When you realize that Breath of the Wild is more realistic than Horizon Zero Dawn despite "Muh grafixx"....
Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild
Stop trying to make them mutually exclusive.
They don't even have the same target audience age bracket.
>Nintendo's Zelda is for pre-teens and children in general.
>Sony's Horizon is for teens and young adults in general.
This is further proved when you see the bland infantile visual appeal of Zelda for young children and the feminist-matriarchy appeal for college aged players of Sony.
It's like saying that Pixar's Car is bad because La La Land is also out there. La La Land's public won't watch Cars, and Car's kids won't watch La La Lands, for the very same reason Nintendo players and Sony players won't even play the other game.
Stop this.
Realism doesn't make a game good mate, also this video is loaded with skewed samples
>thinking realism matters in either game
real life doesn't look like a ps2 game
Zelda is a video game. Horizon Zero Dawn is a playable movie. The videos showcase that fact perfectly.
Real life doesn't look like Horizon Zero Dawn either. Also, it has physics and gravity.
The best example is the bows. Who thought having a sniper rifle for a bow was a good idea?
When will you assholes realize you can like both?
>Horizon is a movie game.
Sigh I hardly ever come to this shitty board much anymore because it's a waste of time arguing with nintengaf idiots like you all day.
I do like how destructible Zelda's environment is but really most games are like horizon, I can't think of any other open world game where you can just start chopping down trees or set fields on fire so it's kinda unfair to single out horizon here.
It's still a very pretty game and I'm sure it's fun.
They are both bareboned openworld ubisoft games.
I'll take the one that doesn't run at sub 20 fps
>le mature game for mature gamers
Zelda runs at a stable 30fps in handheld Switch. Enjoy your movie though. I forgot that we're currently in Euro hours. In other words, Sony hours.
>a simple comparison in world interactivity between two comparatively similar games
>Sup Forums goes full autism condescending defense mode
No wonder discussion on this board are impossible.
When I first saw that you can cut down any random tree in BoTW and even make bridges from logs I was pretty impressed also there's an over world boss who rips trees out of the ground and swings them at you like clubs the highly destructible environment really is very cool.
Nier and Nioh are more fun than both.
Enjoy your open world trash.
Yep. Just wanted to show these gamers that realistic graphics doesn't equate to actual realism. I just hope the thread isn't eventually deleted. Just wanted to start a discussion.
Isn't it past your bedtime?
The highly interactive/destructible environment in Zelda is pretty sweet and I think this video does a nice job of illustrating to people something that is different about it v other open world games, I honestly can't think of one other open world game with a world as interactive as Zelda's.
That said it doesn't mean horizon is bad this is just showing a way that they're different. People are just incapable of being reasonable though it seems.
>people still arguing about two mediocre games
Now that's something that's really annoying about underage fags these days, they assume that because the Nintendo consoles are not doing well or as powerful that Nintendo as developers are equally lacking.
It has been the case for decades that Nintendo has some of the most skilled developers, who create a very polished product with considerable skill, only rivaled by a few studios.
Well above the norm.
Then you have something like Horizon that the second you look at it's mechanics, physics and animations that the game obviously lacks craft and is a very shallow, simple product.
But people are so blinded by the visuals that they can't see how bare bones, rough and simple everything is.
Horizon is technology the game. Zelda is TECHNOLOGY the game.
Well said. Kids these days don't know what actual gaming is. They're too busy being fooled by graphics and are missing out on actual gameplay.
I'm impressed with the attention of detail as conveyed in the video comparison.
I would like to see developers push the envelope and raise the consumers expectations of what an electronic game can be.
I think this should be required viewing for
>name one thing Zelda does better than any other open world game
I liked
>The Witcher 3
>Mad Max
>Watch Dogs 2
>Just Cause 3
>Breath of the Wild
Sorry to ruin games for you niggas. I can't resist open world games.
After Breath of the Wild, expect every open world developer to step up their world interactivity and AI. Zelda has raised the bar extremely high for open world.
Nintendo fans are pure cancer. You're already trying to justify your shitty tablet by throwing horizon under the bus. pretty pathetic.
No, they can ignore Zelda because it's on a BING BING WA-HOO! machine and doesn't compete with their games.
The question isn't "which is better" because it doesn't matter. You can own both. You can play both. At the end of the day you can play both games and say, "I enjoyed ____ more because..." and it'll still be anecdotal.
The PROBLEM is the Switch is fucking G A R B A G E. If being under-powered wasn't bad enough, the amount of malfunctions, hardware failure and poor quality control makes the Switch a no-buy.
Also, who buys a console for one (1) fucking game? I could go out and buy a switch this very second but reason and logic says it's a terrible idea.
Ground is still invincible.
Boulders and covers are invincible.
Foilage when cut, disappears completely.
Green grass can be burn by a small fire arrow.
Physics? realistic?
I don't own a switch or WiiU, but anybody that thinks Nintendo lacks craft or that Horizon has any, is an idiot, Guerilla outsourced a lot of the actual work in the game, it's no surprise why the game has bad animations, lip syncing, static world, etc.
