Hey Sup Forums Is this worth getting a PS3?

Hey Sup Forums Is this worth getting a PS3?

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no. jk, it is.

Alright I might have enough to get one, might even pick up demons souls

Just buy one with CFW and you won't have to worry about buying games at all

Yes, but ignore Sup Forums until you are done.

Fuck yeah
Wish it was on ps4

Hell yes.
8 superb games, including technically the whole series in one case. The console itself is still a better purchase than PS4.

This, also including MGSV

Just emulate them.

post yfw "snake its old, he needs a to rest "

MGS games past the 1st one emulate like total ass. Not to mention the HD remasters are exceptionally well done, running and looking better than originals.

He should have just killed himself, the last scene wasn't needed

YES and after you finish everything legacy collection has to offer.


Yeah. I got it for 13$ new in todojuegos and I don't regret it at all. You're getting almost all MGS games in one package

>mfw "Snake...had a hard life."
my friends told me to skip that last scene so the game ended there for me. Still one of the best vidya endings I've seen.

>blu-ray player
>MGS collection
>SotC and ICO HD
>Demon's Souls
>Last of Us
>The whole PS1 library
>couch gaming with housemates
best £20 I ever spent desu

Considering you can easily emulate the MGS 1-3 and Peacewalker (in addition to the early MG titles), I'd say nah. If there are like 10 other PS3 games, get the console. If not, just emulate.

>inb4 MGS 4
Youtube. It's arguable the least interactive of all the games.

GameStop has used ps3s for $60
I imagine it'll be at least until Black Friday that we se them cheaper?
Sounds like good purchase? Hopefully it doesn't fall apart

Buy Tokyo Jungle, it's seriously a great game


Yeah it's pretty cool. You should also buy MGS4 separately though as the fan revival soon of MGO2 doesn't support the Legacy version of the game.

don't forget
>3d dot game heroes
>Trails of Cold steel 1 and 2 if that's your kind of game
>Ultimate Genesis Collection
>Midway Arcade Treasures

MGS4 from the legacy collection is literally a MGS4 copy with a different sticker on it, retard
Also MGO2 doesn't exist anymore

You're shitting me.
Ahh fuck

>Yakuza games
>Tokyo Jungle
>Dragon's Crown
>Armored Core For Answer
>Katamari Forever

Yes see

For how more is MGS4 going to be stuck on the PS3? That game came out nearly 10 fucking years ago, and it's METAL GEAR 4.

Why make a post if you're going to insist on being completely wrong?

no wait I have 2 copies of MGS4 extra ehehehehe


Saying "you're wrong" is pointless, you gotta prove it.

no, some of the games have handheld tier shit graphics. it's all I optimized trash that looks like garbage on any decent. just emulate and stop being a faggot

>it's all I optimized trash that looks like garbage on any decent
? ? ?

I meant tv. I'm just so fucking frustrated that people still pass off ps2 era shit as "good"

What's bad about it?

yes it's great

I bought it and got a PS3 for a friend just to play it.


>The page you requested was not found
Great source friend

>Big Boss is alive
>He brings Zero with him
>Makes snake hates himself even more by how played he was by the La Li Lu Le Lo making he believe that Ocelot was the evil.

Works on my machine :^)

>never play mgs at all
>mgs 5 looks like a must play
>shucks I need to catch up
>buy that
>marathon all the games back to back
>never finish V because it sucks

weird time in my life