Did Witcher 3 finally dethrone New Vegas as the best 3D RPG?
New Vegas vs Witcher 3
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I love both games but I honestly can't think of a single thing that Witcher 3 does better than New Vegas barring visuals (obviously).
Not even combat. New Vegas is a traditional Role Playing game, Witcher 3 is a much more linear cinematic approach at the genre.
No, Witcher 3 is worse than NV in every single way excluding graphics.
Yes, NV is worse than Witcher 3 in every single way including graphics.
Anybody who says Witcher 3 is a better RPG or game than New Vegas hasn't played New Vegas.
Witcher 3 isn't even a fucking RPG
>Set morality
>Set character
>Set class
>Set faction
>Set literally everything
Everything about Witcher 3 is just so sickeningly generic, everything from the plot to the exhausted high fantasy setting that has completely bloated the RPG genre
>download New Vegas because of the faggot threads here
>game crashes every 6 seconds
>disgusting sudden framerate drops everywhere even though i'm playing on a 1070
>5 minute long unskippable intro with a bunch of literally whos before you get shot in the face by Chandler from Friends
>excessively """deep""" character creation with a shit load of dials but it doesn't matter because your character will look like an ugly thumb with hair anyways
>wake up in hospital
>le epic 10 minute long psychological evaluation character creation even though he just lets you change it to what you want at the end anyways
>go outside
>see le quirky cowboy meme robot
>use starting grenade launcher and throwing spears to kill it
>it just goes unconscious instead of dying Skyrim-style
>it gets back up and kills me
>get to the bar
>meet stupid redhaired faggot girl with dog
>she gives me a varmint rifle to shoot bottles with even though you start with like 20 different guns with more damage
>can't even shoot the bottles correctly because the iron sight in this game is fucking retarded and the damage is RNG, have to walk up right in front of them to end the forced tutorial
>go back in bar
>see big intimidating gangster black man with aggressive tone threatening poor little female bartender
>like any sane person would, i shoot him in the face and kill him
>he actually goes down this time instead of going unconscious
>leave town
>instantly get one shotted and spawn camped by a pack of deathclaws
great game yep
New vegas is still top tier in terms of both
>RPG world design (leveled areas, freedom of movement, items, location density, interaction)
>narrative choice
Witcher 2 is even better than Witcher 3 on both of those fronts, it's just more linear
Obsidiots vs CDRejekts.
Hold onto your butts boys it's going to be a real purse swinger.
I don't like either games but even i can see NV is better. I haven't played fallout 2 in so long i don't even remember what it was like but i remember it being alot of fun.
>witcher 3 is an rpg
>witcher 3 is a game
>what is combat
New Vegas is a really good RPG( personally don't think its the best) and wticher 3 is a great movie.
You're comparing two different things here.
The only thing they have in common is they're both 3D rpgs
they don't even have that in common
Witcher would require a massive loot/world scaling overhaul to be an RPG in even the lightest terminology.
Witcher is an rpg, don't be retarded.
Does anyone even like doing different builds in Witcher? All of the skill trees are so boring looking.
As fucked as 3d fallout games are you can still have some fun with stealthy melee builds or high luck.
You mean random shitty loot in chests occasionally guarded by wolves that can be easily taken down because its fucking witcher 3 isn't a good system?
>Set morality
>Set character
>Set class
>Set faction
>Set literally everything
jesus if that if either of them is the best the genre has to offer them it isn´t for me
>best 3D RPG
>can't create your character
You're literally Geralt and everything is set out for you. You don't influence anything. Just because its a game where you play as a character doesn't make it an rpg
Yeah it did. Actually witcher 2 was already better than new vegas. The only reason new vegas is liked so much on here is because:
1. It runs on toasters, even shitty pc's can handle it well and with mods
2. It's a bethesda game done slightly better and isn't bethesda. This lets the community hate on bethesda while still playing a game that uses Bethesda engine. This makes them seem hip and cool.
3. Muh faction choices. All bland, especially when almost all of the choices make no sense as to why you would join them.
Simply put, the simplest choice in the smallest quest in Witcher 3 is more interesting than all the choices in new vegas. Feel free to attack me new vegas babbies, I know Sup Forums is invested with you vermin so bring the hate fags.