Zelda is irrelevant, if you can't see the clear limitations and lack of skill in Horizon you are the dumb underage fag that can't see past graphics, I was talking about.
That's not destructible when cover cannot be destroyed. Calamity Ganon tried his best but the rocks was too superior to his lazah.
BOTW physics are just vid physics, selective and dumb.
Plotwise, Horizon has MUCH more in common with Nier: Automata
Certainly more realistic than horizon's physics. You see her fucking arrows burn on WATER!
Zelda is not prefect but the world interactivity is definitely something they've stepped up over other games. Doesn't mean horizon is bad but can't you see how it's a cool feature? Wouldn't you like to see more games where you can do more shit with the stuff around you instead of it just being pretty window dressing? That horizon chick couldn't even break that barrel, it's a wood fucking barrel why shouldn't you be allowed to break that?
>I can't think of any other open world game where you can just start chopping down trees or set fields on fire
senpai, I...
Most games are low effort shovelware designed to appeal to focus groups and marketing screenshots. It's actually really nice to see that there are still games being made that actually model things like physics and authentic environments.
Things like that matter more from gameplay perspective than amazing graphics or ebin huge open world. It's much harder to be immersed by a game when it doesn't follow common sense than it is if the game has unrealistic graphics.
It's definitely not unfair to make the comparison. Which doesn't mean that Horizon is the only game that is flawed here, the majority of modern games are really bad when it comes to these things - but that doesn't mean being bad is a good thing.
>The question isn't "which is better" because it doesn't matter
Very convenient when one game being blatantly better than the other in almost every way doesn't matter.
And you don't even need a Switch to play BotW
>wanting realism in vidya
>still thinking that anyone besides rabid retard Nintenbros and Sony ponies considered HZD to be a Zelda killer
>this fucking mad because a game he doesn't like is successful
Seriously, why are so many of you cunts wanting to make this stupid competition?
Jesus, some of these are just embarrassing.
>the amount of malfunctions, hardware failure and poor quality control makes the Switch a no-buy.
How many defective units are there? I mean a percentage out of sold units.
Nigga both the Xbone and the PS4 had a shitload of videos and video compilations of them having hardware problems, from sounding like a fucking jet to the graphics card being fucked.
>hzd is a playable movie
Wanna know how I know you didn't play it?
The Order 1886 is a playable movie. HZD is a game. Stop being mad because you sank $300 into a tablet.
>when you shoot an arrow into the water in BOTW it keeps going under water before resurfacing since it's mostly wood
Fuck I didn't even know that
How much TECHNOLOGY does BOTW have?
I remember reading an interview once where Miyamoto was talking about how the rules of a games world being clear to the player is important and he was actually talking about it in Mario surprisingly.
He said how there was actually all kinds of debate when they first introduced the idea of freezing things because they thought "does ice float in Mario's world?" It already breaks all kinds of other rules so does it follow that one or not? It's interesting the amount of thought that goes into these things he said the debate inspired him to write down the official rules of physics for Mario so they'll have it even after he's gone.
They really do have some great designers and the whole design process is pretty fascinating to me so I always like reading about stuff like that.
Nigga your game can't even manage to have collisions on non enemy models. Not so much as bouncing off NPCs or buildings with a weapon.
Probably more than any game ever
Western games used to do things like that a long time ago as well, before the whole industry turned into a bunch of soulless corporations pumping out screenshot creation applications with the same watered down gameplay designed to appeal to non-gamers.
I honestly don't even like Nintendo or their games, but when I saw this guy Robbaz on Youtube play the new Zelda, I couldn't help but be impressed by the game. Because I'm so used to seeing the usual garbage.
except they have floating platform already?
I was impressed the arrow shot into the sky actually landed far away and you could go pick it up, much more used to how it is in horizon where shit just disappears.
Obviously Zelda still has indestructible surfaces but it's really cool how far they took all this stuff.
There's also allot of cool lightning interactions.
The question was specifically "does ice float on water in Mario's world?" user. Not "can shit float?"
Obviously Mario has had boxes and platforms floating in midair since the very beginning.
then what other "rules" are there? just determine what can float and what doesnt by gameplay balance.
This, all of the little touches are insanely impressive.
And unlike most TECHNOLOGY, a lot of it makes the gameplay better.
There's a bunch. He explained how it should all be based on what a user would intuitively think they should be able to do.
It was one of those old "Iwata asks" interviews, many of them were good if you're interested in game design they got into all kinds of stuff.
BOTW has more physics interactions than any other game I've ever seen. The only thing that comes close is GTA IV.
>green grass can be burn by a small fire arrow
Pay attention. Green grass stops burning relatively quickly, dry grass in BOTW spreads wildly.
What's with cynical fanboys pretending that BOTW isn't fucking revolutionary when it comes to environments, physics, weather, and AI? You don't have to like the game to admit it's full of TECHNOLOGY to a greater extent than even Rockstar games are.
It all comes down to resource allocation. Game development is all about making sacrifices and trade offs, Both games set out to accomplish different goals and both games succeed in those goals.
