Hey Sup Forums, looking for some games where the protagonist is/can be evil. This game and Evil Genius comes to mind. The character doesn't necessarily have to be just evil, they can also be a colossal dick who does 'the right thing'.
Hey Sup Forums, looking for some games where the protagonist is/can be evil. This game and Evil Genius comes to mind...
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Spec Ops The Line
Alpha Protocol
Knights of the Old Republic
Alpha Protocol for all you Linkin Park connoisseurs
Any WWII shooter where you play as the Allied Forces.
If you like your evil when it's jerk flavored. You can even join the villains.
unofficial patch 10/10
Like 90% of any RPG?
Be an evil Bhaalspawn throughout the Baldur's Gate series culminating in rising as a dark god.
Be an evil Dragonborn in Skyrim, ruling over the people you haven't slaughtered or turned as a Vampire Lord.
Be an evil Grey Warden in Dragon Age, defiling the Urn, renewing Dwarven sarcifices to the Anvil and forcing another to die in your stead vs the Archdemon.
Be an evil Kindred in VtM: Bloodlines, lowering your Humanity to the absolute lowest, always taking the violent bloody routes and edging the Beast.
Be an evil Watcher in Pillars of Eternity, siding with Lord Raedric, maybe worshiping Skael, working with House Doemenel, etc.
Be an evil Lord in Mount & Blade, let your ascent to power come from looting villagers and caravans, take enemy commanders prison and develop a black reputation.
Sky's the limit.
Alpha Protocol. No other game lets you play as a smug psychopath the way AP does.
I did an 'evil' run in DA:O and it was alright. I have DA:I but I haven't played it yet. Is it any better?
Graphically, sure. In virtually every other respect you can measure a game by? No.
Da:I is not really a sequal to DA:O, very different games. DA:I is almost like a singleplayer MMO
>Baldur's Gate I
>shank some peasants in the wilderness with no one in sight
>arrive at the nearrest settlement
>flaming fist high level party teleports in and uses me to mop the floor
This game is biased towards good.
Best example of evil impeded by bureaucracy and petty rivalries that I've ever seen.
It was on sale for like $20-$30. Did I fuck up?
Nah. it's fun enough, and has some good moments. But dont expect a DA:O sequel
GTA series
Mask of the Betrayer
Age of Decadence
Never heard of this one. Looks interesting.
Like someone said, it's an offline MMO. I'm sure you can answer that question yourself.
not him but do it, doing a non-violent scheming and plotting happy merchant run was pretty damn fun.
Soul Nomad & the World Eaters. Shit, evil is the default way to play because it makes you stronger.
Nah. There's still fun to be had, but despite some lip-service in that direction the game actively resists being played as a infinity engine style tactical combat game. DAO could still could be played mostly top down, but trying to do so in DAI is very tedious. The most fun I've had with the game is when I just designed builds for my party members that could operated relatively autonomously and focused mostly on a micro-management/positioning heavy player character.
Only in the broad strokes of the combat.
This all the way.
first like 10 or 12 hours were mindbogglingly boring, not sure how or why I even went through it. Then it gets a bit better, most of the story missions are pretty well made, but there's also quite a lot of filler and things deliberately wasting your time.