But user you're playing as a character. Are you the character? nooo. Obviously you're roleplaying so its an rag xD.
New Vegas is just barely good and didn't really get a chance to shine.
The Witcher 3 had every opportunity given to them and had a reputation leftover from the previous games.
Are you legitimately retarded or just pretending? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Witcher 2 is consolised shit though
The only Witcher game you'd even have an argument with would be TW1.
And I'm not just saying that because lol toasters, I can run TW3 on Ultra Graphics, but not even Graphics can save TW2&3 from being unintuative trash
No it didn't. Actually even Fallout 4 was already better than Witcher 3. The only reason new vegas is liked so much on here is because:
1. Waifus (whenever a game devoid of substance or depth is praised on Sup Forums you an guarantee that there's waifus in it. See any JRPG like Persona for instance)
2. It's made by developers who actually give an inkling of a shit towards PCbros
3. Muh "graphics". Too bad it doesn't make up for the sickeningly generic story/setting/characters and gameplay mechanics (literal Ubisoft game design)
Simply put, the simplest choice in the smallest quest in New Vegas is more interesting than all the choices in Witcher 3. Feel free to attack me Witcher babbies, I know Sup Forums is invested with you vermin so bring the hate fags.
New Vegas is the definition of consolized shit. It's literally made with Bethesda's shit engine. Again, no reason to pick anything besides maybe 2 factions. The game simply fails in too many ways without mods.
Can run Witcher 3 maxed out.
New Vegas >>>>>>> power gap >>>>>>>> Any Witcher game
>If I can't create my own character that means it's not an rpg!
So the sims is an rpg because
>I can make my own character
>I can make them with whatever traits I want
>I can make them with whatever morality I want
>I can have choices and interactions in the game
> Again, no reason to pick anything besides maybe 2 factions
That's 2 more factions than Witcher 3
>The game simply fails in too many ways without mods.
The mods are merely a bonus. I'm sorry that nobody gives enough of a fuck to mod your shitty game. Maybe if it remained relevant for more than 2 months it would have some worthwhile mods
New Vegas is ugly so Witcher wins.
>So the sims is an rpg
Yes. Significantly moreso than the Witcher 3.
Hi darksydephil!
Are you retarded. No one said if you can create your own character its an RPG. Sims isn't an RPG because it fails other checks. Witcher isn't an RPG because it fails the check of actually creating a fucking character.
lol, here they come. The New Vegas babies are here. Muh choices, muh factions, muh bad gameplay. Seriously if you think witcher 3 has bad combat you must be fucking killing yourselves over New Vegas' bad gunplay.
Or actually, according to the RPG checks yeah Sims is an RPG.
Absolutely not. The only reason Witcher is liked so much on here is because:
1. It runs on cucksoles
2. It's a "Not Bethesda" game done slightly better. This lets the community hate on Bethesda while still playing a game that is heavily inspired by Bethesda. This makes them seem hip and cool.
3. Muh waifoos. All bland, especially when their sole reason to exist is to fellate the mary sue of a main character
Simply put, the simplest choice in the smallest quest in Fallout New Vegas is more interesting than all the """choices""" in any Witcher game. Feel free to attack me Witchercucks, I know Sup Forums is infested with you vermin so bring the hate fags.
>gets BTFO
>starts crying
Witcherfags in a nutshell. Don't you have some dead thread to post in about Triss vs Yennefer or something?
>lol but what do they eaaaaaaaaat
>tfw even their waifus are shit
Witcher 3 couldn't even get that right. Its like they spent all their money making a movie and threw in shitty gameplay so it could be a game.
>he responded, I BTFO him! haha
New Vegas has bad combat fag and terrible chioces, deal with it crybaby.
>no reason to pick anything besides maybe 2 factions
i can see the reason for siding with ncr,legion.yesman and house
>plays witcher 3
>complains about combat in new vegas
Elaine: I need some RadAway Jerry! That wasteland dog bit me!
Jerry: Well that's what happens when you don't take your Rad-X.
*Jerry popping pills*
*Kramer enters*
Kramer: Jerry!
