Hit enemy 3 times

>hit enemy 3 times
>weapon breaks
>pause combat
>switch to new weapon
>hit enemy 3 times
>weapon breaks
>pause combat

Someone thought this was a good idea?

Other urls found in this thread:


avoid hitting enemies' shields
also you'll soon find better weapons that will last longer

git gud horizonshitter

>thrust into vagina 3 times
>about to climax
>pause intercourse
>switch to new position
>thrust into vagina 3 times
>about to climax
>pause intercourse

People think this is a good idea?

Start using swords

you just don't git "IT" sony nigger

Nintendo's game design is plated with solid nintendium and your memes can not penetrate this perfect game design

stop collecting tree branches and boko's sticks.

>implying you have ever seen a vagina in real life

But everything in this game is a deku stick

good point, let's revise

>thrust into boipussy 3 times
>about to climax
>pause gay sex
>switch to new position
>thrust into boipussy 3 times
>about to climax
>pause gay sex

>Git gud
>at fucking Zelda
Literally the most casual AAA series ever made


your boko club is badly damaged
your boko club is badly damaged
your boko club is badly damaged
your boko club is badly damaged
your boko club is badly damaged
your boko club broke!

>walk around for 1 hour
>finally find something to do
>its nothing
>walk around for 1 hour
>finally find something to do
>its nothing
>walk around for 1 hour
>finally find something to do
>it's nothing
>go fight ganon
>its nothing

that's basically the entire game

>find a legendary thunder blade hidden away underground in a magical shrine
>have to solve a puzzle that no one in centuries has been able to solve
>find three Goblins picking their asses with tree branches
>use legendary weapon that was locked away in a shrine due to its immense power
>the sky darkens and lightning strikes when it's used
>the gods sing as it slays each beast
>breaks after three hits
>have to pick up a smelly tree branch and carry it with me

this game could be so much better

so sneak up behind them and one shot them or take advantage of the dumb as a brick ai. wow nice combat

u wot

>OP weapOns break faster
>user wastes it on normal encounter

Jump to the side and hit them directly. No sneaking involved, master baiter.

It's not even true too, elemental weapon got the most durability

C'mon shitposters, try a bit harder next time

If it takes three thrusts to make you come close to orgasm you got a problem. It's good advice though, sometimes I will pause during sex and switch positions just to last longer.

>elemental weapon got the most durability
wow so I can hit them 5 times instead of 3?

Hyperbole just invalidates your position and makes you look like a 12 year old.

No weapon in this game breaks in 3 hits, not even tree branches. Late game weapons last for over 50 hits. Late game weapons with durability buffs can last for several enemy camps.

>Oh weapons break pretty fast, this is kinda stupid
>Get to endgame
>Multiple royal and elemental weapons with great durability up
>Literally have to leave a shitload of weapons in the ground because no space to get them

Honestly some of the bosses took 1 sometimes 2 weapons to beat, also Bows, had like 5 Royal bows and only broke 1 at the end of Ganon's fight because i was spamming bomb arrows.

Yes, durability is pretty fucked up but in the end it's really not an issue. Besides, sniping shit is way too much fun with the 2x damage headshots.

I thought people here liked weapon durability. One of the first complaints I heard about Fire Emblem Fates was that it had no weapon durability.

>Late game weapons last for over 50 hits
That's supposed to impress anyone?

Pffffft hah hah hah hah
How much a bad faggot do you have to BE to have problems with BOTW? There are OP weapons a stones throw away from the starting area that RESPAWN every bloodmoon. Go to ash lake and take a few of the dozen claymores laying around in the field. I never thpught Id say this about zelda, but GIT GUD baddie


weapon durability is just a form of artificial difficulty. Without it BotW would be boring as fuck and the gameplay loop would consist of aimless walking and smacking some shit mobs


This game is so good at weeding out casuals.

does that mean people were bitching about something that actually never happen in any normal house? Who the fuck doesn't have a permanent wifi at home?

