Remember when you play Dark Souls for the first time?

Remember when you play Dark Souls for the first time?

Yeah, it was shit. I uninstalled and played an actual rpg (Oblivion) for men afterwards.

Heh kid we should change the culture of baiting. There is no need to bait like this.

Oblivion is shit.

Yeah it scared the shit out of me

Anyone else wander to the graveyard first and get destroyed by skelies?

Remember playing darksouls 2 for the first time
Back then I was like this was the sorts 20 euro I ever spent on a game and I regretted buying it for 2 weeks.
But then something magical happened and I became a pro and played the game for 280h

>play DS2 first
>try to go back to DS1
>it feels weird
>everything feels weird
>keep dying and eating shit because of how weird it feels

It was the last game to make me stay up for 18 hours playing nonstop. It was also the last time I felt that "spark" (hard to describe) and felt truly immersed in a game world.


Had a great time exploring

Got lost in the depths and was scared as shit

Somehow made it back to the surface but without passing through blightrown, i ended up in the valley of the drakes. I ended up finishing blightrown by going in the backway

I miss being scared by the challenge. Now these games in my eyes are just iframes, poise frames, tels, stat minimaxing, etc

I remember getting to blightown and thinking to myself "this isn't so bad"

then I died.


and again, again, again, and again.

Wasn't nearly as bad on my later playthroughs and now I just go in from the back.

Yeah, that was fun.
>Guess I'm not going that way lol

yes. took a while to get past the early areas, kept restarting because I couldn't find a cure for curse and other such problems, spent hours grinding the useless moonlight butterfly boss. I liked it for awhile but now i find it really boring and it's just become a normalfag meme

This, I used the wiki way too much as a result. I really regret it.

If DeS, DaS, BB, and DaS3 feel the samish and DaS2 is different than DaS2 is weird

I know but DS2 is my first so it's what I end up comparing the rest to

I'm not blaming the game I'm blaming myself for ruining things

Yeah. I thought it was really boring.

Then I tried it again a year or so later end actually enjoyed it.

I tried playing the PC version at 60fps with DSfix but the entire thing felt way too jerky and sped-up

I beat the Gargoyles and then stopped because the jerkiness was bothering me too much

I got an eyesore from visual glitches and world building inconsistencies, and brain damage from jarring gameplay flaws

My first time through Blighttown, I explored it backwards with a phantom.

Yes, I felt most boss fights were underwhelming after playing DeS.

Yeah, I was thinking "when do I get an ultra great sword that feels like the Dragon Bone Smasher".

>scared to go in Sens
>read wiki
>get even more scared

Never got past the Demon Ruins, stopped caring. Game completely fell off.

>in depths
>those stickmen kept popping around me
>literally creeped the fuck out of me like blair witch shit

Did you ever considered playing it at the original 30fps you dork? >welp this hack is making the game shit, better quit instead of stopping using it

>playing in 30fps

What a masterpiece. I still remember vividly. It took me like two months to finish. I had trouble with every single godamn boss (in my defense I didnt have any coop help). Still remember that I couldnt beat O and S for week. Whole game took me by a surprise. I didnt research anything about the game at all and for some reason I expected some skyrim clone. Boy what a ride was I in for

Yeah, it was like last month.

I played Bloodborne first, then like 10 minutes of DS2, then DS3, then DS, now playing DS2... or I was, before Zelda came out

I played it in 30fps and didnt even notice it.
game looks great with dsfix

DS2 is a better game than zelda

I thought it was a 10/10 masterpiece too until I got to frampt/seethe. Its like they wanted to just completely ruin the game with the goofiest character model ever. >DUDE A SNAKE WITH DENTURES

Yea played it got rekt and never played it again until I got DS2 enjoyed that then went back and played dark souls

Sadly this. Hopefully Miyazaki can capture that same magic in a new IP

Yeah, it's all precise and responsive, fucking weird.

