I still can't believe they nerfed her primary fire. Not even a nerf to her healing, just made her worse at defending herself.
So you say she now plays more like you know a "HEALER"
I dont think healers are supposed to be good at dpsing
Except she didn't dps before.
It's just good balancing to have someone with difficult aiming and low fire rate do good damage.
>Except she didn't dps before.
Yes she did.
She wasn't even good before the nerf. Now she is literally fucking useless.
Damaging a Rein shield doesn't count user.
The nerf was good. What's the matter?
Wait what did blizzard do this time??
Her stupid nade on her feet was total bullshit
They nerfed the by far best hero in the game.
must've sucked some major dick with her, user. why is she a must in all comp and the best healer? (before this nerf hits live)
>you have to headshot to stun
>you have to headshot to heal
You could easily pick off a Zenyatta or Pharah before if you had decent aim
Ana has been bullshit for a long time. While the nerfs are pretty severe, my guess is they will back off a little once the changes are on live for a few days and the Ana-fags scream nonstop (like with Bastion).
>people seriously think that this nerf is going to affect her
The fast healing, sleep dart, heal buff, debuff and ultimate is still there.
They just nerfed the damage
>when you activate your Ult but there's an Ana with good aim on the other team
That's because she outranges them. She will after the nerfs too.
user I'm not arguing her damage nerf changes how she's used, I'm just saying it's a useless nerf that would better be placed on her healing. She takes an immense amount of aiming and shot leading to defend herself unscoped and this just neuters her. Kiling a good Tracer 1v1 with Ana remains the most gratifying and difficult thing to do in this game and I don't think I'd appreciate if it stopped being feasible.
You could take out a zenyatta because you only needed to land 3 shots and you could do that really fast before he could find cover.
Now you need to land 6 shots, which is more than enough time for him to duck behind something and let his shield recharge
>Except she didn't dps before.
She could kill most character in three hits. That's how many hits it takes most DPS to kill a 200 health hero and usually at a much closer range than her.
You have to be retarded to think her damage made sense before especially when compared to other supports.
>That's because she outranges them
Not really true dude. Almost no one could beat Ana because of how good her grenade was.
Also Zenyatta has no damage fall off and higher DPS so how exactly did she out range him?
You're talking out your ass.
now they just gotta nerf symmetra's w+m1 damage and the game might be ok
Please, Zenyatta himself is a walking tactical nuke. Discord your enemy, and they go down in two hits if one of them was a crit.
It's not Ana's job to stop doing damage to you when you're the one who's not responding to the situation.
3 shots from Ana's biotic rifle is a long ass time to react.
Holy fuck what am I reading
>playing zenyatta
>some punk ass DPS tries to flank me
>Also Zenyatta has no damage fall off and higher dps so how exactly did she out range him?
...Because she has more range? Hitscan too?
ITT: Bronze Babbies
And Zenyatta is supposed to be the "damage" support, as indicated by the fact that he has a debuff that increases both his and his team's damage. He is the only one who compared because he was supposed to and even then Ana would destroy him at close range dude to her grenade.
Oh let's not forget Ana also has the only offensive support ult and the best basic ability for stopping most enemy ults.
She was OP user and like I said, nerfing her damage output so it's less than Zen's and makign her actually killable 1v1 was the right way to go.
Blizzard has made a lot of bad balance decisions this one is not. Also keep in mind if you play on console no one is talking about your games.
>he still plays overwatch
>Because she has more range
What's damage fall off? I'm beginning to think you don't know.
Considering how popular overwatch is with normies, being elitist about not playing it is much more fedora autism than playing it
I'm beginning to think you're retarded because you're saying Zenyatta has more range than Ana.
They don't have different ranges per say, but it is fair to say that it's much harder to hit with Zenyatta orbs at long range than to hit with Ana's rifle, because they're projectiles and you can randomly strife and become very very difficult to hit
Half the issue is running into ana in the backline would spell death for you quite fast if you tried to engage.
>Except she didn't dps before.
She was a better DPS than McCree in most situations.
>not maining Torbjorn
>flank enemy team ana with 200 hp hero
>shoot, grenade at feet, shoot
Oh no, now she only goes 10 less damage per shot than McCree does without headshots!
>Anna having difficult aiming
Holy shit. I don't care.
I don't care about Zenyatta. I don't care about McCree. I don't care about Pharah.
I just want to be able to kill punk ass Tracers that try to flank me on console.
>console overwatch
What's "range" that's not a stat in Overwatch. Damage fall off is, do you know what it is? I think the answer is no. Well user most character have a max RANGE that their bullets are effective, at which point their guns suffer damage fall off. You know who one of the only character without damage fall off is? Zenyatta. So when you say the character with no max RANGE lacks RANGE I would say that makes you seem retarded, not me.
>They don't have different ranges
Exactly my point.
>but it is fair to say that it's much harder to hit with Zenyatta orbs at long range than to hit with Ana's rifle
It's also fair to say it's not since she isn't even hitscan when not scoped in and if she is scoped in she greatly increases her chances of dying since she's slowed and has a very small FOV. Meanwhile Zen can fire 5 shots in less than 4 seconds that can all headshot. The only time I Would say you have a point is a flying Pharah or Mercy. Really though I was just calling out the guy who said Zen has no range because in reality Zen is one of the only characters with no damage fall off and also has one of the fastest projectile travel speeds. He is actually the longest range character in the game other than snipers (and even then by your definition of range he has more range than Hanzo).
So yes, you are right that he has a point if you consider range "the ease at which you can hit someone" and not "how far a projectile is effective"'. I consider it the second one though because I speak English.