Jerry: Oh hey Kramer. Don't get too close to Elaine, she's got radiation poisoning.
*Kramer runs hand through hair and shudders*
Kramer: Yama hama, it's fright night!
Kramer: Jerry, did you know the Soup Nazi uses deathclaw meat in his jambalaya?
Jerry: Oh Kramer, that's an old wives' tale.
Kramer: We could make a fortune Jerry! Me and Newman have it all planned out. We are going to trap deathclaws in his mail truck!
*Elaine begins to foam at the mouth*
>New Vegas has shit combat
Good thing everything else that actually matters in an RPG (i.e Build variation, replayability, choices, weapon variety, factions etc) are all fucking excellent.
Projecting that New Vegas is an overhyped by Sup Forums and a shit game maybe. A game that is MARGINALLY better than Fallout 3, but one is hated and one is praised, when in reality both are shit for their own reasons. Projecting that the gun play is terrible compared to any other game with shooting mechanics. Projecting that the factions are obtuse and terrible besides maybe a couple. Projecting that the only reason you play the game is for you ENB and waifu mods.
it's replayability without mods is as shit as Fallout 3. Build variation is as good as almost any rpg, hell dark souls (an action game) has more build variety. Weapon variety doesn't matter when combat is shit. Factions are terrible and most don't make sense.
Yup excellence. Glad obsidian is crashing and burning.
Out of all the fallouts new vegas was my favourite but please stop this obsididrone tier shitposting.
It's okay game but it definately has it fucking flaws for it to be the best at anything.
>Unfinished game
>Combat was stiff and basic as fuck
>Everyone looked like a potato
>Empty as fuck open world
>Factions were shit and hardly meant a thing except for who got what at the end
>People over exaggerate the quests as "deep" even though they're pretty linear
>Choices even though only some of them actually meant anything
I enjoyed the game to death and have a few hundred hours on it but anyone that doesn't have their head shoved up their ass knows that the game is no masterpiece, stop being blind.
Just go check out the New Vegas thread on Sup Forums right now. The only way it's palatable for the replayability these hillbillies with toasters give New Vegas is through extensive modding. The base game isn't all that.
Let me ask you this, how many of these cucks replay it on console? The answer is barely any.
I want more sitcoms based in Fallout
Halo, best RPG.
Post YFW you realize that Fallout New Vegas is actually a cyberpunk game and probably a better cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077 will be
The established themes in the cyberpunk genre are:
Check - Yes Man and Mr House (or Fallout 4s Institution if we're talking about the series as a whole)
>High tech/low life
Check - Low living standards leading to a lawless environment full of thugs/punks/gangs/degenerates due to the post apocalyptic environment yet high technology due to the huge push for technology from huge megacorps like Enclave, Brotherhood of Steel etc
>Conspiracies/Huge mega corporations fighting for control through propaganda and brute force
Check - Enclave check off the propaganda/Conspiracies, Institute checks off the conspiracies and the Brotherhood of Steel/NCR/Legion conflict
w3 is still an rpg, your just playing the Witcher Class.
>how many of these cucks replay it on console? The answer is barely any.
To be fair, most console cucks barely play any RPGs that aren't either exclusives or marketed on the level of CoD, and when they do they play through once before turning it back in for Gamestop credit.
>it's replayability without mods
Stopped reading,
Play the game shitposter
Jackie: “You turned the bomb on? Who told you to turn the bomb on? I didn't tell you to turn the bomb on!!! Why'd you turn the bomb on? You haven't even been to see the mayor. If you’re gonna turn a bomb on, let an engineer turn a bomb on!”
Kramer: “I guess I screwed up, huh, Jackie?”
Jackie: “You’re damn right you screwed up! Where the hell did you get that damn fusion pulse charge, anyway?”
Kramer: “Mister Burke.”
Jackie: “The who? What are you talking about, ‘Mister Burke’?”
Kramer: “My friend--he's an assistant to Alistar Tenpenny .”
Jackie: “Oh oh oh--so Alistar Tenpenny's assistant tells you to turn a bomb on and you do it?”
Kramer: “Well, I needed the caps!”
