>Strong Warrior Race
>Lispy Faggot
Is nothing sacred?
>Strong Warrior Race
>Lispy Faggot
Is nothing sacred?
>Ok Krogan's we need to send a group of people on this ship to expand our grasp on the universe, who's it going to be?
>How bout faggey mcgee over there?
Could it be that the krogans are dying out not because of the genophage but because of faggotry?
Nakmor Keesh is a female krogan, you retard. Bioware said this like 2 months ago.
they literally hired a transsexual gay guy or something to do that Krogan's voice
I didn't think it would be that bad, but holy shit I was practically pissing myself after listening to that line.
>Sounds like some twink or maybe a female (male)
really makes ya think
>Bioware babby damage control
isn't damage control supposed to help, I'm not sure saying its a female really helps
That voice is so nasally holy shit
I honestly can't discern if that's a male or female voice actor
w hat the fuuuckk
Im a faggot myself but I dont talk like that and arent korgans supposed be masc as fuck????
Bioware would like to remind you that there are multiple genders besides male and female shitlord
This. Keep manly things manly.
I wonder if you can fuck the female (male) krogan
>People are actually having difficulty telling that it's a female Krogan
Fucking how? It's blatantly obvious
Yeah? I'm sure a Bioware employee can give me an example
>A female krogan warlord, Shiagur, actually used her rare fertility to draw the strongest males to her band, but even she couldn't hold out against turian peacekeeping forces, who finally killed her at the Battle of Canrum.
doubt she sounded like some power bottom
Because it sounds like a lispy flamboyant faggot; just because you're used to that sound coming out of your dick-inhaling mouth doesn't mean it's normal.
>a god damn alien talking toad race
Just wait till March 21st and you'll see :^)
>does a nerd job
>sounds like a nerd
i dont see the problem here, did anyone actually watch the video?
Man, the voice actors strike is hitting the industry HARD.
they are literaly getting homeless people to voice characters now
>reddit defense force has arrived
because the krogan never had raspy war voices in the previous games
How many female krogans did we talk to again?
>Not automatically hating every single facet of a game simply because it's a part of that game means I'm part of a defense force
The voice acting in this instance is fine, it's the animations that are complete fucking garbage
I hate you dumb shitposting fuck faces so god damn much.
>dem dick sucking lips
Also why is everything painted in this shitty ass baby blue?
Eve didn't sound like a little bitch.
Why do they keep doing this?
Please tell me no one on Sup Forums was actually excited for this game
They are a warrior frog race retard. What normal.
Stereotypical brutal war species and this is what a female sounds like. Ok anons continue to act like nothing is wrong with this
Female Krogans need to sound like angry Russian or Amazonian women, not a little bitch
how did krogan get there in the first place
aren't they a dying race?
Don't be obtuse.
what the fuck is that krogan voice holy shit
The Council races, in their infinite stupidity, brought them along as muscle.
>Put a krogan in charge of station well-being
>A fucking krogan
>they actually thought slam poetry would be a good idea
It's like they hired an ideas guy who was a fucking tumblr hipstter.
>reeee reddit
Still sounds intimidating.
Nu one sounds Like he literally sucks KROGAN COCK
I bet you think all klingons are warriors
Not gonna lie, a krogan business man sounds pretty great
>sounds intimidating
Literal faggot detected.
Are you retarded m8? The guy just has a polite tone, there is nothing effeminate about his voice.
Whats wrong with his voice, sounds spot on?
>Still threatens force while making sure business goes as planned
Good guy.
>The Nexus is 15,000 meters long
Jesus Christ no wonder the Alliance has no dreadnoughts, they wasted all their resources and time on that fucking thing
compared to the new one
Really, you can't tell the difference between that and this?
Eloquent, but still imposing. Opposed to some THUPER THWELL Krogan fuckboy (Female) that sounds like it's going to break out into song and dance, or remodel my quarters if I turn my back on it.
Fact: That krogan being female does not excuse how shitty the voice acting was
If next Bioware introduced an alien that when it talked sounded like Mickey Rooney from Breakfast at Tiffanys would you really post some shit "Why do you have a PROBLEM with what a FICTIONAL alien sounds like !!!???"
Biotumblr is proud of this game
The initiative is a multi-race thing, not human only. L2Lore kid.
>Female krogan in ME3
Deep voice
>Female krogan in Andromeda
Lispy dyke
What if they just jumped on the chance to get rid of that faggot?
