>There will never be a GTA style Zootopia game
Life is pain
>There will never be a GTA style Zootopia game
Life is pain
slit your wrists you furry faggot
Would a Blacksad LA Noire game be better?
lego city undercover
>Ah man, us gamers are persecuted unfairly by normal people. Just because we're not normal doesn't mean we're bad, sheesh.
>Wow, FURRIES? As in people who are attracted to CATS and shit? Fucking weird. Die. Freaks.
really makes you think
Perhaps a Lackadaisy Mafia game?
What about a Lapfox fighting game?
Maybe a Sam and Max ga-- oh wait
OP got us
he set us up
But it already exists. It is called San Andreas.
What about a Blacksad game?
That'd be cool.
That'd also be cool.
No, these are stupid.
>hah so fanny his name is mr big when he actually a shrew XD
I really like this sort of aesthetic where they use animal characters instead of humans. I like Armello for the same reason even though I never played it, it just looks appealing. Maybe it's 'cause it's so much easier to convey the character across with just a simple description or picture.
I wish there was an RPG with this sort of thing without being furfaggotry like Ironclaw.
>equating playing videogames with wanting to fuck animals
that is very silly
>Mafia-style Lackadaisy
Fuck off, queer.
He's not wrong, though.
Yeah, didn't see that post until after I'd posted.
>you will never fuck that bunny
>Kubo lost to this
What about a cartoon fighting game?
This is the only acceptable furry type game
Enjoy your ban
>no ponies allowed
>picture has no equus ferus caballus
Fake news
>tfw making a furry fps
>tfw triggering Sup Forums and tumblr both
I hope to be an upcoming meme game master
Oh, it happened.
kill yourself horsefucker
>tfw even saying you like Crash Bandicoot, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter or Sly Cooper makes you a furfag these days
Furfags are a mistake.
is there anything else added to it?
last time you would go in to the sewers in disguise with ratguards and the game would end.
>went to see mvoie for the sexy bunny
>movie turned out to be pretty good
Good day.
If everyone is a furfag then no-one is.
>hate furries but wanted to watch a disney movie that wasnt 60% a fucking musical
>next minute want to fuck the rabbit
i hate myself but still better then frozen
Good. I don't support bestiality.