>What are you playing?
>Are you enjoying it?
>what is your backlog?

Currently playing through Nier and Zelda on switch. Enjoy both immensely.

As a bonus, here is a straw poll on what platforms you own

Other urls found in this thread:

Playing Battle Brothers
It's pretty gud

>What are you playing?
Borderlands 2 with a friend whenever our times match up. Gonna replay Dead Space 3 because i'm one of the 5 people on the planet that liked it.
>Are you enjoying it?
Having a lot of fun whenever we play. Neither of us are greedy when it comes to loot, and we like to listen to each other ramble during sidequests. Shame he doesn't own Dead Space 3
>what is your backlog?
Nothing. I haven't bought a game since MGSV because i'm a neckbeard NEET. PC is shit, still stuck on last gen. Somebody kill me

You are not missing jackshit.

Best recent games is low-end shit like Rocket League, Undertale and Inside.

What's that?

What about your friend? You wouldn't want to leave him alone, do you?

>Not really, no. The game turned into waiting and money wasting for gear that will probably be shit come next update
>Three Ace Attorney games and Oblivion

Which AA games? It better be the original trilogy

It's the three most recent ones: AAI2, Dual Destinies, and whatever AA6 is called.

I finished the first four last month.

I woke up an hour ago, but I've only slept for around 4 hours. I'm thinking of playing Siege or some shit and maybe power napping before work.

BERSERK, Far Cry Primal, MAD MAX, RAGE, and Sleeping Dogs.


Who cares?

>Witcher 2 again, doing Iorveth path as I heard it's the better one
>It's ok I guess, but refuses to run at solid 60 for whatever the fuck reason
>too many

>What are you playing?
Deus Ex Human Revolution
>Are you enjoying it?
Yeah, its fun, but not as good as the original
>what is your backlog?
Whats that?

>What are you playing?
Man, I'm playing so much right now I can't even believe it. A couple years ago I thought the joy from vidja gaems was gone from my soul. Since I got a gf, every second gaming counts. I guess I had too much free time, that's why I enjoy the little free time for video-juegos I have. Anyway, I'm currently enjoying Overwatch, Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1 and The Witcher 3 on PC and Dragon Quest VIII and Tri Force Heroes on 3DS. Sadly my PS3 and Wii are gathering dust.

>Are you enjoying it?
I always quickly drop games I don't enjoy. Sup Forums recommended me Pocket Card Jockey or something for 3DS. Shit had me through 20 minutes of shitty conversation before any gameplay. I dropped it like a rock on a river.

>what is your backlog?
So many games I can't even count. Since I put CFW on my 3DS I have a shitton games to play. On PC, I wish I had more time to play R6 Siege.

Dragon Ball Z: Fusions, Dragon Ball Z: Xenoverse 2, For Honor, UMVC3 with friends

yeah, once I'm over my DBZ kick I'll be back to playing my normal off-and-on gay FPS games until the next big game is out

the endgame of Nioh, just haven't had the willpower to do it and I'm busy with For Honor.

Finished all my big AAA titles, could need some Indie game to change things up

>Stardew Valley
>Shovel Knight +DLC
>Night in the woods

Which one should i get ?

Would be gratefull for any recommendations

>Borderlands 2 with a friend
Wew me too

Is berserk any good

shovel knight is the best game out of all of those and the most focused on being a fun game. stardew valley is just a cutesy timekiller with meh content, night in the woods is 2017's memegame (i.e like Undertale) and va1halla is just a lame VN and barely a game at all

Loving BOTW. Intermittently Isaacing and feeling guilty about not finishing FF7 and Undertale yet.

Not sure why I don't just make myself beat Undertale, I ended up doing something i felt guilty about and just never finished.

Do you like harvest moon? Then Stardew. Classic platformers? Shovel knight. Not sure about the rest

Breath of the Wild thread.

Persona Q and a little bit of Animal Crossing. Also Touhou Embodiment of Scarlet Devil

>enjoying it
So far, I'm still adjusting to having so many team members to use for dungeon crawling on top of managing sub-personas per team. Animal Crossing with the new update has done wonders for me on working on my town and house.

It's mostly 3ds but once I get through a few I'm going to finally sit down and play through Silent Hill 1-4. After I have SMT Nocturne, Devil Summoner 1 and 2, and Digital Devil Saga.

it's a musou, so unless you have an extremely high tolerance for playing the same fucking game 300 times with no change in formula for the whole game, no it's not good.

just pirate it if you're a huge Berserk fan, if you're not a Berserk fan then don't bother period.

I'm a big fan of berserk, is it berserk enough? Like the enemy designs and such? The cutscenes are any good?

>What are you playing?
Nothing, my excitement for P5 feels like it's kind of preventing me from wanting to do anything else.
>Are you enjoying it?
>what is your backlog?
Too much to list.

I'm looking forward to Nier on PC and am losing my fucking mind in excitement for P5 though. I'll probably play Zelda eventually, but not really interested right now.