The only goal is shekel.
I'm pretty sure that the goal in both cases was to entertain the player. Then again, with corporations you never know. Perhaps the goal was really to make money.
Very true. The video showcases something unique about Zelda very well but this shouldn't be a "my game can beat up your game!" thread.
You can have static environments and have a great game, Nintendo just chose to do something else.
HZD has good graphics, but that's not because of magical optimisation like tards think, there was clearly some compromises to achieve that
Like getting all that foliage? the trade off was no physics, so it's less of a strain on the CPU
It's funny because i got into some argument with someone & they said Battlefield 1 is static compared to HZD, when in truth it's the complete opposite
They chose to create a game that will be talked about and used for the standard of open world sandboxes for the next 30 years?
Why do you keep making this thread
It's a fine compromise. I don't really care if the grass moves when I walk through it because I'm not paying attention to it.
The water looks like shit though and could use some work.
Horizon is not static at all. The world feels very alive.
30 years might be a bit of a stretch.
These videos were never shown to Sup Forums until now. I just wanted to show this to people who put graphics over world interactivity, AI, physics and gameplay.
Breath of the Wild is truly something special and every developer will have it in mind when when designing open world games in the future.
I lost it at the fire arrows
People are literally still talking about the first Zelda and the impact it had on games today. Same with LttP and OoT.
Make sure to share these videos whenever you see some shitposter saying stuff like that.
So besides damage modifiers, how does the AI and robots react when it begins to rain in game?
How about those lightning strikes that fire randomly?
Oh.... wait....
I think thats a stretch nothing zelda did was revolutionary and the whole "climb anything" would look dumb in any other game
This isn't going to be the new FF7 vs OoT
The physics is pretty pathetic, i mean for fuck sake your arrows don't even get lit by fire, TF2 had this 10 years ago
Zelda is the reason yes like Dark Souls exist. It is a revolutionary game. Watch the next open world game from Sony operates how Breath of the Wild does. Just watch, developers saw the 10/10s, the 98 score. They aren't designing anymore static worlds with bad AI and physics.
Zelda will be remembered as the originator.
something I found out about recently you can throw metal weapons at enemies just before the lightning strikes and it will kill them in zelda.
also you can turn regular chu chu's into electric ones by placing a metal object near them during a storm to draw the lightning.
shit like that is cool, when you think to your self "I wonder if I can do x" and then you try and it actually works it's very satisfying and something that I would say I generally experience more in nintendo games than other games.
>nothing Zelda did was revolutionary
Dynamic weather system that affects both the AI and environment, with the AI reacting to it at all times
More in game physics than any other game in history. Dorf fort being possibly the only exception.
AI that reacts to the things you're doing and cues in the environment to change strategy or do new things
AI that literally interacts with other AI
BOTW is absolutely revolutionary for open world games, and you're just in denial if you believe otherwise at this point.
The robots all have different moves and attack variants. Plus they actually put up a fight unlike zelda enemies that just flop onto the ground and let you smack them
Are you fucking stupid
You know like every review has cited BoTW as difficult right? I'm not trying to say horizon is bad, it looks like a good game actually, but don't lie user.
What did I say that was stupid? Dark Souls made a tweet about how Zelda inspired them.
Have you ever played any game from this retarded post looks like you didnt
>Cherry picking some gimmicks you never ever use: the video
So that makes it a movie?
Way to pull a random item out of your ass.
If you're in a camp of sleeping goblins and place metal weaponry between them during a thunder storm, and a lightning strike hits one piece of metal, then it will chain to all the other pieces of metal and kill them all in a single strike.
It's ridiculously cool.
Confirmed for having not played BOTW. Larger enemies, guardians, and high level enemies don't face knockdown. (guardians do but only if you cut off a limb, and even then it's temporary)
I do like how you avoided my questions though, because you realize that Horizon takes place in a very static world where all of the AI, environment, and weather works separately instead of in a unified dynamic system like it does in BOTW.
please no game with pause to heal is difficult
HZD is a shit game, anyone should have noticed this when people only talked about it's graphics
Guerrilla Games is a mediocre developer propped up by Sony's wallet
>>Nintendo's Zelda is for pre-teens and children in general.
Show me one (1) fucking child take down a LYNEL. ONE
You're clearly mad. But you aren't refuting anything.
Zelda and Mario and Nintendo in general have done allot of highly influential shit there's no denying that but I think you're taking that tweet a bit too literally.
you havent played horizon so ur no different
Stasis bro
You sound really butthurt. I never spoke a lie, you literally had to lie to try and defend Horizon
zelda fans need to pull their head out of nintendos ass
Only rural and suburban retards would actually choose Zelda over Horizon: Zero Dawn
Still doesnt kill him or stop his attacks like other enemies. I only use that to take selfies with him. Because its useless against big enemies unless you want to run away from them.
In Horizon you can shoot down the trees with explosions. it doesn't make sense to cut down a tree with a spear
and realistically speaking you can't cut down tree with a sword either. But i guess it's fine because "muh technology"
Stasis lasts all of 1 second on mini bosses and guardians.