1 game

>1 game

How did they achieve this?

Hype and good marketing.

1-2-switch is just that good.

>literally a zelda machine
Bloodborne machine fags will defend this.

People are stupid, a lot of people bought PS4 and Xbones too before they had any games.

vidya standards have fallen significantly in the past decade, in case you forgot

Anyone else getting a dick load of bugs with the switch?
Doesn't recognize my games half the time and Zelda keeps crashing
Joy cons always say they're unattached too

because normies are braindead that will buy anything new without reflecting if the console is gonna be popular or a dead console

wii had shortages, also wii u sold very well the first month too

Return it

Fastest selling =/= best selling. I'm not sure it'll pass the Wii in that regard.

Meme magic.

The Switch has doubled the Wii U launch sales. I'm kind of glad, hopefully this means the Switch will get third party support and devs will trust Nintendo again

Marketing and brand loyalty.

Hype and Marketing.
Normies will literally buy anything if its well marketed.

>1 really, really strong launch game (Zelda)
>A clear, cohesive gimmick (2-in-1 Console/Handheld)

Pretty obvious how they achieved it.

>Wii Sports
>Motion Controls

Right there. Boom, there's the Wii. It's the reason why the Wii U failed. It had no strong launch game and its gimmick (dual screen, off-TV play) was something extremely situational that nobody really wanted.

sony did the same thing, what's the big deal?

People are desperate to play for Zelda considering that these games have fucking ridiculous 5-6 year development spans now.

Normies decide how popular a given console is, user.

Likely goty exclusive, people seem to not realize that Wii U sold like shit, even if he game releases on it too, nobody has the system in the first place, hence people deciding to buy a brand new console instead of a dead one that is still sold at the same price by many retailers

It's been 3 days. All we know is that in 3 days it sold more than any other consoles

>1 game

The game of the decade, no less.

My Knack machine work at least. My Day 1 Xbone has a faulty reader and I need to fix it. I cant read games.

Despite everything, It's a really good game user.

Gee, I dunno.
Maybe it had something to do with that Superbowl ad or something.

It won't last, though. It's the sloppiest Nintendo console ever designed. Don't be surprised of 3rd Party support disappearing and constant hardware issues across iterations. People who think this'll outsell the Wii's lifetime sales are delusional.

The same way the Sony got the PS4 to sell that well, by actually having good marketing.

Dont forget Bomberman R.

I only bought a PS4 day one because Microsoft got BTFO so hard at E3 that I succumbed to the hype.

Nintendo at least had it day one



Also fastest-breaking.

>1 game punch

A machine built this shitty doesn't deserve it.

It's sad to see Nintendo fall for the great marketing/shitty output mentality; but hey, it works.

>b-but sony

Every time. Remember, OP, they are called drones for a reason.

>Don't be surprised of 3rd Party support disappearing
nobody buys nintendo for the third party, but the third party is going to be all over being able to make lower budget games for such a huge install base

People keep having to replace their defective units.

Oh wait, dead pixels aren't a defect. Then people are just so pleased that they are buying a second Switch.

>The Switch has doubled the Wii U launch sales.
>Implying as though outselling the Wii U's launch sales is a miraculous achievement.

My Vita has dead pixels too.

I also bought it for Fast RMX, as well as the steady stream of games coming out in the coming months.

All this "records" don't mean shit.
You know what' ubisoft fastest selling game?
Watch fucking dogs, and it was a finantial failure.

>I only bought a PS4 on launch because I'm stupid

That's what I said

You are a retard. I'm an idort, but I didn't buy a PS4 until a few months ago.

Id say the one third party game this system needs is Monster Hunter.

Japanese third party games will be huge on the Switch. Not expecting much from Western third party, but I never cared for them and I have a PS4 for that.

Didn't the Wii U sell okay at launch? After the stock issues were resolved was when the console began to fail IIRC

Am I the only one who thinks the Switch is incredible? BotW is GOTYAY and I love the gimmick. That feeling when I undock the console to continue playing on the go is like fucking magic.

zelda is the nintendo franchise. it goes beyond fanboyism and nostalgia . its open world it always was. way before TES you could wander around just because. every now and then they make a good zelda game and people dont want to miss it.

the wiiu wasnt well thought out and they underestimated zeldas importance. this time they showed off enough interesting shit like that rock golem thingy that made people feel that the fights would be more than mindless button mashing

It's coming. Don't worry.

The Wii U sold OK at launch, but the Switch is selling even better than that. Still launch numbers cant predict sucess but they can predict disaster sometimes, so far we know the Switch wont be a Wii U level disaster.

That's pretty easy to do with artificial scarcity which Nintendo has been doing with everything since at least the NGC adapter.

Not even 1 game, it's on Wii U and runs better there (if you can believe it)
I'm done trying to understand normies.

It's just like Star Wars. People go to see that movie because they long for the past. Everyone knows things were better back then but are to scared to admit the present is shit. That's why they wallow in nostalgia. Same with Nintendo.

>nintendo's history

so essentially its meaningless

Bloodborne didn't even come out until over a year later, early ps4 adopters were literally insane.

Nobody owns a Wii U though

I know right? When I undock the Switch and hear that KRRRRR sound, the thick permanent white line that appears on its plastic screen reminds me of how Nintendo makes me ejaculate.

New Zelda. They always make a mistake of selling it on the last stretch of a console's lifespan, it's a system seller.


Stay salty, I'm enjoying the GOTYAY and nothing can stop me!


Looking at the sales numbers, "normies" obviously didn't buy the Wii U so they bought the Switch for Zelda, and anyone who did buy a Wii U is a big enough Nintendo fan to also buy a Switch. It's not rocket science.