I played it after the "git gud" meme community was well established.
I expected to not finish it based on all I had heared but found it relatively easy. Did it in slightly less than 80 hours which seemed to me like the standard time of completion for an rpg. Seems like most people whine about the difficulty because they have no patience.

the least so of any souls game

same, beat it in 60 hours or so.
I always heard this game was SOOO hard.
What I imagined in my head was perma death, where if you die once you go back to beginning of the game. which is what i actually wanted.

it can be hard when you start and have no knowledge of the game. but if you find out how to upgrade weapons, it becomes quite simple

>keep trying to make it through the graveyard because that's where I think I'm supposed to go
>find the zwei
>grind skellies until I can level up enough to 2hand it
>figure out where I'm really supposed to go and steamroll everything

I feel robbed honestly.

It was pretty tough playing this game after DaS2, especially since you can't warp between bonfires until lategame.

the only boss i didnt beat the first go was queelag and i never hear anybody else say they struggled with her. i died dozens of times on her

it was shit. I didn't know anything about magic, at the end I only had the basic soul arrow and the starter catalyst. I only cared about the strength of armor and not resistances of any kind. didn't know about the covetous rings. also I pirated it so no online features. missed out on all the dlc and painted world.

>that adrenaline rush trying to not fuck up the battle when fighting the gargoyles

yes, and it was horrible
20 frames and low res everything. thank god for pc ports

Oh yes OP, I remember.
>Bonfire? wtf, where's my level-up waifu?
>Undeadburg? That has to be the stupidest name I've ever heard.
>Oh great, it's 5-2. Again.
>Big Hat Logan? Big Hat? I take back what I said about Undeadburg.
>What... a giant fucking anime talking snake? Are they even taking this seriously?
>This is supposed to be firestorm? What a joke.
>That boss seemed incredibly unfair.
>A giant woman with big tits. This is up there with the fucking snake.

Yeah, it was vastly inferior to Demon's Souls.

I still play it occasionally. It's mind boggling to me how after so many years, when I replay the game, I still find out new things I haven't seen before.

I would be a happy man if a game as good as Dark Souls would come out every 5 years, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like that.

How can I relive the feeling when I play Dark souls for the first time again?

You can't

>DeS contrarians

Just accept the fact that it's basically an alpha version of Dark Souls. You'll feel better I promise.



I'm playing it for the first time!
Is the halberd good? I put all my points in str and vit and it seems to stagger a lot...but quelaag is giving me trouble

>wtf I'm only doing 2 damage to this fat assed demon?

Never played Dark Souls.

Convince me why should I?

Halberd is great, I used it for the entire game and the only trouble I had with it was hitting 4 Kings. Bait Quelaag's attacks and then unload into her side, the only real danger she has is the AoE attack.

nah just fuhgettabout it, you missed out

quelaag was the hardest boss for me on my first playthrough, just stay right by her head but slightly to the side to avoid her melee swings. When her human half falls down like shes passed out run away because the huge AOE is coming.

quelaag is the easiest boss in the game user, maybe more so than taurus demon if you don't spam aerial

stop jerking off and just kill quelaag bruh, she's a joke

Just play it up until the gargoyles, as long as you're not retarded it doesn't take too long. That's the point when you either fall in love or decide it's shit.


made me reply


>playing DS for the first time
>get invaded
>they almost kill me
>drink my estus and then kill them
>they get pissed at me

motherfucker it's a single player game i'm not trying to die, why would I lose all my progress and souls for "honor"

I could understand for pvp how it's shitty but i didn't want to pvp I just wanted to progress

>i-i just want to progress
then why are you human you turbo shit

Yep. Haha how usual, skeletons, the weakest en

because I need summons because I'm a babyback bitchlord

It's only BM to estus during actual pvp (forest/Oolacile/Burg), chug away m8 and enjoy the salt.

>invading in Parish with a +5 whip and Xanthous Crown
>let people chug as much as they like
>get hatemail, and accused of hacking for dead angling with the 2HR1
Good times

Nope I never played shitty ARPGS and I never will

Yeah. I was used to games hand holding me at the time, since I mostly played console fps, so I sent it back to gamefly after an hour or two at the dragon bridge. I bought it and gave it another try a few years later, got gud, and loved it.

BB and DS3 do NOT feel ANYTHING like DeS and DaS.

