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Video Games #3704
Video Games
Meanwhile on the Sup Forums MMO
How will Jon Jafari ever recover?
Is there such a thing as japanese privilege?
Remember that time when a baby was named "Skyrim" based on a Bethesda game?
What went wrong?
Gabriel dropout game when
What went right?
What is the most underrated game of all time?
I've never played a Gameboy game. Where do I start?
This is an ugly girl according to Sup Forums
ITT: Games that lots of people try but very few finish
Unlock the door user
I fusion summon this card face up attack position and equip your monster to this card and end my turn
Paladins, a Free-to-play game gets ported to PS4
Breath of the Wild Timeline Faggotry
What went wrong?
What age will you introduce your child to Videogames? What system will you start them off with?
Dead or Alive
Can play all the games on your TV with the best controller of all time (pro controller) or in handheld mode on a...
Convince me not to buy these two games right now
Best Megaman game is on a handheld
Tfw bird bro turned out to be bird jerk
Can a Samurai Jack open world game actually work?
Friendly reminder that the pinnacle of survival horror never got the HD port it deserved
Set money aside to buy a PC game
Tfw mount and blade 2 will never come out because they country where it was made is controlled by an autistic dictator
Why can't western devs make good-looking female characters?
What the hell is the Switch's IR camera for?
He's right, you know
Mass Effect: Andromeda
Splatoon testfire demo is out
Does anyone know if this game still has any online activity on Ps4 still? I know that the PC version is already dead
Yakuza is a good series
PS4 games coming to PC
Lads, I just realized something
Name a more comfy vidya map
ITT: vidya characters you want to have sex with
Does Nintendo have the BALLS to do something like this again?
Design a feminine and clearly homosexual character
So, who will it be for your first playthrough?
What the FUCK is her problem?
Have Russian on team
What do Sup Forums think of Kass?
Mount and Blade:Warband thread
Is this what saves MMO'S
How do you get anime stickers in this game (Need for Speed 2015)...
Cringeworthy vidya comics
How would you improve FFXV?
Do you still play PS2 Sup Forums?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Tech/vidya that was just too ahead of its time
Does Sup Forums like Skullgirls?
The nintendo switch has 1 (one) game
Xbox will rise
This is a smellly hobo
How do you convince plebians that this game doesn't look good at all? How do we make this TORtanic 2?
Whether you're a jaded old man or a bright eyed youngling
Sup Forums When did a 7/10 become such a bad score?
Why is there no good Power Ranger games?
Does he really deserve that much money?
Switch is just an overclocked Wii U
Shillpill me on Dragon Age
Why can't the Japanese get graphics right?
>top 4 highest rated games of all time
The four dungeons in the new Zelda are Zords and they're named after Yugioh cards
Does anyone else just not really get the appeal of these...
Playing Sequels Before the Original
Subtle vidya clothing thread
You have can choose one game
Ignore for a minute their games, and their genitals. Who's cuter, Link or Aloy?
Since the dust has settled which one had the better launch?
Main character can stop time
What are the least satisfying guns in games?
Early 2017
What is the most perfect video game and why will it always be Resident Evil 4...
Get in here oper8ers
What game has the best crafting?
Old camp, new camp or swamp camp?
Companies that Changed for the Worst
Reading Warcraft Chronicles 2
Modded Skyrim is unironically the best game ever made
Best stealth game?
Risk of Rain
Even Ulillillia has outgrown video games
How does Sup Forums feel about speedrunning?
Styx: Shards of Darkness thread
Only the top tier game fuel ITT
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever
Cunts that you absolutely hate
Just fuck my beloved series up bro
This sucks. There's nothing left to do after you've done everything
Hey Sup Forums, looking for some games where the protagonist is/can be evil. This game and Evil Genius comes to mind...
Breath of the Wild
¡No vuelvas a hablar conmigo ni con el hijo de mi esposa!
Let's say by God's gift to humanity, Devil May Cry 5 finally gets announced. What do you want to see in the game...