>"I love New Vegas! Now that i've proved how unbias I am, let me shitpost the game with clearly inaccurate criticisms!"
Everytime. It's ok, i'm sure a Witcher 3 thread will pop up in the next month or so :^)
No, are you high?
>anything other than Fallout 3.5
Morrowind has yet to be dethroned.
fallout games after 2 are terrible, and you're retarded. your terrible fallout 4 needs more dragr tbqh family
I have. Good for 1, maybe 2 playthroughs. Same as witcher.
>I'm just going to shitpost ironically anyway :^)
Not an argument
Why is there so much fucking discussion about New Vegas lately?
New Vegas has always been hailed as a classic on Sup Forums, yes, and there's always been threads about it, but this past month has been fucking insane. Just 3-5 threads per day about it hitting the bump limit every time.
lol i bet you just bought these yesterday too, which makes it even worse
I love both for different reasons. Got a shitload of hours put into each of them. I'd say I got my moneys worth.
git gud.
>easy game for toaster players to mod with their favorite waifu and graphix mods.
>very casual gameplay
>easy to rush through
actually sims is an rpg game because you're role playing it's similar to Sup Forumss moderators and janitors role playing as retard wranglers everytime to go on Sup Forums
Fallout New Vegas shits all over the Witcher in terms of world building. Every faction of NV is fascinating in their own regard and somehow feel believable despite the otherwise ludicrous atompunk setting. To get a good example of what I'm talking about compare how characters act in Fallout 4 to NV. In the former every character acts like they are in a game in the same way that most horror actors act like they are in a horror film. The Witcher may also have good characters but its setting might as well be Forgotten Realms for how worn out it feels. Also, as many other people have said the Witcher is an open world action combat game with a dialogue tree. As a design decision that isn't outright bad, but I will always choose to replay fallout given the option.
>that graphic
One wonders how much of the Skyrim active playerbase is from porn mods.
I mean, I have issues with TW3, but Skyrim is almost mind-numbingly boring in comparison.
You never provided an argument to begin with.
You made numerous objectively false claims:
>Empty as fuck open world
Objectively false
>Factions were shit and hardly meant a thing except for who got what at the end
Baseless comment with zero explanation or arguments not to mention being objectively false (you literally determine who controls New Vegas which affects everything from hostile NPCs to the outright destruction and repopulation of major towns)
>People over exaggerate the quests as "deep" even though they're pretty linear
They're not linear in the slightest.
>Choices even though only some of them actually meant anything
More choice/consequence than 99% of RPGs.
Well that opinion has zero factual merit.
1. Karma runs (Evil/Neutral/Good, that's 3 unique playthroughs right there)
2. Faction runs (NCR/House/Legion/Independent, that's 4 unique playthroughs right there that change 1/3rd of the main quests, questlines).
What's hilarious is that Skyrim completely shits on Witcher 3 as an RPG and in terms of depth
>Witcher isn't an RPG because it fails the check of actually creating a fucking character.
Final Fantasy isn't an RPG by that standard you mong.
yeah, but what's the point. The gameplay is bland and the factions are bland. Yeah I COULD play it over and over to get the different endings or I just play it once how I want to play it, then look up everything else. Why punish myself by making myself play it over and over. I'll never understand New Vegas babbies. Like, Just move on to the next rpg haha.
Actually I could argue that any game without a Party system isn't an RPG since pen and paper rpg's all had parties. Checkm8 New Vegas shitters ;)
So you ran to this thread huh
Don't forget that in New Vegas it is not only the end where things are substantially different (as it is with, say, ME3). Dialogue changes dramatically depending on whether you are with the NCR or the Legion. The first conversation that you have with Ceasar can go so many different ways it makes my head explode.
Skyrim has more breadth, not really depth. As much as I despise TW3's combat, it's significantly deeper than Skyrim's. Skyrim may offer more options, but they're all fairly shallow.
I hate combat in both of them, but I hate Skyrim's combat more. No excuses for not having something on par with at least Demon's Souls in either.
New Vegas combat earns the rating: mediocre.
>its another Sup Forums cant like two different games episode
Is this a pasta?
