Can Sup Forums still be fixed?
Can Sup Forums still be fixed?
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other than slave driving, how is it broken?
It can be but it won't be.
this pic just made me lol so not sure what the problem is
This. It would be so easy to fix this board if mods actually did anything.
This desu senpai
Problem OP?
Nope. It's trash now and forever
was it ever not broken?
>tfw 'can Sup Forums be fixed' will just become another one liner shitpost
Sup Forums could be okay but it's festered too long and the community has gone to shit. i just want a place to talk about video games respectfully but only inflammatory content is what begets responses
It's still a good place to talk about Sup Forums, even with the SJW raid still in effect, mods have super stepped up the game while still letting you fuckers be shit in deleting off topic content. Like a really good job.
Yes, we have to find this man and imprison him.
Please don't act like Sup Forums wasn't always terrible. It's just more of a mix of reddit and Sup Forums now.
This. Unless you're calling somebody a sonybro or nintenbro nobody will even open your thread
Just delete all non-anime boards and restore it to a weeb website, normalfags can go to Reddit. Make phoneposters unable to post but able to browse. There I fixed Sup Forums.
this is actually accurate. The people who say those types of things and act that was on here are all the same people false-flagging each other and themselves, making the board intolerable for those of us here to just talk about fucking vidya
>tfw I started coming here in 08
"console wars" have never been a problem and still aren't, why do you guys even try to push that, it just makes people talk about video games. Also I suggest thinking deeply on what it is you're really trying to accomplish and why and think of better strategies for achieving that.
Fuck you. I can't have my pc with me 24/7
>Sup Forums international
These aren't believable, natural posts. Why wouldn't people discuss the different gaming platforms on a video game website?
It's a mix of console war faggotry and desperation for another TORtanic that's been shitting up the board for the last week.
No, it doesn't. It portrays mindless shitposting as the norm when real discussion should be
How do you see this ?
How does he hold up the other puppet?
Console war shitposters don't discuss. Its just idiots screaming and posting Wojak edits.
That's not true though. Do you guys honestly think it's believable that there are human beings that would go to this site to argue over different consoles when most people that like video games would have multiple systems? No one wants another TORtanic it's just natural opposition to shilling, if there's a game you like and you want to post about it, check to see if there's already a thread about it. If there isn't then you should make one but in your OP you should bring up and interesting facet of the game to stir discussion.
Shitposting isn't discussion
it would be better if we could just be friends
>Do you guys honestly think it's believable that there are human beings that would go to this site to argue over different consoles when most people that like video games would have multiple systems?
Crying wojaks are cancer that needs to be banned at sight, like ponies.
>le SJW raid meme
You are part of the problem
I checked for them
A game that is won if it's never played, OP.
whoa bro. all "console wars" do is force people to play offense and defense. it's not constructive. we can talk about video games without mudslinging, and the sooner we do, the better, imo.
Fixed how? The board is fine as it is.
You're why this board is shit
Yes, it's entirely believable and many anons have stated they do explicitly that
Sup Forums will fix itself.
It might not be SJWs, but if you've been here for any amount of time and have any sense you can see that the threads being created and the things being posted like this one aren't things that someone who likes to talk about video games would post. How much are you guys being paid?
Nothing at the core of "Sup Forums culture" is worthwhile, so no. Just memes, forced cynicism and terrible politics
It's fine if you hate actual discussion
>How much are you guys being paid?
Jokes are still funny after you've heard them hundreds of times, right?
Are shitposters and shills like ACfag, Ruggarell, and Cody still around?
Even the idea of trying to discuss videogames online is fundamentally broken. The internet naturally creates hugboxes, and what arguments we do have are pointless because there can be no winner. No one actually has their opinion on something changed because some random guy posted something with a 2000 character limit
here's the statistics for Sup Forums
That's actually untrue. Anyone worth talking to can be convinced to see a different perspective if given enough valid points.
If I wanted to have some chin-stroking pseudo-intellectual "discussion" I would go to reddit or whatever other faggot website that shit happens on. That is not the purpose of this website and redditors need to stop crying and trying to get the site to fit their retarded desires.
Wow I have been convinced
Lee is a dedicated man, I'll give him that.
>meta Sup Forums shit
Cancerous circlejerking that will achieve nothing
That is not why people come to Sup Forums, though. Sup Forums exists to relentlessly shit on games that they don't like for whatver reason. Whether it's something as stupid as what console it's on, the art style, or whatever political agenda it has. The audience for it does not exist here, and hasn't for a decade.
This, fuck 16 year old kids who think they know about "game design" because they watched a 10 minute youtube video on game feel or whatever
Seriously those reaction images legit are terrible. Why do people use the blandest shit when posting?
Damn that is alot of shitposting.
Fuck off you beta permavirgin faggot. The entire point of this thread is to promote discussion about Sup Forums's flaws. If you think every board on Sup Forums has to be shitpost galore, youre the fucking issue. Go to Sup Forums if you wanna act like a retard
All reaction images are terrible
I lose hope the longer my filters get.
Yeah, that's my point user. This place could be fixed but it won't be
Holy fuck lee
>>>>>>Kill yourself
Source on all the images please?
If the people who post wojaks and that fucking retarded yellow face got banned, this board would be infinitely better.
Console wars are cancer too, why can't we just fucking enjoy our shitty videogames?
Fuck off newfag
The point of Sup Forums is anonymous discussion, not shitposting.
>that many wojacks
>fucking 3715 for barneyfag
holy hell jesus christ
>Sup Forums - International
Good try OP
People who use the term "shitposting" need to return to reddit.
That makes it obvious who the biggest shitposters are. If only they had games to play, then they could spend their time doing something else.
ban people for making Sup Forums posts on Sup Forums and quality will raise 100%
>using filters
>Muh Sup Forums boogyman
No it'll be the same even without the Sup Forums shit
Behold the neverending cancer of Sup Forums
This. Sup Forums only shows up to shitpost and whine about some game developers trying to get attention with some agenda. It wouldn't stop the console war faggotry that's as old as the board.
console wars are Sup Forums related, even though it's retarded
"nigger nigger shill kike worship trump" is not
keep Sup Forums retardation on Sup Forums, this place is for being a retard about video games