God Tier upcoming/future PC exclusive & multiplatform games
Is the game honestly that bad or is it just the servers?
Symmetrical analogs
ITT: Our favorite childhood video games that had horrendous graphics, but we loved regardless
Let's settle this once and for all, Sup Forums:
PoE 2 Deadfire thread
Has a video game ever made you cry? Not just a little lump in your throat...
Which of these should I play after BotW?
Comfy Nier
Bloodstained graphically BTFO by a 1997 game
Public servers are shit
GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Switch has sold 1.5 million units already
Push F6 to quick-save
Make a violent video game that condemns the player for enjoying violent video games
Aloy is kawaii af
*Record scratch*
Have you accepted this is literally uncrackable?
Was Ornstein real?
ITT oh yeah that happened
Let's talk about Dragon's Crown thread
Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
Overrated or underrated?
It's an Envy room with no damage upgrades episode
Zelda has revolutionized open world games
Is Sonic the Dark Souls of Mario?
Will you support /ourguy/'s game?
What's your final verdict on Breath of the Wild?
Nintendo has some of the game developers in the industry
Mass effect Character Creator
The 98/100 drop
Boss starts playing music as a weapon
Zelda ranking thread
Why cant you guys keep POLITICS out of fucking VIDEOGAMES?
DOA5: Arc Systems Costume Crossover DLC
Not trying to shitpost here, but is there any point in getting this if the only game I'm interested in is Yakuza 0...
Why are there so many people on Sup Forums who don't like Japanese games? What happened?
Have you ever read any vidya books? How was it?
What's the point of cheevos?
I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
Places in games that gave you PTSD from dying too many times
Literally every screenshot of BotW that gets posted here has only this enemy in it
Do you know what I love about our slave collars, Lieutenant? I love how tightly they fit
REvelations coming to PS4 and Xbone but not Switch
Is this true?
DUDE JUST GOT SICK IDEA LMAO! What if we put Deathclaws and their knock-off brothers EVERYWHERE...
Square Enix has announced Mashiro Witch: Midnight Marchen, a new “dark fantasy RPG” from its Business Division 10 studio
Lizardmen in Games
Is Horizon really that great?
Let's settle this once and for all
Blizzard Debuts 'Diablo III' Female Necromancer Character Model, New Blood Abilities
Bethesda's """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""cities""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Bleach: Dark Souls
Hit enemy 3 times
Is this game even possible to beat without cheats?
Whats the saddest video game deaths?
What´s Sup Forums's opinion on the Deathadder elite?
Has a video game character ever made you want a gf, Sup Forums? Like a real one?
Kill it with fire. Then burn the game
Does anyone else feel like there is kind of no point in buying games...
Welp, I'm glad we're getting dual audio
What the fuck is the appeal of this game? Why is it so popular?
Anyone want to talk about the amazing Gem that is Hollow Knight?
Is a low IQ required to enjoy musou games, Sup Forums?
This company's output is 90% inaccesible due to being:
What does Sup Forums think of Orisa?
Girl flirts with me in game online and buys me cash items
What went wrong?
Trilogy coming out
FFXV Astrals Datamined, Quickly Removed
This is one of the best video games ever made. Say something nice!
ITT: post your toons
Jeff Kaplan wants Overwatch on Nintendo Switch
Half life 2 Episode 2 was 10 years ago
Humble Bundle
Whats the best leveling system for RPG's?
Ffs what are some good games I can play on my Wii U? Haven't used it in years
So, I really like games where you can manipulate your own character's speed/direction in a skillful manner...
I'm introverted
Breath of the wild thread
Playing DX:HR
Am I kawaii, user? uguu~
What was his endgame?
That one friend Thread: Gaming Edition
I finally got a PS3, did I get the right souls edition?
What the hell happened to my boy Jontron?
Why is Sup Forums such a tsundere for this series?
When does it get fun?
Playing vidya
Game is not even out yet and its a top seller on steam for several days now
Why are Nintendotards pretending that Zelda is the best game ever when pic related exists?