>>What are you playing?
BOTW and Total War Warhammer
>>Are you enjoying it?
Yeah, both are very good games
>>what is your backlog?
Too much to count, but I plan on playing Berseria next.

half of the game uses scenes right out of the golden age trilogy, and no the enemies are very generic for Berserk.

the worst part of the whole game is censorship though,not regarding shit like nudity or rape, I can give that a pass just enough for obvious reasons, but when you hit guys they just fucking fly off like any other goofy cartoony musou shit. it's comically censored.

Gah, maybe I'll pirate it. Why are all berserk media (besides the first anime, and mayyyybe the movies) so shit

>Gonna replay Dead Space 3 because i'm one of the 5 people on the planet that liked it.
Count me in. I was disappointed by the end result but I love the the Thing-like environments. Also DS3 has one of the best sequences in gaming imo, that is the space graveyard. The music and the scene is just perfect. That lost potential is just sad.

Do you actually like it's a third person shooter rather than survival horror?

>what are you playing?
Bloodborne and Undertale. Trying to finish Bloodborne before P5 comes out.
>are you enjoying it?
Bloodborne feels like playing Dark Souls 1 for the first time again.
>what is your backlog?
Homeworld Remastered (too stressful), Witcher 3.

Just started playing nioh and it's pretty fun. I do see myself playing this game for a long time because of the loot drop system.

>What are you playing?
Replaying dark souls, its been a couple years. Also getting into emulation, revisiting n64 classics of my childhood
>Are you enjoying it?
Probably the most fun I've had with single player games in quite a while.
Morrowind. Every month I reinstall it with overhaul and every month I dont feel motivated enough to begin that experience.

I'm currently going threw some backlog stuff an found X-Men Origins: Wolverine...pretty fucking great so far!

>What are you playing?
Breath of the Wild
Forza Horizon 3
>Are you enjoying it?
Yes and yes though since I got the Switch Forza Horizon is getting touched less.
>what is your backlog?
My backlog is gigantic so I won't list them all but I was to get a reproduction cart of Earthbound and play that as well as Super Metroid. In addition to that I want to get around to Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns and when I get around to getting a new PS4 (my first gen 1 died) I want to play Bloodborne, Nier, and Horizon.

Me too

>video games
go back to nerd


>What are you playing?
Rainbow Six Siege, Insurgency, FoxHole Alpha, and Smash Bros. Melee since a buddy got me into it
>Are you enjoying them?
Hell yeah, Insurgency has a good mixture of the usual arcadey action but the basic insta-death slows it down while maintaining a steady pace of action. FoxHole is cool, especially when towns are getting sieged. Rainbow Six despite being an Ubisoft title has to be their best game out,m. It still has its Ubisoft quirks and bugs but that Dev team for them are nuts.
Too many games to count


>meme lands 2

Kill yourself

>What are you playing?
Re-playing Terraria, trying to make my meme commie block disaster castle look sort of okay.
>Are you enjoying it?
I would be if the damn ayylmaos would fuck off and let me work.
>what is your backlog?
Dragon Commander, FEZ, Sleeping Dogs, and Saints Row 3. Just never really got around to playing them.

hollow knight
about 20 games I bought but don't feel like playing at all

>What are you playing?
Breath of the Wild
>Are you enjoying it?
Can't stop playing it
>What is your backlog?
Yakuza 0, Nioh, Trails of Cold Steel 2

Was playing what's now in my backlog just fine until Zelda happened.

Jules Been: Journey to the moon

It's alot like Dracula and it has alot of atmosphere. There is some PNC bullshit though.

My backlog is so long my grandchildren will still be working through it.

>What are you playing?
100%'n Sly 1-3 while rotating either Overwatch with friends or a random 3rd game I feel like playing for an hour or two.
>Are you enjoying it?
Sly is still consistently good.
Overwatch got a new season, and I gave one of my friends a graphics card and ram so he can now get a solid 60 while playing and won't hard crash every 3 games.
Last 3rd game was Bad Boys Miami Takedown for the Ps2. It wasn't great, but funny for the time I spent with it.
>What is your backlog?
An ever expanding shit heap. I always find myself thinking I am going to get around to it but I never do. It's honestly gotten to a point where I sort of just want to play the same games I've always been and maybe pick up a second hobby.


Zelda BOTW

>Are you enjoying it?

yes, except for the fact that I don't know how to get sick new clothes and rupees are impossible to find even if I wanted to buy new gear

>What is your backlog?

About 30 games on Steam and growing. Can't remember all of the games; but Xcom 2 is one of them.

I'm not the actual quoted but I've finished Dead Space 3 recently with a friend and I can say the game has its moments. Like when we descended into Volantis and could actually die of hypothermia, I mean, it could be a great obstacle to care about if it lasted longer through the game.
There were also the sidequests and how one player couldn't really see what the other was seeing. The ammunition system sucked balls though, using the same type of ammo for a pistol and a bloody contact beam was a poor design decision.

It's good, not as good as DaS though.
No real backlog, maybe I'll go back to Hitman at some point. Can't wait for Persona 5.

Atelier Sophie (again)

I've got it on Despair so it can be frustrating, but I like the challenge

Finish Fairy Fencer F ADF