That's true but botw still doesn't count as a switch exclusive

I think PS4 sales had Microsoft to thank for that. People wanted a strong console and Microsoft fucked up that launch and they havent recovered since.

>How did they achieve this?

1. Zelda has the clout to push units. They haven't had a true system-selling game in a long time.

2. Decent marketing. This year marks the first time Nintendo did a super bowl ad. Their messaging with what the Switch was was clear and concise.

>fifa 17

God I wish normies would fuck off from videogames, what is there to tweet about, it's been the same fucking game for 10 iterations

Cheap and it is the age of "such a nerd XD"

Think of the potential here, a lot of nintendo's hardcore havent bought the Switch yet becoz they have the Wii U for Zelda.

Nintendo can easily get lots of them to buy it when Arms, Splatoon 2 or Mario come out.

The Switch will be huge.

I want you to convince me why it's a good game, without using any buzzwords. And no opinions either.

Pretty easy

1) Most of then people that grew up on Nintendo now are adults that work and have disposable income

2) Console had good marketing and was marketed by Nintenbros on the web for free

3) Most people don't have to replace their TV, DVD player, smartphone, car, whatever technological gadget every two years anymore so they like to throw money at new things (Apple Watch for example)


Vita has horrble ghosting, a screen that will die on a few years and zero games

Ps4 wovbles, ovrerheated, and had zero games.

Xbone watches you sleep, cant play used games and has no games.

Wiiu was a joke from day 1.

360s broke and cost xbox billions of dollars.

Ps2s werr used by terrorists.

Every single console has an awful launch. Every single one since the fucking ps1

>brand loyalty
they weren't very loyal to the wii u

>it's on Wii U and runs better there

Why do people keep posting this? it has dips as well, as demonstrated from the same video Sup Forums keeps posting images from no less, and it also has worse audio.

Bloodborne launched a year after PS4 you imbecile.

Why do they call it the Nintendo Switch? Because as soon as you use it you'll want to switch it for a refund.

>same fucking game
Now it have singleplayer story with some negro, pretty cool right?

A) innovative CONOPS that is appealing to both underserved audiences (ie heavy travelers) and existing ones (for novelty value)
B) a God-tier launch title that is both good in its own right, and an effective signal of future expected game quality (whether or not it ever materializes)

>Microsoft fucked up so bad that even after Nintendo's absolutely horrendous bout with the Wii U, the main console duality almost over night has gone back to Sony vs Nintendo after eight years of it being Sony vs Microsoft

Pretty insane when you think about it. I mean, I can't even think of a single reason to own an Xbone. Forget that Nintendo and Sony just released two big heavy hitter games (Zelda and Horizon) and that Microsoft didn't have a big release, just what does the Xbone have in general?

>tell me why it's good
>no opinions

user it's a fundamentally subjective thing, all reasons why any game is good are fundamentally opinions

The world population I'd getting bigger plus all the refugee bux. They don't know any better.

I think that they call it the Nintendo Switch because you can switch from Console to handheld easily.

>Every single one since the fucking ps1
Are we forgetting the shitty controller or what

Could we be looking at a Wii 2 with lots of hidden low-budget gems?

>tfw Fishing resort 2

>No actual figures

Meanwhile here are actual numbers

Wii - 110,000
Switch - 80,000
Xbox One - 150,000
PS4 - 250,000

Wii - 390,000
PS4 - 330,000
Switch - 310,000
Wii U - 305,000

Nintendo and the shills aren't fooling me.

>Why do they call it the Nintendo Switch?
Because when you buy it you switch from potentially getting laid in the future to dying a virgin.

A lot of open-world games suffer from a lack of content, where the only things around are open fields and maybe some towns here and there. Botw isn't perfect but it does a good job of keeping the player entertained just exploring and keeping themselves occupied doing random shit. Personally I think it's the best example of how to do an open-world game done right. Combat is also well made and weapons are satisfying to use. Biggest complaints are frame drops and weapons break too often. Aside from that the game is generally really good.

>so far we know the Switch wont be a Wii U level disaster.

But we don't know that.

>great marketing/shitty output mentality

It could just be that we'll bee seeing 1 first party release every other month, which would be much better pacing than 6-10 months between Wii U releases.

>half the sales of the Xbox One in the UK

>no other open world game has ever been as good as Zelda will be! Nintendo is truly saving the industry

And I'm just gonna tune out there. I should've probably also mentioned that I don't want to hear extremely biased fanboys.

NES classic was a scalpers goldmine.

It got people excited and got them to buy 4 of every Switch in the hopes they'll make another profit, even if it is far less. I paid off a decent chunk of my semester with the NES classics I sold, I'll be lucky if I can get $60 off each of the Switches O got but it's still a profit.

>Xbone cant play used games

I find it funny Microsoft fucked their launch so bad that people actually still believe this is true

Who are you quoting?

Just because a console only has one popular game at launch doesn't mean it won't get more popular games in the future. ARMS, Splatoon 2, and Super Mario Odyssey are all confirmed.

Almost every console has launched during the holiday season. The fact that the Switch's sales can even be compatible to other console sales numbers when it's released right at the beginning of Spring is a pretty big feat.

You can't complain if you still play Pokemon, which is just like those games

>no US

UK is FIFA land. Xbone have exclusive shit with FIFA

>buying a console for games that haven't come out yet

And yet you ridiculed the PS4 for this exact same reason? Hah, that's a laugh.

Youre right , i can understand people buying a PS4 and/or Switch but there is no reason to buy an Xbox.

When you look at what Microsoft did to Scalebound, you can see that they see this console market as an afterthought. If the Scorpio doesnt do well I can see them just focus on taking the xbox brand to the PC market like Steam (which is happening right now). They dont need to be successful in this business, unlike Nintendo and Sony.