Sounds like something that will easily be fixed with a firmware update

Yes it's awful and has had me avoid fights because I would break my weapons and a few shields. I fucking hate it.
same thing with the "Test of strength" shrines.
>Good job, you broke almost all your weapons. Here's an opal and an orb, now fuck off.

>people who haven't actually played the game shitposting about weapon breaking

I'm coming down with weapons in this game. I literally have to drop weapons as i have too many. And i have my weapon capacity upgraded to like 18.

The further in you get weapons get shit like "durability up" and stuff. Plus you can fast travel to those enemies that repair items if you really like a weapon.

Seriously i cant hold all these weapons


You would be surprised by how much shitposting is done from McDonalds wifi.Its really sad watching people in coffee shops and fast food places installing steam games and shit

there's nothing more casual then pausing to heal

>he thinks the thunder blade is legendary.
How cute. I'm sitting on 5 of those things. As well as various other elemental weapons.

now ure thinken smrt!

>Test of strength shrines
>Not giving you tron swords, axes, lances and shields as well as other good shit in the chests


>Be bad at zelda
>Its the games fault
Parry and flurry, my man

You aren't supposed to use normal weapons on guardian tech. You're supposed to use guardian weapons.

Once again, people shitposting when it's obvious they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

Add a decimal.

Seriously, why are shitposter so fucking bad at their job. Anybody with a modicum of knowledge about the game (ie having played it for a few hours) can instantly spot them

It's really sad to be THAT bad at it


They patched the joycon issue

Git gud, you brake two weapons at max in those shrines and the 4.0 variant give you three weapons in return,i'm constantly dropping good weapons cause better ones keep coming, also get master sword.

>you share this board with people who cling so much to disposable items in games, they get upset when they lose those disposable times

Those Tron weapons break as fast as boko clubs.
They are the strongest weapons in the game though. If you acquire the ancient armor set.

>mandatory pausing combat is a good thing
ok kiddo. *pats on head*

You can tell the people who never played the game or only played it a little and are jaded by the industry. You can see who is just parroting rumors spread on Sup Forums.

Yes there is. For example, people being mad about weapons breaking in an open world survival game.

To be fair, isps have gotten really fucking scummy and overpriced these last few years. Anywhere outside of cities your choices are all shit, every company has at least soft data caps and throttling nowadays, and the prices keep going up higher and higher. I can't even have internet where I live because the only choices I have are just various at&t authorized retailers with just sattelite plans with 10gb data caps for 90 bucks a month, not including equipment leasing fees and shit. I would almost sell my soul to live somewhere I could get fiber.

I dont like the instant healing. I think it would be better if they did a thing like MH where you had an animation to eat the food item and could get interrupted.

After a certain number of hearts the game throws durability up weapons at you. At this same time the game is throwing black and silver enemy variants at you with Greta weapons too.

Weapons become abundant as fuck.

They only break fast on non guardian enemies.

Quickswitch takes approximately 1 sec.

I didn,t know you were such a spastic, my poor little deranged man

Who decided pausing during combat was a bad idea though?

I did, and my word is law.

>be the legendary hero of time
>slaughtered hundreds of beasts and monsters
>Find the blade of evil's bane
>use all my strength to remove it
>call my horse
>rush toward the castle taken over by the most destructive force in the world, battling ancient mechanical monstrosities, sneaking my way in
>finally face to face with the monster who has killed all my friends and plunged the world into a post-apocalyptic nightmare
>realize the legendary sword has run out of battery

>hit a sjw in the head with a massive wood stick
>it breaks

Someone thought this was a good idea?

>Watch mid/late game videos
>Weapons last for ages and can be repaired

The people posting on Sup Forums would have been the best spies and counter spies prior to the internet, because nobody could disprove their bullshit.

Two-handed thunder blade takes 50 hits until it breaks. Try again.

It definitely adds an extra layer of "OH SHIT" intensity during battles tho ... So at first I was like you, but then I learned to respect the gameplay aspect as an enhancement to the fun I was enjoying

It's not gay sex if the boipussy belongs to a girl(male) and you're having sex with them using your feminine penis.



