I'm so fucking BORED

I'm so fucking BORED

Are there any multiplayer games on PC that:
>Are alive
>Has a solid community (not full of kids)
>Are fun and engaging?

I'll play anything

Warframe, you have the added bonus of it being F2P without a shitty buisness model too

>Not full of kids

Pick one.
You'll run into faggoty little kids in every major game release on all platforms. PC is no exception.

Siege, baby.

isnt't she getting fucked by some really creepy CS GO player?

Blackwake is GOAT

The price is a barrier to entry for the little kids

>without a shitty buisness model too
You are so fucking wrong.

I love mexican news



Get Arma 3 and play with a group. It can get autistic but also pretty fun.

As older I get video games are slowly stopping to fill the void and I'm realizing that I'm a worthless human with bad genes.

COD player

oh right, yeah that weird guy

didn't he like, go to mexico without speaking the language and somehow ended up with her?

What a post, what a post...


stop being tsun for csgo, Sup Forums

>grind for days for materials to make a new character
>one you have the materials wait days for those materials to become parts
>wait even MOAR days for those parts to become the new warframe


It's the worst business model desu senpai

This or RS siege


More than likely it's a KoF player.

How much do faze players make that she hopped on his cock when the only thing he did was dm her on twittwr

the guy is american or canadian or something
he basically got fit and then flew to mexico after seeing her in a video. he then met her and kept trying to kiss her or something and they both couldnt speak each others language. then they somehow got together and have been a couple since. so the guy is basically fucking his dream girl through being a really weird creepy stalker guy who looked good.

Worst recommendation ever

If you're decent you can play any multiplayer game and climb ranked high enough that kids wont bother you. Obvious exception is ASSFAGGOTS.

CS:GO is a good example, but then you can get a polish/russian player once in while, which is worse then kids. But then again, you can pay 7$/month and play on ESEA, which automatically filters all subhumans.

>Not full of kids and manchildren

That ass is actually disgusting. I like it when they're big and natural, not huge and unnatural.

How can you tell if it's "unnatural" if she's wearing a really tight dress?

I get the feeling blackwake won't survive to the end of the weekend before people turn to the next early access game.

Killing floor 1 and 2

This. I fucking hate Ubisoft but after trying it out on the free weekend I had to buy it. Great game.

By looking at her pics on Twitter where she's practically naked.

>Dat gif

Thank you mister or miss.

What does it smell and taste like Sup Forums?

>It's not a brooding brown-and-bloom military FPS
>It must be for children
Bitch please the community is way better than childish fuck-fests like RO2

>Dude, check out my racial impression for the 821308213 time, lmao!
>Dude, mic spamming, lmao!
>I'm so edgy and clever!

ffxiv has the first and the second

but you might find it extremely boring, it's on you
10 times better than Wow still

Cinnamon and Mountain Dew.

the powers of being a Chad.

Good looking, plays CoD, doesn't even speak her fucking language, fit.

what am I doing with my life Sup Forums? why are we here?

Literally Squad.

Squad thread.

Red orchestra 2

He didn't say it's for children. He said it's full of children and he's right. I like Overwatch but the player base is awful.

>wanting 3D

A-At least we got a 'not-BTR' while even fucking insurgents have autocannons and SPG's mounted on trucks, as well as artillery.

Dev bias is starting to heavily show as being entirely slavboo.

>Here's 5 new slavshit vehicles, some of which with 30mm cannons that can penetrate cover, and will instantly annihilate light vehicles, which are the only kinds of vehicles in the game anyway!
>Here, US, you get a Stryker with a .50 cal on top. What's that? A stryker MGS so you're not getting totally BTFO by 30mm autocannons from across the map? Maybe in 5 months, Goy.

They even gave slavshits the only heavy AT kit.

King of Fighters games are all about DAT ASS so it's not unreasonable.

Same. I find no interest in most games and even those i do like i drop after a short while.
The only games im able to play seem to be ccgs and mobas...I dont know why..Maybe because they are round based and dont require me to take them seriously...

I want to fuck a Latina girl

Specifically HeyShika

It's really, really not that bad. Like at all. I barely hear anyone even talk. You don't know bad until you've played DotA, ArmA, CS, or Rising Storm.

This actually. The game requires actual teamwork and communication, and no squad leader puts up with dumbass spammers. Best Admins ive seen in a long time.
Plus the game requires a bit of walking and your guns dont shoot lazers so todays ADHD riddled teens dont bother.

nope get a Switch for Zelda or PS4 for Nioh/Bloodborne if you want fun. PCbrogaming is dead.

path of exile
get in while you can, sucker

>someone asks you to leave grenadier so they can play marksman episode

Project Reality

>game is not as popular as Dota2 or Overwatch
Ugh I can't play this dead game
>game is as popular as Dota2 or Overwatch
Ugh I can't play this game it's full of BRs and children

The weapons do shoot lasers, though. There's no bullet drop. At least not at any remotely noticeable range.