Either way, i'm stealing it
>Game forces a preset protagonist on you and has fuck-all player choices or customization
>New Vegas
>Roll any kind of character you want, including a cannibalistic homo / lesbian cyborg
Pretty easy to see which game is the winner here.
First stop playing on a fucking toaster
Then the rest will sort itself once you git gud
They're either empty buildings or with a few mobs around them, nothing of interest is there, the vast majority of the mojave is empty with nothing but tumble weed
>Baseless comment with zero explanation or arguments not to mention being objectively false (you literally determine who controls New Vegas which affects everything from hostile NPCs to the outright destruction and repopulation of major towns)
So exactly as I said, who got what at the end and it didn't even matter anyway because there were no fruits of your efforts afterwards except a slideshow.
>B-But factions!
They send a deathsquad or they're pissed at you, big deal.
>They're not linear in the slightest.
Except they are, don't try this shit, its either 1 option or the other in most cases.
>More choice/consequence than 99% of RPGs.
Has the exact same consequences as every other fucking rpg has ever done, it has about as much choice as mass effect quests.
You need to stop being a retarded obsididrone and realize that new vegas isn't the fucking godsend it actually is and let go, you're worse than bethesdrones.
official witcher 3 review.
all non-quest related things you can find on the world are copy paste boring shit
no one will talk to you unless they are quest related and you have the quest that requires them
awful ui made for consoles and only 2 consumable slots, making alch spec a chore
no resource management, you just instantly get all your potions back for whats essentiallly free
enemys have 1, maybe 2, attack that they repeat over and over, making fights absolutely boring after an hour
level system only works to the games detriment, as youll quickly outlevel everything you have to do and it will all be easier than the game already is
coming across a SKULL WARNING SIGN monster should be exciting but it's not, because you know it fights exactly the same as all the others of its kind, only with more hp.
"cinematic" controls that ignore accuracy in favor of looking more natural
even death march is easy as fuck due to a lack of enemy attack variety and every ability you can spec into being way too strong
ciri sections are boring and unneeded and only serve to rob you of what could have been the one interesting boss fight in the game.
the final moments of the story seem rushed as fuck, from oh hi crones now we fight, to im eredin i have a secret, im dying my secret is this guy tricked us and i had no plan to deal with it, to oh actually geralt i didnt trick you
majority of loot is randomized and scales to your level. Nothing you find really excites you.
all enemies have an extremely short tether that you will cross unintentionally more often than not. At this point they ignore you and start walking back to the center of the area or hang around to get hit easily
witcher senses are only ever used when the quest requires it and is just hold right click to follow quest arrow. you cant actually track monsters or anything out in the world(and why would you need to? theyre all tethered to a small location and never move away)
6/10 game. Had potential, wasted it.
What is a RPG for you Sup Forums?
I don't see why I'd play through the witcher 3. A boring as fuck empty world with baham vision and a boring griff sounding protagonist and monsters that need me to be a certain level to kill them and a boring high fantasy setting. Doesn't get more bland then this
Eh, i've read the first few "rebuttals" in your post and i'm not going to waste anymore time. I've been through too many arguments on Sup Forums to know exactly where this is going (a pointless back and fourth of you outright lying)
I'll let whoever reads this thread judge who made the stronger case.
Don't know why I'd play a game with Bethesda's shit engine, worse gameplay than w3, and an even more boring and empty world than witcher 3. But hey, we all make mistakes.
A game that has at the very least ONE of these 3 attributes
>Class system
> it's another/v/ takes memes from Sup Forums and Sup Forums episode
this So I guess New Vegas isn't an rpg after all ;)
>tfw there's less discussion of Witcher 3 than a 7 year old last gen RPG
Feels bad Polack bros, what went wrong? Was Witcher 3 just another cinematic game with zero worthwhile elements to discuss?
Why bother replying if you had 0 arguments anyway?
50% of our threads in the catalog are just variations on a /jp/ meme what do you fucking want
worse gameplay is debetable.
>being so fucking assblasted you call the game likes world empty and bland with an immediate response
Probably because they're in /vg/ like most of these threads should be, go back to /fog/ you autistic fucks.
TW1 > TW3 > TW2