I only ever played Victoria and loved it. Which one should I try next and why?
This is one of the most bland and generic JRPG series on par with Tales of
Styx: Shards of Darkness is DRM free
I AM MAJOR: Sup Forums edition
Why is this allowed?
Is this game good?
Why are nintendo fans on Sup Forums so pompous about switch and Breath of the Wild...
What visual style is this?
So what do you want from the next Zelda?
CPY Hint
So true
Sonic Mania thread
So Switch is saving video games right?
Had no job
New games makes my wallet hurt
Tfw you fell for the mechanical keyboard meme
I thought sonyfags were niggers?
Making of Breath of the Wild
Since its already in the making and Fallout 4 was, lets say...
Now that the dust has settled, what is the Sup Forums general consensus of Breath of the Wild?
Sony announced today that it’s expanding its PlayStation Now streaming service to include current-generation PS4 games
I cannot get into this game I fucking cant! I tried playing again for a little more than 30 minutes but it feels soooo...
Blizzard has stated that 80% of OW players are rank 2300
Now that the dust has settled:
Any hidden JRPG gem like pic related?
Wtf I love JonTron now
/ctt/ - Console-tan Tuesday
Education: No money, no time for games
Yoko Taro said if the demand is enough, it will happen
Nintendo Switch sells 1.5m units in first week
Which is the best MMORPG and why is it Guild Wars 2?
Refuses to buy games until all DLC is released and bundled together on sale for $5
Meanwhile, in Mother Base Sup Forums
What is Sup Forums's opinion on lewd games?
Is tv really that bad for pc gaming or just a meme?
No Bionicle open-world game where you collect different Bionicle parts and freely combine them...
Yakuza Thread
He's right, you know
Another friendcast
Fire Emblem thread while not talking about Heroes
Make this Sup Forums related
What's the best house in Skyrim and why is it Honeyside?
PC games are no longer 29.99 on release
Has all the answers, but they're shitty and unsatisfying
What games are you guys buying in 2017?
Pathologic: The Marble Nest on Steam
Giving the game bad rap because the protagonist is is nasty to everyone he meets and breaks the fourth wall in...
Games that predicted the future
Where are the mods at?
The Marble Nest is free for everyone
They literally paid some japanese girl a few bucks to make retarded noises
Video games
Anyone else super nostalgic about Skyrim?
Let's have a comfy Nier thread
Vidya astrology thread
If autists killed RTS games, why do they blame casuals?
Nier Automata - 2B
Occasional BF1 thread
Gyehehe, stahp it, Applejack that tickles!
Here's your joystick bro
Demon's Souls on PC for free :))
Replaying Baldur's Gate
Why is he liked again?
Battlefield 1
Why is this the best racing game of all time?
Did you enjoy the Wii U Sup Forums?
Where were you when AMD dropped the ball yet again?
Fire Emblem Heroes
I miss this game
Gothic Thread
Link is a very handsome young man!
Defend this, Tarofags!
You must gather your party before venturing into Baldur's gate thread
What are some other games that get undue praise and accolades without actually being deserving of them...
If i don't play this, what will i be missing out on? What is this game's USP?
Marie Rose and Honoka are now officially part of the Senran Kagura universe. How does that make you feel?
A rape scene happen in a videogame in 1995, it was a blast
CSS surf was actually good
Switch has sold 1.5m worldwide
How's Sup Forums rate my library?
Just Bought Fallout 4
What a great year for video games, don't you agree user?
What makes a character interesting in a videogame?
I love Tharja!
Is Jontron """"our guy""""?
What is your favorite title for the PSP, Sup Forums...
This is literally the best game I have ever played in my entire gaming career
Do you think you would be a good pokemon trainer?
I, too, played it on emulator
Dawn of War 3
Old games you used to think looked amazing
What are your hopes and impressions?
So this game releases on PC in 4 days time and I'm wondering if it's actually worth 60 dollars. Should I buy it?
