>tfw Nintendo switch will kill the handheld line
>tfw no more dual screens
>tfw no more 3D
I'll really miss you 3DS, you had your ups and downs in the past 6 years but in the end you were a pretty great console ;_;
Tfw Nintendo switch will kill the handheld line
They'll probably go full in on mobile. The switch will teeter along but do extremely mediocre.
I haven't touched the 3d in like 5 years man.
Who really uses it more than to see what the 3d effect looks like now?
>implying they wont release switch DS that plays 3DS games and also switch games
but dont buy it because later are gonna release switch ds XL
but actually dont buy that one either because they are gonna release a new switch XL after that
I use it all the time, it looks great.
Literally why would you not use it unless it's a case like pokemon where it slows the game down.
Kirby though with the 3D on, fucking beautiful man.
>tfw want to use the 3d cuz it does make it look nicer
>it drains the battery so fast i can hardly enjoy a good portable without having to have it wired in constantly
>tfw I've literally only used by 3DS for pokemon
I feel kind of bad about it.
I only use mine for animal crossing new leaf. Then again its because my L and R buttons are broken.
Bought my 3DS used off of craigslsit from a kid for 60 dollars. He didn't have it charged and I didn't even turn it on before I bought. Red fucking flags everywhere but I decided to take the risk. Get home and to my amazment it turns on and everything worked. Decided to completely wipe the system and reset it and thats where I realized my mistake. Got to the part where it asks you to turn on the 3D to make sure it works. 3D slider was broken and could not turn on 3D. The 3DS was basically bricked. I decided that I wouldn't let the little get the best of me so I ordered the part that I needed to fix the slider. About 2 hours of work including unsoldering and soldering some pieces and I was done. Then the L and R buttons mysteriously broke.
Fuck my life.
i want an open world Kirby game
am i alone there?
You should be proud of yourself for your resilience and resourcefulness, user.
You are more of a man than I'll ever be. :)
shame the 3d gimmick is pretty much dead. I thought it was actually pretty cool in some games on the 3ds.
>open world
I play every single game on the eshop whenever I want :^) Playing through Dq VII, feels a bit unbalanced but it's pretty gud. Especially for free.
Yeah OP here I'm playing though that now too.
Almost at the end, maybe. This game is long. But yeah I love the 3D in it, the game looks darker and worse without it on.
I agree, it also sort of covers the fact that the camera can just be wonky as fuck in fields, when it zooms out and directly above you and you cant see shit, the perspective helps. I think I'm 35 hours in and supposedly thats like a third to half way.
>console replacing a handheld
this is news to me
3DS gimmicks were all crap
3D barely works, fucks my eyes and the battery
Dual overpriced shitty TN screens
The sole reason it and its predecessor deserve any praise is their libraries
I do like handhelds but the Switch should've just been a juiced up Vita without any of the docking or joycon gimmicks
Good riddance
Just give me my Console Mario and Luigi and Fire Emblem
It's the fucking launch, don't be a moron
>sony releases new iterations of psp, psvita, vita tv, ps3, ps4
>nintendo releases new iterations of 3ds
>activate shitpost mode, releasing control art restricitons to level 3, 2, 1, level 0. The cromwell invocation is in full effect. Unlimited full release until Nintendo is rendered shit.
l and r buttons are an easy fix, surprised you don't know how to do it since you soldered
I love 3d DDDDD:
Probably gotta buy new L and R cables. Tried every way possible to clean the ports and put them back in but nothing with them works.
come on senpai
don't be like that
The real tragedy is the sudden full stop of any touchscreen-heavy games. I scratched the fuck out of two DS consoles and I'd do it again because those games were fun as hell.
I believe Kirby could work well with open world if Milky Way Wishes is anything to say. Riding in a Warpstar to different section of the world or maybe different planets, discovering copy essence deluxe only for those who really explore and maybe have a difficult trial for each of those rarities, and fighting off villains from every aspect of the games like Master Hand, the Squeak Squad, Haltmann Works Co., NME Enterprise, Dark Matters, the Meta-Knights, and Dedede's army.
I doubt they'll end it. It seems like they release new iterations of hardware on a yearly basis by swapping back and forth between new consoles and revisions of their portables. If they drop down to one line of devices, it will be harder to justify putting something out every year. Plus, some of the patents they haven't used yet, like the scroll-wheel shoulder buttons and tactus screen, are probably what they're going to do with the 3DS successor. I remember rumors about the 3DS using an Nvidia GPU, and now we have that in the Switch, so we've probably already gotten glimpses of the next 3DS.
>got a $20 expanded battery pack
>takes 5 minutes to replace the tiny ass old battery
>20+ hours of game time
>3DS is easier to hold
That was hard
>console games, on the go!
>rip handheld focused games
Nice. Its a good thing that it came out for the Xl, too!
>getting the XL
It's like you wanted to spend more money on lower pixel densities
Its like im a half blind grown man with large hands.
I don't really care how it looks, I play monster hunter I'm not playing a handheld for fidelity. I'm a fat man with giant hands and the regular 3DS digs into my hands at the corners and overall just isn't comfy to hold.
I love the 3DS. Loads of great games, plenty of time wasted, etc. I also think the dual screen gimmick is fantastic, and if it never shows up again, it'll be sorely missed. Honestly, I feel like the one Nintendo gimmick that was an overwhelming success was the dual screens, and now it seems as though they're not pursuing that any further.