nigh-Inescapable Vortex Move+No Actual Weaknesses respectfully), means that For Honor was destined to lose playerbase quickly.

It's got potential. And that's good if you feel good about being potentially good, but For Honor needs heavy reworking not just on a class balance level, but a core mechanics level to break up the Hyper Defense meta and make more of the cast viable at higher skill play

>draw girl
>call it a boy

seems like it


Thank God they managed to save Siege, their only good game since Black Flag.

But my favorite streamer said it was good

I just wish they would die already.

>mfw I'm not stupid enough to buy a Ubisoft game
>mfw I share a board with people who bought the game EVEN AFTER getting to try the trash first-hand in beta
>mfw Wildlands has 10k less peak players on launch and is going to be an even bigger blunder

I'm one of those players
I stopped playing because they balanced the game in a shitty way
It was fine when it launched

All they had to do was have dedicated fucking servers and not try and push their shitty online distribution platform. If EA can't make Origin stick, Ubisoft sure as shit won't make fucking Uplay stick.

But no. Its another classic case of corporate suits who got trained in business school to run Banks and Factories fucking up an entertainment companies product.

Is Ubisoft's business model so cut and dry now that they are beyond redemption?

>mfw the only Ubisoft game I've bought in the past 5 years was Black Flag

If anyone bought this trash based on the false hype obvious shills were making about this game a week before it launched deserve it.

>just NOW grasping this fact

You have to go back.

It's Ubisoft. They couldn't make a compelling multiplayer game to save their lives. In that regard Activision and EA curb stomp Ubisoft.

Ubisoft should an hero

I know there are families involved and all but i just hope they get bankrupt.

totally unexpected
i wonder why



I guarantee you that most people who buy Ubisoft games usually hate anime/Japanese games and buy Ubisoft's instead because they're what you get after you've bought the usual sports games, Battlefield and Call of Duty games.

Every single Ubisoft game is presented at E3 and the conference is so bad that anything with production value is hyped immensely by retards impressed at footage that absolutely doesn't resemble the final game in any sort of capacity.


I don't see how 13000 players is lol dead game.

the minute I saw the boobs was the second I stopped stroking my penis.


How many times do people need to get burned before they stop buying that shit?

You are unknowingly playing Ubisoft games if you play modern AAA games (not saying you specifically are playing aaa games)
Ubisoft's model of open world games has taken over the industry, just look at MGS V and BotW

>hyped as fuck because I like games like mount & blade and chivalry.
>resist hte urge of buying it and play the beta for free.
>bored after 3 hours.
>saved 60$ for this garbage

Feels amazing

Ubisoft is the McDonalds of video games.

what boobs

Who said it was dead, did you read OP's post?

>bought game
>lag seems to be getting worse some how not better
>game is still very playable, but have a feeling that ubishit will fuck this up more somehow
>tfw atleast i didnt fall for season pass meme

If anything this means the games going up on sale sooner

I've got 60 Steamsillybux on reserve and hopefully theyll bundle it with the seasonpass

I hate anime and I'm not going to buy Ubishit garbage.

All it takes is another Rayman.

Siege is more fun than for honor.


So has Ubisoft been consistently shitting themselves for years now, and that Black Flag and Siege were just lucky breaks?

Vivendi might acquire them, and I hope they do. There is a reason Ubisoft released two multiplayer games weeks away from each other.

>mfw how many people DID fall for the Ubisoft meme
I didn't fall for it, but I didn't have the money anyways so I don't think it counts

If they added official servers, I'm sure player retention would have been better.

This sadly.

I enjoy a good game where someone knows the fundamentals mostly but still isn't an all knowing god of defense that even feints don't phase them. Played an Orochi last night who I only killed once across 3 duels and informed me that he actually plays with UI of because he found blocking/parrying too easy

So I bought a GPU and it came with a free copy of tom clancy wildlands or for honor.

Which one is the least shit?

>buy game
>play it 200 hours
>wew u fell for meme
>buy 12 hour RPG

Success is based on sales, not on how many people continue to play the game. Also 50k on steam is quite a bit.



For Honor is least shit because it has cool aesthetics. Thats the only positive thing about the game.

>never fell for the ubisoft meme.

>"The next game will be better"
>"They won't let us down this time"
>"Beta was pretty fun"
>"They'll fix the problems"


>quantity is more important than quality
under age detected

*teleports behind you*
*loop a laggy combo*
*pull the plug when losing*

>been skipping Ubisoft games ever since Uplay

Someone who really likes the game here, I'm not surprised.

Network issues are fucking astounding, matches drop all the time. Hit registration is wonky most of the time, and constant "Recovering Connection" pauses for far too frequent.

Balance is fucking weird, some characters have just 1 or 2 things that push them into the absurd zone, which fucks the entire game... For most people.

That hyper-defense meta mentioned above can be some of the most boring god damn shit in the world, and sometimes it's not, it really depends. Sometimes you'll get ultra-tryhards that play into it exactly, and sometimes you'll get people who understand it's completely fucking mind-numbing and loosen up, expecting you to do the same. Those are the definitely more fun matches.

#1 is what fucked seige at launch, which likely will be fixed.

#2 and #3 are much more deeply rooted issues in design, and fucks with the real-money transactions some people may have made.


I just donĀ“t buy sjw games

never fails to let me down

I almost fucking did user.
Thank goodness.

>Only 2 ubi games I've gotten in the last 10 years were Rayman Legends and Child of Light
>Hated both
Never touching their shit again. Fucking frog eaters.

The last Ubisoft game I bought was Two Thrones.

Is the tide finally turning? Are multiplayer memeshit games finally a dead genre?