Today is international women's day

Today is international women's day

What are some good games with strong female protags?

can you be anymore beta?

wtf is going on with her crotch

The strongest!

what game let's you play as her?

>three quarters of Sup Forums wants to be pinned down by a Gerudo and made into a breeding slave

Fairy wars

Apparently the artist drew an elevated vagina that gives you a view of her butt from the front.

Name three (3) things wrong with that.

>Worthy of protagonist slot
Fuck you you goddamn pathetic numale faggot, you disgust me, you disgust your ancestors, and you spit upon the natural order of things with your liberal attitudes.

>Horizon: Zero Dawn
>Tales of Berseria
>Beyond Good and evil
>Haunting Ground
>Fatal Frame

Probably way more, but can't be arsed to figure them out.

first result for me was a doujin


t. bitter """""nice guy""""" who's still mad he got rejected in high school.

>tfw you can already 100% emulate Bayo 2

good luck fag

I rejected dealing with women highschool due to the fact they were little better then children in terms of intelligence, maturity, and control, foolishly thinking they get over it later. I was wrong. They are ALL like this, they are all womenchildren with the intelligence of dogs and the emotional maturity of babies, protected by shitty laws tot he point one can't critize even one woman on an indiviudal basis without receive accusations of being sexist and misogynistic, in a system that automatically declares one guilty and never innocent against such charges

The fuck is wrong with her pussy?

Relax there buddy, no need to vent your sexual frustration on an imageboard

>tfw when I can't find a download for an uncompressed version of the game or a key needed to decompress it.


Isn't this what the site is for?

Princess Trainer is the first that comes to mind

The (adult) loli was pretty much the only character worth playing for.

but the protagonist is the genie

That's just the playable character.

no, he's the protagonist
jasmine is the main character
there's a big difference

Taimanin Asagi

I thought protagonist and main character meant the same thing. When will I stop learning new stuff?


>frigid blonde retard
>better than Iris
get a load of this fag

It's like you've never seen a girl naked before, on top of that, it's like you've never seen a girl naked before, who has a thigh gap
I'm not one for making fun of other people but you can't talk like you know what you're talking about

Find me a pic of an irl woman having their crotch area like that and I'll believe you.

>It's like you've never seen a girl naked before

Have you? I've literally never seen a girl with a body like that outside of shitty Jap art.

Fallout 4!

>What are some good games with strong female protags?
Moral Sword Asagi

God dammit, can't anyone think about Samus Aran ?

The three quarters of Sup Forums who want to be pinned down by a Gerudo and made into a breeding slave?

Not him, I just think this is another shitpost for garner ecchi and porn.

no one is trying, it's a meme thread friendo

Female Arisen

So what's the sad story behind your hatred of the female gender user?
Did your mother drop you from the diaper changing table when you were little?
Or did some mean aunt diddle you butthole when you were a kid?
Or did some girl rightfully accuse you of being a misogynistic fuckface after you publically declared that you consider ALL women to be on the intelligence level of a dog?
Really, you can't just leave us hanging without a cinclusion like that. What is the story?

Any good hentai about Bayonetta ?

I wish this was a thread where people were really answering OP's question, because that would be interesting.

Women stronk

more like Francine Latrine hehe

>Any Tomb Raider Game
>American McGee's Alice + Sequel
>Dishonored 2
>Mirrors edge

Your definitionb of good may vary since I'm admittedly an easily entertained pleb.

Gravity Rush 1 & 2
Drakengard 3
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Beyond Good and Evil
Mach Rider

>tfw there will never be a non-cringe female protag that realistically utilizes guns as force equalizers in a setting that doesn't make a mockery of biological reality

Its like I want wimminz to be legitimately cool in vidya but the SJW devs and r9k sperglords just won't let it happen.

I'm not that user, but everyday all I hear about is my mom and sister talking about having multiple boyfriends and provoking them to fight each other. Fucking whores.

Say that to my face, not online

oh man that shit was so early xbox RPGs



Who hurt you, user?

She isn't relevant anymore.

>I rejected dealing with women

haha sure you did

>Mirror's Edge
>Tomb Raider
>part of The Last of Us

Do RPGs count? Femshep got to be on the box of ME3

Link is a cool female

La Pucelle

Xenoblade X

Pokemon R/S/E and the following generations

How could you say such a thing ? Samus was THE iconic female in the video game world for years !