How about neither

how about neither
cemu is blowing both of them out of the water

look at 2:14

the wii u is actually drawing dynamic shadows on the tree trunk, maybe they should redo this test at the same time of day


Great Plateau is not relevant

Just look at the video, the Wii U constantly dips to 20FPS in Kakariko while the Switch is smooth 30FPS


>Wii U with constant 20FPS drops

Switch, truly the master race for BotW

>portable performance smoother than docked

what the fugg

>lower resolution means more fps
Woah. Mind = exploded.



>ooh boy a new Digital Foundry video
>oh god another Digital Foundry video Sup Forums isn't gonna shut the fuck up about

was tempted to buy a wiiu, but I'd rather wait years for CEMU at this point.

totally ok with 30fps whenever it's not a first person game, but this looks even worse than ps4 cinematic shit.

The dock does nothing to boost the performance. It just has a usb and recharging port in it.

Why isn't anyone calling out Nintendo for asking people to pay for a game that performs like fucking garbage?

>nintendofag are fighting amongst themselves now.
What is wrong with you people and here I thought that sony vs nintendo war was stupid.

What will the CEMU frame rate be like? Last time I saw it was 10 fps. Has it improved?

We already knew the Wii U was shit inside towns.

The performance stutters less than Switch docked mode out in the field, as does Switch portable mode over docked mode.

Wii U = better performance where the actual gameplay happens

I found some of their videos fun but I was never a performance guy. I like their retro look at games and the tech that went into them but to them frame rate is the end to end all in terms of gameplay which I guess to some it is. Better frame rate is better but 60FPS game doesn't mean a better game. So to me Zelda looks great and from what everyone says (not just reviewers but normal people playing) it's a pretty enjoyable game.

1.7.3 will come out as it is in the preview, 10fps with various bugs and glitches.
Cant get past the tutorial without an external sevefile

>he donated to pirate a game that doesn't even work

its supposed to run at 20 FPS in kakariko village

>Better frame rate is better but 60FPS game doesn't mean a better game

I'm not questioning the quality of the game itself, but 20fps is shit. Not talking about muh fps, it simply gives headaches

I didnt donate and I never will as log as other retards do it for me


how long for what?

I own both and I actually like the WiiU version even more, since it's less prone to that error when you intermittently closed the game or crash to home screen when you weird physics stuff with stasis and magnisis.

Until the entire game is emulated at a good fps.


I get yeah I just never had that problem. I was just pointing out how Digital Foundry seem to focus solely on frame rate and base a game completely on that. I mostly watch them when they talk about fun behind the hood look see in different games. But tend to ignore most of their frame rate testing because it seem like a bunch of people just jerking off to their 4k 60fps gaming experience and that's really it.

>20fps is shit. Not talking about muh fps, it simply gives headaches

do you have a single peer reviewed journal article to back that up

Why does this guy speak in this annoying nasal voice

I can smell the numale through my screen

Man i sure regret not spending an extra 300 dollars just to get a few extra frames sometimes

and how could I know?
not even the devs themselves do, they may run in something they cant fix and it'll never be playable.
Or everything could go smooth and have a perfect version by the end of the year.

CEMU will run better than either of them

how pc and emu will handle that game.

It's not like they're shitting on BotW, they're just analyzing the objective performance, it's Sup Forums that tries to spin everything into an absolute negative

>DF: BotW mostly plays at solid 30fps with occasional drops
>Sup Forums: HOLY FUCK that makes it LITERALLY unplayable, how is this legal??!?

Switch 2017 = Wii U 2012 = PS3 = 2006

Y-yeah t-hey s-shouldn't analyze the shit performance if it's a game I like

Beause no one got review copy, because Nintedo knows that it's selling point of switch even tho it's multiplat

The added electricity runs the chip at a higher clock speed

>>DF: BotW mostly plays at solid 30fps with occasional drops
That's not true though, docked it plays like shit any time in long grass or explosions or lots of effects on screen, while looking as ugly as it does AND being 900p.

Portable mode is the only way it's playable. You should be ashamed of sucking so much corporate cock that you actually defend a game released in this state on a (((modern))) console released in 2017 running games at 720 - 900p and costing 300 buckeroos.

I-it's a handheld

Why doesn't Nintendo just make PC games instead of making these terrible consoles?

Oh I get that and I feel it's nice info to give out. I guess I hate DF fans than DF. Where DF tends to go into the technically and does talk about how they wish it was more stable people tend to go so extreme and say how frame rate is the only indicator for a good game.
As I said it's not about them analyzing that's the issue. I'm fine and honestly happy with it. I just hate how it spawns assholes that only feel 4k 60fps is true gaming which tends to spawn from over analyzing and putting a major focus on just performance.

You are fucking retarded, DF is all about the technical aspects

Fuck your hyperbole strawman bullshit

People aren't saying it should be 4K 60 but instead a stable 30fps at the very least

But lie to yourself if it helps you sleep

>meanwhile on PS4


>i was just pointing out how Digital Foundry seem to focus solely on frame rate and base a game completely on that.
Yeah that's their thing, they focus on framerate, frame time, screen tearing, etc.


>nintenbro arguing which of their little toys is better
>meanwhile real men are playing on pc with 300 fps

So this is the power of pc in 2017...


>talking shit about mount n blad

Difference is that game is running simulations in the background.

The only thing this game is running is PS2 graphics.

False, Wii U stutters more than Switch everywhere

graphics is not the selling point of this game

>literally constant silky smooth 20 fps

niten bros will defend this

You can say whatever you want but there is a reason why we get new console every 6 years.
To improve the graphics(unless it's nintendo, than it's all the same shit since gamecube)

jesus christ, the village is fucking solidly at 20fps

how the fuck can you put out a game running that poorly with a straight face, it runs worse than Dragon's Dogma on console

Wiiu is pee poo
Switch is ???

BOTW running in newest proto cemu now at 60fps. 1 week after launch. Sound is still fucked, Devs updating once a week. I give it 3 weeks, master race will be playing it in 4k.