>Be a retard
>Write retard shit on Sup Forums
>Be so retarded that i don't know how retarded i look

poor soul.

so the normal response i get for this webm of "b-b-but they patched it" is not valid anymore


A reminder that weapon durability is a dumb and pointless mechanic in any game it's used in, and defending it because it's Zelda doesn't make it any better.

Exactly though, if someone is having a problem with a game as simple as Breath of the Mints they got serious issues

Yeah. The Sword should be the strongest weapon in the game. But instead of being only 30 or so damage, spending itself, and being on recharge for like 15 mins it should have been like 50 damage and gets knocked down to 20 when you spend it's power. Which would also prevent you from using the sword laser.

Instead the Master Sword is a useless weapon next to Guardian and Lynial weapons.

Hyrule Shield is GOAT though.


kill yourself.

It's not that they break, it's how fast they break.
And that you have to manually switch every time they do, which is every fight. Not counting bows and shields.

When I don't feel like beating the first guy in the arena simply because I know it would cost me all my stuff, I get annoyed.

I hope I find some better weapons soon, but then I would want to save them for something and not break them fighting random enemies. Bleh.

In my games, there'll be both weapon durability and going into the inventory won't pause the game.

The fact that both i like those mechanics, and you hate it, means it needs to be done.

>the game doesn't have design flaws, you just have issues

My legs are ok

>Claiming design decisions are flaws
>Thinking your opinion on a mechanic is somehow objective just because you dislike it

That's exactly right.

I suspect that all the retard that complain about durability are Hoarders or other mentally diseased fat fucks. I've yet to be proven wrong.

yeah autism does that.

>but then I learned to respect the gameplay aspect as an enhancement to the fun I was enjoying
you can like the game without liking every bad development choice, user.

very limited weapon durability is a bad gameplay choice.

consider yourself proven wrong

They tried but it didn't take. it's a hardware issue with how the antenna is positioned

Wrong. I broke like 4 in the one with the three weapons next to events island.

>when someone implies that it is autistic to want weapons to not break


>about to cum
>pull out
>ah, sorry. my little toe is cramping!

In a game with casual survival-like mechanics it's not an insane concept, and it prevents people for just using The Best sword and become OP forever. The challenge essentially never goes away

I agree it might be a bit too quick to wear out sometimes though, but I've only played the game for a couple hours on a friend's save and my own

God, that island was GOTYAY material. I really want more of this.

This man is clearly hoarding a few thousand burgers under his skin

i dont even think the stick breaks after 3 hits

be more creative in combat. I stasis launch trees at people

The whole pause to switch weapon or eating food is so fucking stupid. Casual lavels of stupid. Wish they added a silly pose while eating some food to add more tension to the situation

Play the game more

Item durability, excessive menu-ing, small inventory, 4 second sprint, intrusive HUD messenges, item burden, underwater escort missions. Make it happen user, make Sup Forumss dream game.

anyway back to Zelda, is fatfuck Jim right when he says that weapons are not worth reforging/repairing because they cost too many resources? I haven't found a place like that yet.

Yes, and, as an autist, you are unable to see how it's a good thing

I'm so sorry for your familly.

>Listening to what a literal cuck has to say

Are you trying to say you don't like turning over every stone and placing blocks on top of other blocks for korok seeds? How can you not love all this CONTENT

>Late game weapons last for over 50 hits. Late game weapons with durability buffs can last for several enemy camps.

Jesus christ seriously? That's it? 50 hits is what I would expect to get out of a shitty starting weapon. This degradation system sounds fucked.

but that's factually wrong you fucking retard

Nope, the weapon you can reforge are generally very strong and resistant. Not quite as strong top level Lynel weapons, but you can get them WAY earlier and the repair cost is piddly if you know where to find diamonds. I personally kept Mipha's trident for killing the other 3 bosses

>every game that's done weapon durability in some way until now has been criticized for it
>but when Zelda does it the game is defended for it
I feel like the Adventure Man image is pretty accurate.