Is horizon as boring as it looks?

is horizon as boring as it looks?

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what do you mean boring?
The world building?
The combat?
The story?

personally I find them all decent

No because most of the gameplay you see posted her is low level characters with no perks or upgrades. When you are lobbing grenades and and tying the huge dinos to the ground and sliding under them in slow mo shooting their tanks with fire arrows its alot of fun. At least for me

I love how this fucker didn't even bother to point out what they think looks boring.

Howbout you go back to your fucking weebgames?

It's every AAA sandbox RPG of the last 10 years. If you're a fan of that then you'll like it.

fighting the big robots is pretty fun I'm only about 10 hours into the game though and not skipping side missions

the story is dogshit as well as the voice acting

PC player here - can't even play the game and am not going to buy a system just to play 2-3, Game doesn't look boring and the reviews from non-shill sites seem legitimately solid.

Trashing the game for being boring is a meme at this point like trashing DOOM (2016) for being slow was a meme a week after it came out.



>you just walk backwards and it can't hit you

Not exactly.


its actually pretty fun, the dev team is just retarded and only showed the most generic of gameplay


The combat is pretty lame so far. It's more luck based than skill based

Lol that shockwave, it's dark souls 2 all over again.

Kinda. You shot to the bright part, run, roll and repeat. At least the dino-robots are kwel.

The thing is fuck off huge, I'll accept that knock down.

And its nothing like dark souls 2 because I didn't die instantly.

It's like Zelda breath of the wild if you:
>shitty graphics
>babies first adventure story
>Amazing graphics
>30fps lock
>4k checkerboard
>amazing story

That's Horizon.

Git gud

If you even have to ask, it's worse.

Its so shallow and boring.

All you can do is stealth enemies or shoot them with arrows, or change their move sets by removing their parts, or use traps to inflict status, or override them and trun them on each other, or hit them with your spear.

Its so boring.



I'd rather watch this for an hour than play Horizon

Yeah I regret stealing it

The game is actually pretty good. Story is a bit shitty here and there, but gameplay is good.

I'd argue about the exact opposite. That's how bad gameplay is, but then again I'm not into AAA formulas so maybe you guys like your press X to be led to a distant enemy and bash his skull in within 0.3 seconds.

Fighting the robot dinosaurs and exploring alone makes it a 9/10,everything else drags it down to an 8. The best way to play this game is to play the main quest till you unlock the whole map then just explore and take sidequest

Pretty fun

Not bad. 8/10 at best

As far as open world game standards are, its gameplay is pretty good. Do wish there was a wider variety of weapons to use though.

When games like Dragon's Dogma exist, not really. For western standards on the genre, maybe, but then again even Skyrim did archery better.

breath of the wild and horizon are literally the same fucking game and theyre boring as shit

>skyrim did archery better

dragons dogma is a meme that only got traction because of the lolis and you fucking know it

I enjoyed it for approx 10 hours and sold it on ebay yesterday. Didnt finish it. Lost interest just after getting to meridian.

>How to spot a shitposter

I would have bothered with Burch's Intersectional Adventures if it was. Amazing how long this genre went without gameplay mechanics on travel.

It's true. Skyrim had both falloff and better feedback on shots.

That statement is a meme, the game's combat is stellar.

Kek. Good one.

>breath of the wild and horizon are literally the same fucking game
hahaha you wish Sonagger!

It's more boring than it looks.

The bow being as shitty as it is makes the combat so bad. Who thought it was a good idea to make it a sniper that sometimes auto aims on the target?

serious question;

how is a normal bow doing any damage to armored robot dinosaurs?
also wtf is this game even about? shit sounds like some fanfic by an 8th grader

Holy shit. Skyrim and dragons dogma are such trash games. Besides everything is AAA now anyway. Anything below nobody bats an eye to or calls it meme shit. HZD is pretty damn good for what it is.

>auto aims

What? That's never happened.
Maybe check your options

it's a watered down Witcher with a chick lead. Yes

Thank you user.

>also wtf is this game even about? shit sounds like some fanfic by an 8th grader
who is a trisexual retard yes.

>dragons dogma are such trash games.
>Besides everything is AAA now anyway.
>Anything below nobody bats an eye to or calls it meme shit.
Also wrong.
>HZD is pretty damn good for what it is.
An outsourced mess that only looks good thanks to poo in the loos, hues and chinks?

The writing is really fucking bad, I mean you all know the meme parts people keep posting here but the shit that's supposed to be "good" is fucking terrible, every single cutscene is cringy as fuck. This is the worst writing I've seen in a AAA game in a long time.

Wouldn't be a problem except the game keeps hoisting cutscenes on you and Aluminum won't shut her fucking mouth.

I know a game is bad when the total cutscene time is 5+ hours. Why the fuck is a fourth or fifth of total gametime dedicated to a cutscene

The worst part is Anthony's guilty pleasure does not act within the game's boundaries at all. She goes perky the whole fucking time while the butch faced protag gives a dead stare.

>amazing story
nigga nigga ooga booga we wuz robot scientusts and sheeeit fuk u wyhte boiiii


What a disgusting opinion.

>Amazing story
Surely this is bait.

>trash tier game

>nigga nigga ooga booga we wuz robot scientusts and sheeeit fuk u wyhte boiiii
I guess you're one with a broken switch.

Yes, ubisoft open world, terrible gameplay, terrible story and writing, terrible open world design, terrible draw distance, etc..