BB DS3 and DS2 are all in the same group, the difference is the use of poise stats and whether or not armor actually matters (it only matters in DS2)

Invaders in general are shitty faggots

>tfw DS3 and Bloodborne killed tanky STR shield play

I don't want to be some flippy DEX rogue faggot

Dark Souls is a masterpiece. The feeling when you just start with a shield and a shitty sword, when you find yourself in a fight and you have to manage your stamina, block some hits, wait and attack, it felt like I was a real warrior.
Majority of action game I played where like Bayonetta, DmC and God of War, I really loved the slow pace of DaS

Play DS3 then play DS1. I'm not even going to argue.


I really love the slow pace and "clunkiness" of DS1.

He's referring to DS2 sucking ass, shitlord

I did really poorly and stopped playing because I needed to git gud but didn't have the time to dedicate to it.

I should give it another shot one day.

Yeah. Most fun I had with a video game in years. It was at a time when I was thinking all day at work about how I wanted to go home already to play more Dark Souls.

>get invaded earlier
>nigger had pyromancy
>I had black knight shield equipped
>all his chaos fireballs do chip damage
>tries to poison me, escape cloud at the last inch of the meter
>whittle him down with golem axe
>he's at the last bit of health, distanced
>use the range attack and kill him
nigger wasn't expecting that, I love this thing

There was a bug at the very start of DSFix because FPS was locked to framerate in Dark Souls. It was fixed soon after.

If you had problems with the then-fixed 60fps mode then you're a fucking faggot.

Halberd scales better with Dex

but it will demolish anything quickly once levelled

>you will never gank kids in full havels with the flip ring and a zaphander again

>you will never experience 4-1 pvp for the first time again
>you will never use a talisman of beasts you don't have the requirements for so you can use curse weapon in pvp
>you will never struggle to get pure white tendency on archstone 2 so you can get dbs for the first time again
>you will never struggle to defeat the red eye knight on 1-1 for the first time again

I think Dark Souls might be the best and most revolutionary game of this decade. Of course it has it's flaws, like the second half of the game, but overall it does so many things right.

I went to the graveyard first and didnt think that was the right way to go
then I went to new londo and I couldnt even hurt the ghosts so I went back to the graveyard and farmed skellies until level 30 with my zweihander and made it all the way to tomb of the giants before I decided to go online for help
>theres a third path user
I started a new character cause I couldnt figure out how to get out of the tomb of the giants
I think hes still there on my save files

If you were tanking bosses instead of learning their patterns and dodging you were literally playing the game wrong and are almost on the same level as people who summon to get carried.

>Get a copy for the ps3
>Have two friends come over as we play it for the first time, switching players after every death
>Both of them can't shut up about they read on the internet that it's the hardest game ever
>We get past the Asylum after a few deaths, i tell them it wasn't so bad and they say it's beacuse it was just the tutorial
>We get to Firelink and go down to the skelletons
>It's way too fucking hard
>Tell them there's no way that's the right path, it's way too hard
>They insist we go that way, telling me it's because the game is really hard
>We spend the entire afternoon struggling our way trough the catacombs and beat Pinwheel
>Get to Tomb of The Giants
>They finally agree that it's not the right path
>I go back to firelink on my turn
>Find the path to Undead Burg
>mfw i was right all along

I played a sorcerer and did it blind.

I didn't use weapons at all so I ran out of spells a lot.

Me too. Playing it with only the manual as a guide gave me the most fun I have had playing a game.

People who summon, use guides, or look at spoilers ruin the experience for themselves in my opinion


>They insist we go that way, telling me it's because the game is really hard

Had this feel with both the skeletons and the ghosts beneath firelink shrine as I didn't see the road to the undead burg

never got the skellys meme, I didn't even notice the path on the side of the hill to the catacombs

>single player game
>you can play with or fight over people

Vaguely. I remember finding it incredibly clunky and boring compared to demon's souls, ended up dropping it somewhere in the depths. Came back to it about a year later, enjoyed it more, but I still don't get why everyone praises it so much.

I used a guide for DeS, DaS, and DaS 2, and I agree. I'm definitely gonna go into DaS3, and Bloodbourne blind.

Had no idea this was a multiplayer game on my first play through. Was invaded early in the game and freaked the fuck out.

My friend bought me a copy of the first one and I was hooked, then bought 3 when it came out. It was the first dark souls I ever completed