I don't think this is real.
>All the bars are decadent havens of sin and villainy
>Andromeda's bar has slam poetry
Don't they have one for each species though?
I'm glad to see Richard Simmons is still getting work in his old age, but voice actor was NOT something I expected.
>Council races hate krogan
>999/1000 of krogan births are stillborn
>Krogan are generally violent savages who hate turians and salarians
>Have no useful skills as a species beyond smashing things
>Still get tickets to hop aboard the SS Multiculturalism
Because it's the SS Multiculturalism.
it's a chick omg
Because even if ~certain groups~ are violent savages we should treat them with respect, and open arms
to smash things i guess
Not on my ship.
Cultural exchange center, slam poetry, beta looking male protag, faggy krogan.
I think im out.
>Slam poetry at the bar
Oh god fucking why, that shit is awful.
it's also kind of a space noah's ark in case the milky way galaxy got completely fucked
so yes they'd try to bring all races
Of all races they go and make a fucking tranny Krogan.
The fuck is wrong with Bioware man I swear to god.
That voice gives me a raging clue
did it trigger you that hard?
Almost makes you miss Hamburger Helper doesn't it, Sup Forums?
that's how South America ended up raped by Spain and Portugal.
> Gay Krogen
Finally, my dream of fucking Wrex as Shepard for OTP love will be true. #ThanksBioware Only three games late.
a krogan needs to sit on my face
Not him but, a little yeah. Granted, Bioware has been turbo blatant about using its games as a mouth piece to push stupid shit forward but it's sad that really cool video game IP's have to shoulder that nonsense.
>in my culture, he is a NUK NUK, someone born one gender but living another
>and these NUK NUK are treated the same as everyone else?
>they ARE the same as everyone else
>don't forget to #ridethebull
>also, female dwarf romance option too pedo for us, yuck xD
I'm like 90% sure it'll be played for laughs. There's no way they'd mention that without it being a joke.
y-yeah, right.
Dykes don't talk like that. "She" unironically sounds like a gay man.
I'm thinking they had a woman voice her, decided she didn't sound tough enough for the character, and then lowered the pitch on her recordings. You can get weird effects when you mess around with human voices like that. It's not the same as just having a woman with a deep voice record lines.
like rap but set to bongos and in dimly lit coffee lounges
You can YouTube it and pretty much every top result will give you an idea. I'm no doubt sure the slam poetry in ME:A will be nice and topical.
>be krogan
>have four balls
>live over a thousand years
>be nigh unkillable
>possibly a super powerful biotic
>be awesome as fuck in almost every way
>your females sound like lisping twinks
what kind of bizarre tranny gay men do you know because gay men don't sound like that
it sounds like a mannish woman
> (OP)
I could see if they were just hired on to be cannon fodder and are not actually part of the colonization. However I'm pretty sure they're is a krogan colony in one of the videos
>don't forget to #ridethebull
kek I remember that. Wasn't that coined by one of the faggot devs who would tweet constantly about wanting to be fucked in the ass by Iron Bull?
who the fuck did this
I thought that was a meme from Friends, not a real thing
It sounds like that, but the fact they didn't fucking realise how awful it sounded may be even worse.
Oh and just incase EA/Bioware reads this.
Ive bought mostly everything bioware made from BG - now, except i dont own jade empire.
I bought the dragon age and mass effect trilogies on multipul platforms more than once with all the dlc.
Mass effect 3 was a trigger, not releasing UFC 2 on pc and now this marxist bullshit, fuck off.
I play games to escape real world marxism and faggotry. If i cant literally choose in game to blow half these characters out of the airlock or punch them in the face im done.
>introduce gay krogan
>it's not Drack
Way to push away the "daddy" audience Bioware. Jesus what happened to Bioware? They used to be somewhat decent, now they're just... Ughh.
People can tell its a female easily. But its sounds fucking horrible as a female krogan. Eve was much better. She didn't sound like a MtF faggot. They've altered her voice and its sounds like shit. How do you not get this?
>If i cant literally choose in game to blow half these characters out of the airlock or punch them in the face im done.
You can share a Starbucks coffee with that cute krogan trans girl. :^)
Or maybe PB(John Goodman playing a female Shrek) is more up your alley? She wouldn't mind the gesture either.
ASSUMING my gender, you fucking shitlord?!