Other urls found in this thread:


>implying Jon cares about the liberal crybabies that un-sub

also video games

Theres a lot better gaming channels user. Gamesack, cinemasscare, this does not compute, projared, somecall me johnny

So no I don't really care.

what happen?

he lost 8k subs, are you implying thats a lot?

Did he get death threats because he didn't jizz off to BotW?


>Zoom in super far so it looks like losing 0.1% of his subs seems like a big deal.

JonTron revealed how redpilled he is.

Sup Forums happened

Jontron isn't actively calling for the disembowelment of trump voters which means he's painted as a member of The New World Hitler Lover's Society

99 percent of your views don't come from subscriptions anymore, it comes from the "What's Trending" section on the front page.
Jon'll put out a new video, get like 4k dislikes compared to like 90k likes, then put out a few more and everybody will forget about it.

He said some dumb alt-right or something shit
Gaming "journalists" hang him for it

There's a 5k posts long hate thread on neogaf right now because he's such a racist and nazi

Oh no, he's gone from 3 million something to 3 million something. What a travesty.

sony nigger detected. Calm down Carlos, no need to be edgy on Sup Forums, your already a cool enough dude hanging with the normies playing playstation

He came out as a crazy Trump voter.

Does he even talk about video games? When I unsubbed he was doing some autistic star wars shit

How do you know this?

>y-axis hidden

I barely watch any let's plays or "youtube-personality" videos, but Jontron I like. Aside from the weird Star Wars-stint his videos are almost always consistently funny.

he's a fucking racist piece of shit who is a fucking alt-right faggot. holy shit i literally hate him. im literally shaking. fucking RAPIST HE'S A RAPIST I HATE JONTRON HE RAPED ME HE'S A FUCKING RAPIST OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

He did nothing wrong.
America was at its best when the population was 90% European Caucasian prior to the 1965 Immigration act.
The lowest the White population had ever been prior to then according to the US censuses all the way back to the founding was 80% European Caucasian.
The country has never been a "melting pot." That stupid phrase was coined around the 60's when immigration policies changed.
It was always a European colony with Judeo-Christian values and only now that we have lost out culture to people who sought to supplant it(the ideas of the Marxist Jews at the Frankfurt school now being taught in universities) we are seeing the problems with diversity.
Europeans will be bred out of existence in the next 500 years if nothing changes.

People that didn't watch GameGrumps finally realized that Jon says offensive shit.

You can't say this and then not provide a link. Share the fun user.

Videogames ?

>mfw i know why all youtubers are suddenly red pilled AF
>its because donald trump is now president
>being a liberal gaylord now means signing your media death warrant for the next 8 years

I bet Arin isn't surprised at all

It's important to know what your political opponents believe.

Isn't Jon like iranian or something?

Watch his podcast with psychic pebbles, they go over that and their agreement with disney. Explains the quality.


he pointed out some left wing hypocrisy which means that he is now worse then Hitler according to easily triggered snowflakes

>There's a 5k posts long hate thread on neogaf right now
>Gaming "journalists" hang him for it

oh okay well no surprised. neogaf is a liberal hellhole.


He stated a fact now he's worse than Hitler

I'm not even talking about a """fact""" I mean this shit is google-able to anyone

Solomon made the very same mistake friend.

Even if you aren't religious, you should read Ecclesiasted.

Arin used to be pretty edgy too but he's mellowed a lot.

>friends kicks you off show
>decide to go full nazi and say blacks commit all the crime in the US
>wonder why people stop listening to you

Jon is literally a minority, who thinks he is white, but then says "White people don't want to be/shouldn't be a minority in their own country".

First, he is a minority in his own country.

Second, blacks and hispanics are minorities in their own country too.

But third, he denies any racism, discrimination or biases that minorities face as being real. You know, the things that make being a minority not ideal?

So then what is it?

Is racism and discrimination over therefore there's nothing wrong with being a minority, or does it really REALLY suck to be a minority, therefore racism and discrimination exists?



Call me once he is below 1 million subs...Losing a couple of hundred thousands is nothing and at least he is now handing out free redpills.

Conveniently OP neglects to show actual numbers.

Really makes those neurons fire, huh?

Turns out that when you got 3 million subscribers neofaggots are a completely insignificant part of your audience.

Besides he said nothing wrong, niggers do commit more crimes than whites.

>decide to go full nazi and say blacks commit all the crime in the US
That's literally true. Are police and statisticians Nazis now?

>Weird how many gamers seem to be alt right scumbags when I see how progressive this forum is


>get a job millions would kill for
>make hundreds of thousands a year
>at 24, live in an apartment in Manhattan over looking a park, an incredibly expensive apartment
>throw it ALL AWAY so you can act like a triggered SJW on twitter and youtube all day
>cry you're being oppressed by the free market because people have decided not to deal with you anymore due to your opinions

Jon is worse than the average SJW, and he is terrible at explaining his points at all. He's also a literal cuck since he is against his own self interests and is basically a kapo

He has no life skills outside of youtube. I am SURE Jon will be more than happy to lose his sponsorship with Amazon and loot crate, which is what will be happening eventually. No one wants to attach their products to a guy going on about racial purity.

but his statement was wrong on the most basic level

the liberal tears are delicious

He voted for Hillary.

Or perhaps it's due to the massive demographic changes that are happening exclusively in white countries and the time for immigration and welfare reform is now to slam the door on those comming in and dis-incentivize the poor breeding to get more welfare.
As it stands now the white middle class has much less incentive to breed while the Hispanic lower-class(especially illegal immigrants) have every reason to. They are given welfare benefits because their children are now US citizens and must be cared for by tax payers and they get a pass to stay for a while.