Fuck no, why would I buy a game for children?

Your anti-white game for the Pissstation 4 is no fucking better.

>30fps is a point to brag about these days
how far have we fallen

This video looks incredibly bland and generic. I feel like I have already played this game 10 times before.

but you haven't lol

I know, that's the problem. Literally nothing about it stands out to me. It looks copy-pasted from every other open world game from the past 5 years.

>$400 premium console to meet 30fps cap
We're 6 feet under.

Zelda BOTW fucking ruined every other game for me because they will never be as good

I can't go back and finish Horizon

I'm currently in Meridian the desert looking area

does the game get better?

Just try to appreciate the game for what it has and don't hamper on its faults. Remember this is a new IP.

OP here, having played both games, it's fairly obvious that Horizon is only being shilled to death here so that sonybros have something to talk about in the breath of BOTW, which is (to anybody who has played both) the superior game

>Remember this is a new IP.
New IPs some how are allowed to be fucking dog shit? What kind of defense is that?

The shooting gamepla gets old pretty fast.
the fact that there is no other signifiact weapon that chnages the way
Also need the enemies to have more than 3 attacks.
And far better writing holy shit

I'm nationalist as fuck, and yea I've totally noticed all the nigger NPCs, but I honestly don't give a fuck.

The game is so god damn beautiful and fun I don't even care.

got banned from stormfront again, huh? >>Sup Forums

30fps locked with perfect frame pacing and 4k textures.

I have stopped playing games on my PC because games look 10x better on ps4 pro with a 4k TV that has HDR.

But user, they're only one of the dozen decade old studios that Sony hired strictly to make Playstation exclusive versions of popular games. Please understand.

Hell, at least Naughty Dog made some good games by accident like CTR and for what its worth they're good at art. This one is entirely on the shoulders of 3rd world countries.

Combat is 11/10 if you play it right it's kinda like tony hawk doing sweet jumpshots and stuff

who actually goes to stormfront? lmao

take it easy, kid

>he plays open world games for combat
sonýggers are trying THIS hard to compare to BOTW, jej

>I'm nationalist as fuck, and yea I've totally noticed all the nigger NPCs, but I honestly don't give a fuck.

Doesn't matter if you're nationalist or not shit-for-brains, game looks like uninspired SJW shit.

Gameplay is pisspoor, animation quality is low and story is bottom of the barrel anti-white retardation.

Shadow of the Colossus has done bow vs. large enemy combat better.

COUNTLESS other games have done open world gameplay better

And countless more have better stories.

So what does this shitheap really offer?

This post is makes no sense.

>Combat is 11/10 if you play it right
if you play it right is pretty much like playing current shooters aka shotting while backing becasue a lot of the enmies are slow as shit and have only 2 moves to get close.

I really, really doubt the experience of playing Zelda is better than Horizon.

>dog shaped controller
>720p 20fps
>no hdr support
>no 4k support
>muddied textures
>controller screen covered in scratches because it's made out of plastic

>top tier controller
>most powerful console hardware
>beautiful textures

Gameplay/story wise you ""might"" be right? I haven't played Zelda since MM. But I S E R I O U S L Y doubt the experience is better.

As opposed to what? Holding a stick forward on empty fields? Let's face it, the action adventure open world genre is mostly a joke. Only now Nintendo tried to do something about the lack of density and gameplay and even then it's flawed.

Please go back to Neogaf. You're literally reading off a script.

Dragon's Dogma is one of my favorite games of all time and I fucking hate lolis. It's honestly got amazing gameplay.


play it and find out?

There's no way I'm going to argue against you with anecdotes because at the end of the day you'll still be an autist with an axe to grind.

I didn't even know about the (((anti-white))) agenda in the game until you guys started pointing it out, and again, it doesn't bother me because I'm having f u n.

no one cares what you think, nigger. also, the game looks beautiful even without 4k. oh wait, graphics=gameplay

reminder that the shit graphics that Sup Forums likes to spam are from the wii u version

also why is it that when the prospect of emulation becomes possible, suddenly the game is 10/10 must play?

yes. It's really just sony shills wanting the game to be half the masterpiece that BotW is, but they know it doesn't even come close.

how does a bow hurt robots?

Reminder that saying the game is SJW is proof you've not played the game.
t. someone who's played the game

I liked that webm of how you can electrify fish in zelda but not in horizon, really nice attention to detail in this game.

but nudoom is slow

Enjoy being a shit eating mongoloid. I'm happy for you, but this game is not worth a penny.

I came to Sup Forums from the wow forums 11 years ago. I have never used any other site ever to talk about videogames.

This. Zelda is better. Anyone who says otherwise hasn't played both or is lying.

Guerilla games created a fucking amazing engine, so good that Kojima is using it for death stranding. They are top tier devs. Nintendo is ran by a bunch of fucking monkeys. Look at how awful the launch of the nintendo switch was. It's so fucking sad.


No, FF15 wasn't worth a penny. But this is a pretty fucking good game.

If the Switch wasn't FUBAR I'd buy one and play Zelda, but not until they fix their shitty fucking console.

I have a switch nigger, and many of my friends do too. None of us have any problems in the slightest, and we're all kicking back playing BOTW in the rec room. Come April, we'll all be playing Mario Kart too. What does Sony have besides the (((vita))))?

Weak bait

They're both shit games. I'd rather replay Morrowind.