Are the Atelier games any good? I was looking at the new one that just came out and wanted to get some feedback

Are the Atelier games any good? I was looking at the new one that just came out and wanted to get some feedback

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Some of them are ok. They've made like 20 of them so some of them are shit. People don't seem to like Firis that much, but I haven't played it myself so I can't comment.
Lots of people seem to like the remake of Atelier Rorona the best, including me. I'd suggest starting with that if you can find it.

Yes it's good because it's free

Either Rorona+ (NOT the original, huge difference) or Ayesha are good starting points. Can't speak for the current subseries since I haven't played Sophie or Firis but generally speaking the Arland trilogy are probably the most widely beloved so Rorona/Totori/Meruru. Apparently the Dusk trilogy gets pretty divisive with its latter two entries but Ayesha is pretty well liked as far as I can see.

They are nice as long as you don't expect world saving shit, they are mostly about doing alchemy recipes and getting ingredients for them to make your characters overpower as fuck with shit you make.
The alchemy system is quite deep most of the time so if you like it is good.

You get to be a cute little girl in a comfy German village. You mix up medicine to make your neighbors happy and mix up explosives to kill bad monsters.

It's a pretty chill game.

>want to get the Atelier games on ps vita
>no physical cartridges exist for all of them aside the newest one

i don't wanna buy another fucking sony sd card fuck

Just start with Sophie. I read all the negative comments here about how bad Sophie is, but then I started it myself and it wasn't so bad. (But play it in Despair difficulty, the others are too easy.)
Just typical Sup Forums-style knee jerk reaction.

>I started with shit so I don't know any better

Yeah that's true that I started with Sophie, but it was still a very enjoyable game.

Maybe if you took your head out of your ass you might enjoy life a little more.

Maybe if you weren't a casual faggot with terrible taste you wouldn't recommend people awful games. Sophie is the FE Awakening of Atelier.

I'll stick to playing games that are not shit, but thanks anyway.

Stay salty that I enjoyed something and you didn't.
>boohoo ur a casual
Haha, look at this sad loser.

>look, mom, I won again! :)

Kinda hard to take your opinion seriously given how open you are about being ignorant.

As so someone who played every atelier since iris 1 I'm really enjoyed Sophie.
Kill yourself arlandfags.

None of them have good gameplay and are braindead garbage for waifu faggots

You have nier,nioh, yakuza 0, horizon if you don't mind western shit and GR2 so why the fuck would you waste money on nep tier garbage like atelier?

I can afford more than three games a year

No one said money is the issue in this sense.

Why are you willingly spending money on trash as if they aren't better games out?

>if they aren't better games out?

because Im not going to buy them twice

Arlandfags is a very, very obnoxious, yeah.