Robin Williams will never play Breath of the Wild
Delayed response to >>370361071 who is talking about Blizzard following fads in an old thread
ITT: We fix the Nintendo Switch's controllers
Persona 5
Press L2 to win
Were you fooled by conman and when did you first suspect him?
Do you think the Switch will get most of the third party multiplats from here on out? Like say the new Asscreed, CoD...
How does Sup Forums feel about John "Jack" "Snake" "Naked Snake" "Big Boss" "Vic Boss" "Saladin" "Ishmael" Doe?
What are your favorite boss fights?
BotW thread
Well you fucked up
Enemies can close doors
One brother makes a living off of being the only remotely manly gaming youtuber
Dear Moderators
So watcha playing?
What are some games with characters so charismatic that you would die for them?
Trap Link
Urge to replay game
Dating my daughter
Mass Effect Andromeda
ITT post the worst characters from their respective games
Here's your controller, bro
Hey Sup Forums
In what games can I be a strongfu
Are all of the Killing Floor 2 level maps/methods dead?
Playing some botw on the switch
Bioware games have excellent character desi-
Holy shit why haven't I played this sooner. Just the opening sequence to the mage campaign (The harrowing) was amazing...
What went so horribly wrong?
Can we just delete arc warden?
The Elder Scrolls
What's the best Lord of the Rings game?
Did they ruin doa?
How did we go from this
32 gb
For Honor duel matchmaking
Fuck off katana niggers
Games where the best/only good member of the party leaves first
Did a thread like this for Dark Souls and wanted to do it for another game I really like
I wish to find people who likes videogames IRL
Playing OoT for the first time on my 3ds this week
Banned for botting (never botted)
You DID choose to aid the weak right user?
Just how upset are sonybros right now?
I always see people complain about katana wanking...
He's right, you know
Remember when Steam Machines killed consoles?
Where were you when Switch was saved?
What next for Adam Sessler?
Is this game ACTUALLY good?
Why did they model the best armor in the game after a giant piece of shit...
And when he does
Name a more iconic gamer duo
What happened to this?
Favorite Cr1tikal video?
Filename thread
Do all pre order switches have the problems that the notorious YouTube videos warn about ?
Who was in the wrong here?
Thoughts on some call me johnny ?
Summarize Sup Forums in one picture
Name one thing game theory is wrong about
Since id has cleared the hurdle of mediocrity that they've been stuck on over the last decade or so...
*blocks your path*
Is there any game where the true hero is a completely irrelevant side character?
ITT overrated games
Sup Forums decides
Currently playing pic related. Lewd rpg are nice. Any lewd rpg I should play next?
BOTW Complaints
What went so fucking wrong?
Let's have an "I've made a huge mistake" thread
Game Recommendation Thread
I am about to install WoW for the first time. Any tips/things I should know?
How's your game coming along?
What are some problems you have with this game?
Blocks your path
Games you want to play that don't exist
Which character did you pick?
Horizon has a matriarchy
They Shall Not Pass
Sum up an entire character's motivations for what they did with >muh ____, starting off with an easy one
Did you pre-order the girl's game?
So has anyone found anything new yet?
What's the best place to buy games in Australia? big W? Osgameshop? Fishpond?
On staff, programming the sequel to Depression Quest
ITT : Characters ONLY YOU mained
How are they so good at videogames? What's their secret?
In ITT This Thread: Scams you fell for
What's the gerudos fucking problem with men? Why are they a bunch of feminazis?
So how is everyone's switch holding up?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So which is the hardest one?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
30fps stinks
This guy blocks your pathfinder
Visual novel
Perfect games don't exi-
Why does Samus look so bored, Sup Forums?
Remember Me?
Shrink a video game boxart to 10x10 pixels
Pathologic thread
He's right, you know
T-Thanks Nintendo
FFXV game of the fucking year
Comfy Nier Thread
Sup Forums told me this would be good
What's the best Rush album and why is it Presto?
