I've been playing for 10 minutes and it's already better than No Man's Sky.
Lego Worlds
What do you do in the game?
Sup Forums convinced me to buy this in 2015, I played a few hours, it was nice to explorer, but aside from that there was nothing else to do.
What are the main improvements in the game since 2015?
It's lego without the satisfaction of tactile construction but also without spending thousands of dollars on sets.
I don't know, since I didn't play it in 2015. It just came out of early access, so I guess there's a lot going for it after 2 years.
I haven't done much yet, but it appears to really be an exploration game like No Man's Sky. You do quests and explore places that are themed a certain way. You can pick up blueprints for the stuff you see in the world. Don't know what else there is yet.
I made a thread about this but no one replied so can anyone tell me if its shit or not? A lot of alpha testers say it was ruined with the release
Alright, I'm gonna reinstall it to see what the fuck is going on.
Can't say for sure, since I only have a few minutes of play under my belt. The controls are a little whacked. It's Lego so it's geared toward little kids. You gotta by OK with the most basic of tasks as quests.
I bought early access for this ages ago for my kiddo. She loved it then. Hasn't played it in a year. Installing now to see whats new.
Idk I just want fun goofy sand box builder with stuff to collect. Not "do this do that " and never get to what I want.
I don't like how the terrain is made out of a billion tiny pieces in a billion different shades
would've preferred some variant of pic related which is how terrain in LEGO sets were always made
>Lego Worlds having anything to do with No Man's Sky
I've been playing Puyo Puyo Tetris for 10 minutes already, and it's already better than Breath of the Wild.
To get started, the game has you do some quests and it appears that you will have to fulfill more quests to unlock new worlds. I don't think it's 100% sandbox.
Hmm tough to decision.
Both games are about exploring and both have worlds generated procedurally.
The only reason I said that is because the opening reminded me of NMS
>start off with a crashed spaceship
>have to find some shit to repair it
>mostly run around scanning stuff
>game revolves around exploring new worlds
How much is it?
can't even get the game to start now
30 usd
Could you tell us a little bit about how this game actually plays? The trailers aren't very helpful, and most reviews are for the initial early access release in 2015. I can't find any 1.0 reviews yet.
I made one and got two replies.
Game is good. Saw it pop up on the chine store and grabbed it. Having lots of fun with it. Trying to grab all the pieces and do missions so I can get a big toolset and build some cool shit.
They put tons of small details and interactive things to do, lots of things to see and do.
>Xbox store
So far I've run around with a scan gun and looked for stuff. There are people standing around that want you to find a certain item and make it for them. Judging by the UI, there are a lot of things I haven't unlocked yet. It appears to be more oriented around exploring than building like Minecraft or something.
Might be cool. Exploration games are almost completely reliant on sheer volume of content, so I'll have to wait a bit to see if everybody gets bored after a few days like NMS.
Defiantly more exploring.
I'm just got the medium planets and haven't put anytime time into building unless it was a mission. Just going to collect lots of pieces and build somewhere eventually.
You don't can't any big tiles to start anyways so building takes longer then it should till you unlock them
Hope you retards didn't spend 30 dollars on this shit. Got it for 15 the day it released in EA and it wasn't even worth that
>spider gun
I should also say that I'm still basically in tutorial mode. I'm expecting it to open up soon and be more free with construction and whatnot.
can you still play as a wizard and fuck everything up?
I'm having a lot of fun with it, it needs online multiplayer though.