He lost 8000, OP is a shillbot

This literally happens EVERY YEAR; why is it surprising people at this point?

Quoted some statistics about violent crimes in the US being mostly by minorities, meaning the blaming of whites is nonsensical. Had some opinions on the refugee crisis, said maybe they'd ought to handle their own problems rather than bring them here. Yadda yadda

Jontron decided career suicide was necessary because he drank way too much Sup Forumsaide.

Being "against open borders" is one thing. When you go around talking about blacks being inferior and segregation being needed, you have literally ended your professional life.

>Jon thinks he's white
projection. He has never said this

>He complains people shouldn't be a minority in their own country
And? I'm biracial (half black and half white) and I think this is true. Why is this hypocritical?

>He denies any racism against minorities
Not true, he claims there is discrimination against whites and it will only get worse when they are minorities, which I believe is true as well.

You have no argument here, friend.

He said the 14 words

Expound, I don't have a Bible handy. I'm a good goy now ;_;


Guy is an SJW.


He said rich black people are more likely to commit crime than poor whites. Not untrue

>White people are also people and are literally being discriminated based on race.


Could someone give a lazy person an excerpt of what he actually said without paraphrasing too much?

>career suicide
>a few thousand lost subs

He's fine. Most people support him. The left is a paper tiger.

The Fire Nation Tribe vs the Water Nation tribe

1. Jon, get off of the internet.

2. If being a minority is so bad, and you are white and don't want to be a minority, you'd fight for black minority rights NOW to help minority rights NOW.

>half black and half white
We talking down the middle, stripped, or dotted?

>TFW darkie thinks he's white

Jon "Putting The Aryan In The Iranian" Jafari, savior of the white race.

Practiced double think

>Minorities in the US do not face higher discrimination or lower opprotunities
>if whites become a minority it will be terrible for them!
Can't be both, Jon.

He decided to try to understand every aspect of every philosophy and learn everything under the sun, like you claim you are doing. He talks about how it drove him mad and made him depressed.

It's better to just seek out the truth wholeheartedly and let the falsehoods weed themselves out than to see out the falsehoods and hope to learn from them.

The human mind isn't built for that type of experience.

He made some uninformed controversial comments about shit he doesn't know that he's talking about which caused people to think he's a white supremacist nazi

Jontron sacrificed himself to prove a point.

People cant handle the truth and if its not what they want to hear, its all nazi cis racist scum. Poor world we live in honestly.

To think this lovable face is a Nazi

Jontron wants to leave Maker Studios, so he's pulling a pewdiepie.

"Why is it that when China were in Tibet it was a whole "free tibet" movement, but when its happening to White people..."


>say racist things
>stop calling me racist ;-;
I mean he is, by very definition of the word, a racist. It's a thing. Saying blacks are inferior is, by definition, racist.

the truth

that blacks are more likely to commit crime whether they are rich or not

how america shouldnt be a diverse landscape of shit

that's on a racial population percentage basis

which is true black men commit crime more often than any other race regardless of class

>When you go around talking about blacks being inferior and segregation being needed, you have literally ended your professional life.

Source right this instant.

Maybe Alex Jones will offer him a spot on his show.

>thinks he's white
do we tell him?

I think the two big ones were:

"oppression and discrimination doesn't exist in the united states"
"wealthy black people commit more crime than poor white people"

I'm not jon, just literally said I am half black/white, he is Iranian.

And like I said before, there is no animosity that is mainstream towards any minorities currently, only whites.

Please stop being retarded.


Not all the crime user, just 50% of all violent crime despite being only 14% of the population.
The African American homocide rate rivals that of Africans at about 10.0 per capita. They live in much different socio economic conditions and have a very different culture and yet the same habitual patterns can be observed.
It's almost like 40,000 years of human evolution apart from eachother in different climates produced observable differences. *plus neanderthal interbreeding by everyone else except Africans and Abos.

America was at its best as a Native American place. Europeans have no idea what they even want. Your shitty constitution doesn't have anything to do with the garbage you preach and states numerous things you just stated are anti-American.

Well I don't know if these arguments can hold up decade after decade. There is like, 18 year old people who are committing a disproportionate amount of crime and they were born after me. So how do you explain that? Is that Jim Crow? Nobody wants to get into the realistic things... They just want to blame whites more and more.

he said a bunch of uninformed shit about history, psychology, sociology, and statistics.

>his statement was wrong
Percentage wise, upper class blacks commit more crime than poverty level whites.

There is racism against whites since that's still socially acceptable and legal. Minorities have protection by law. Whether it works or not, who knows.

>being this obvious w/your sock-puppeting

how's the autism treating you, man?

he revealed he has common sense

which makes you a nazi in todays world

>I'm not Jon

>there is no animostiy towards blacks

>anti-BLM, pro black people getting shot for being urban

>muslim ban

>defunding planned parenthood and other women's issues

>nothing against minorities senpai desu baka.

Jon please.

He supports Trump.

Different guy.

Where do you live?

Police statistics are not scientific and cannot be used as "evidence" of anything. No scientist in the world would use the argument you and Jon use.

he talk about his political beliefs, it wasn't the Koolaid globalism way so now he is literately Hitler

>Jontron decided career suicide was necessary
Coming forward is a smart move. Now he is literally invincible, when he calls out a SJW game.

Minorities in the US don't face them because white people are majority. Current minorities are however not so nice.

>destiny defense force

Except they aren't and stating they are makes you look like a delusional nut who has left reality. IE Typical breitbarter.

Tell me about last night in Sweden. Was it like Bowling green?

Taken from a Neogaf thread about Jon. This is not a joke:

>Not really surprised desu. He is good friends with h3h3, and they are practically an alt-right brainwashing op on the nation's youth at this point.

What planet are these people living on?