ITT: classic games that nobody plays anymore
You already preordered Peebee's game, right?
Why hasn't there been a good matrix game ?
How to get a swap magic disc to work on a slim ps2?
Your majesty
Comfy PS4 thread II
100% Orange Juice
Enemie yells DIE YOU FUCK
What did Sup Forums think of Night in the Woods?
Hear over and over roadhog isn't broken
Arby's is lit
Which video game characters do you ship?
How do we fix metroid?
Have you guys played this?
Is he our guy
However, it wasn't all fun and games when it came to depicting these classic characters...
Be honest, Sup Forums. What did you have more fun with?
E3 2017
While waiting on my local Target to get switches in stock so I can finally play Botw...
So am I bad or is this game balanced around using 1HKO units like Takumi and Ryoma?
Post Zelda
Fire Emblem Heroes
On the off chance you are looking forward to this i would abandon all hope its LITERALLY never coming out the people...
Western devs can't make beautiful wom
Nier hypetrain
Sup Forums confessions
First Pewdiepie and now Jontron
Have you ever used video games to talk to women?
What's your favorite prequel game?
How long do you think overwatch will last
So what went wrong with Splatoon?
What did the Great Fairy mean by this?
Let's play a game Sup Forums
Why do people defend this shit?
Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon Thread
Where will it be set?
Games You Love But Suck At
World of Warcraft
I Beat Zelda Breath of the Wild almost 100%. Ask me Anything
Is mortal kombat X a good game?
So, there's no point of owning a PS4 anymore, all games are just timed exclusive now
Holy fuck
So she is UNEQUIVOCALLY /our girl, right?
Short hair > Long hair
Mario 64 thread
Mad Max: $7
Why did Xbox One fail?
Tracks that makes you want to play the game again
Remember when the 360 and ps3 was first released and it blew the fuck out of everything in terms of graphical...
Zero Time Dilemma
Trips decides my new nickname
Resident Evil
Bored, need friends...
It's DEX+INT pairs up with STR+VIT episode
That kid who ran like Sonic/Naruto during gym time
What are the best fighting games on the PS4?
What is the Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark Souls of Dark...
Blizzard coming to the north east tonight. What are some comfy games to play when it snows?
Kingdom Hearts
What is the absolute hardest fucking game you've ever played to completion, Sup Forums...
Sonic adventure 2 thread
We remember days long past
But first
He uses longsword in Monster Hunter
Is he actually THAT powerful, or is it just a meme because he's an adorable pink blob?
How do i git gud?
Iji Version 1.7
Only 9 different regular enemies not counting recolors
Hollow Knight
Witcher 3 is not an rpg
What's the best D-pad in history and why is it the SNES's?
What went wrong?
Steam profile picture thread 2
Has any game ever released additional content that ruined the base game worse than Ana?
ITT: Impossible boss fights
Now that the dust has settled, what went so terribly wrong?
I will not play videogames anymore unless
Zelda BOTW
Trails thread
Post yfw Death Stranding gameplay reveal at Sony's E3
Convince me to buy this game. Its 20 bucks on eshop
What's his name Sup Forums?
Anyone who mains these two fags is a giant fag
Easy allies
Reddit now hates jontron
It was confirmed by Trey Parker and Matt Stone in an interview with Aisha Tyler that he will appear in South Park: The...
I'm really happy Nintendo finally decided to give Link a boyfriend in this game. It's ABOUT TIME!
"Souls game"
Chad Warden was 10 years ago on this day
Comfy games
Comfy Nier Thread
Defend this
What is your go to game fuel?
Times you were "that kid"
What Sup Forums think about this game?
Be me
New Vegas vs Witcher 3
Why doesn't Capcom put out an HD version?
3D was a mistake
3 Months in
Almost 10 years ago now
Not to start Bioware Defense Forcing here but for every downside I see someone whine about in ME:A...
I want to see Sup Forums defending this right now
You will never play quake at 4k with a texture pack
Just bought this on sale for 10 bux
Go to Getastop
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...