Squad has it's own variants of autism, though. The PR crowd is absolute cancer and will 110% kill the multiplayer once Squad is out of EA by inserting all the spergy server-side and gameplay handicaps that makes PR too much of a chore for anyone but the most brain damaged to enjoy.

just saw her instagram, guy didn't look creepy.


He's a CoD-playing Chad

It's bad for me. Every other match I have some loudmouth kid crying at how he sucks or some fuckhead who is bitching at the rest of the team while they're doing nothing at all. Shit, it's not outright "NIGGERFAGGOTS" but it's cancerous all the same.

That the game made by the PR guys? PR was fucking great. I can count the number of times I had bad experiences with the playerbase on one hand over the better part of a decade.

Fuck off it is, Kids will play on family PCs all the damn time. All the worst communities in gaming have been on PC and filled with kids, the Original DotA and CS were littered with 12 year old faggots at the time, (very little has changed in that regard as well.)

Any valve based game, from Gmod to TF2 are also filled with kids. Then you look at shit like Minecraft.

This "price barrier" exists only if you are a moron who thinks you need a top of the line gaming PC to play video games on line.


yeah it's too bad that, even while being totally free, the playerbase is dead because the community and devs for PR are intensely anti-fun, not even to the point of it being about immersion or 'muh realism', but simply to make shit more tedious for the sake of it.

These idiots will do the same thing to Squad, too, if the reddit is anything to go off of, so I'd wait until Squad was out of EA before hopping on the wagon, personally.

>Hurrr we should make spawning as garbage as possible
>I LOVE walking for 10 minutes!
>All vehicles should be claimed at the start of the 40 minute match to be hoarded by a small handful of the team permanently!
>Everything should take 10 hours to stabilize for firing if you've moved so my feelings don't get hurt when I've been uselessly sitting on defense for the last 15 minutes watching grass grow!
>Lets think of tons of useless roles and slots to waste players on so only 10-15 people are ACTUALLY pushing objectives!

>what am I doing with my life Sup Forums? why are we here?
Just to suffer.



sex with hot girls is overrated
source: have fucked really hot girls
sex with someone you love is infinitely better times a gorrillion

That was one of the worst things about PR, that feeling of watching some dumbasses hog the transport vehicles leave you in the dust while you and your mates walk from your spawn point to where the fight is occurring on the other side of the fuckhuge map. I didn't exactly hate the people who did it but it was annoying more than anything

I love Warframe and I think you're a shithead

>not having sex with a hot girl you love

What's her name ? I never found it

Nevermind I'm fucking dumb and forgot to Image Search.

Ygoogle it

girls that look like op's pic are generally insufferable to be around

unless you like pretending you care about camping, hiking, make up, shopping, yoga, etc

The risk of rain threads here are pretty nice.

And that, along with having the worst gunplay of any FPS in existance, is why PR's community is only a couple hundred active players at peak hours.

PR is a game everyone LOVES to hype up and talk mad shit about like it's god's gift to the milsim genre, but it's the literal embodiement of 'sounds cool on paper, is fucking terrible in practice.'

*tearing up* DELET THIS NAO

Conan Exiles

>source: have fucked really hot girls

This is the bait to end all bait

Maybe vanilla WoW but you'd have to reach a higher level first.

Guys, what was this? I got here too late.

Yeah but you can't just hop into a game and start playing

>im a virgin so everybody else is

>Has a solid community (not full of kids)
there is none
not on consoles, not on pc

Girl bends over, allowing you to see down her top of her cleavage, that's literally it.

Pretty nice hanging pair though.

Only dumbasses pay for warframes anyway


R6 Siege, but the community is eh.

Holy shit how can one human being be so wrong?

Two words, paladins

>play it
>seems interesting but too easy
>look online
>people saying it doesn't get any harder


Titanfall 2 motherfucker.

I was very pleasantly surprised. Finding a match takes seconds in the EU.

Gameplay is super fast and there are a few nice game types.



>loot based Shooter/ARPG hybrid is not hard

Her tits look so weird now, I liked it better when I thought she was flatter. It's like puberty hit her late, or she just decided to show a lot more cleavage recently.

How the fuck do you even know this?
>inb4 some fantastical story about how that faggot used to be on Sup Forums and give threadly updates of his hunt for Mexican ass

pls repost
asking for a friend

Added to the fact that Ubisoft has garbage online and half the time you'll be spent getting fucked around by the shitty matchmaking

I don't give a shit about fucking them. I want something nice to look at.

Source: average gf who looks like shit regularly because she's a lazy asshole on her days off

He said alive, user.

A shame, because the variety of weaponry and equipment makes my dick hard. It's just eh. The weapons didn't feel unique or anything. I guess it's sort of fun taking out modern armies as one of the rebel factions armed with a rifle that's a hundred years old but infantry combat between the major armies isn't as fun as it could be