>press L2 to win
this game won like 168 GOTY awards.
>press L2 to win
this game won like 168 GOTY awards.
Other urls found in this thread:
>he played on a console
>left shift
>E examine
did you even watch the webm?
You mean LT
you could say L2 "triggered" you
Yes that's a cult classic that will forever be remembered as one of the best games of our time.
Every open world game will be compared to it.
This time people will be aware of the shortcomings of the next elder scrolls games.
>This time people will be aware of the shortcomings of the next elder scrolls games.
not really since botw is shit and yet everyone and their mom says it's better than tw3
tw3 taught nothing to nobody
There's more to it than pressing L2 then.
>Yes that's a cult classic
That's not what cult classic means you idiot
>Yes that's a cult classic
> 2 years old game
were you born in 2012?
>20FPS or less
Sonyfags please stop shitposting. We're sorry the only exclusive worth owning in the first 2 years on the 400 dollar console you bought only won a handful of awards and from mostly sony centric sites.
We're sorry it only sold 2 million copies when it was the only exclusive worth owning even when the console its exclusive to had a 40million user install base.
We're sorry youve been brainwashed by the slanty eyed jew and are so deep in your delusions youre emotionally unable to remove yourself from Sony. Were sorry.
It's almost like graphics aren't the most important aspect of the game.
>that shitty looking water.
you're right, botw has great gamepl-
>ubisoft radio towers
>brittle weapons
>recycled enemies
Still miles better than FFXV's combat.
im praying the next TES learns from W3 and BotW but I wouldn't hold my breath.
>summoning xv-kun
oh shit nigga what are you doing
Gotta applaud Nintendo for choosing scope and physics over eyecandy. They know they can't compete in the diminishing returns arms race of graphical realism on other platforms. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword aged far better than Twilight Princess for a reason.
It's almost like you're parroting talking points without having played the game yourself. Stay mad that BotW is objectively a better game than Witcher 3, my friend.
What a terrible joke.
You have no permission to post Carlos anymore.
>objectively better
aka I'm too stupid to defend my position
>a drone calling others brainwashed
How's super mario #326854?
>Stay mad that BotW is objectively a better game than Witcher 3, my friend.
I literally made the thread to shit on tw3 lol
No to literally everything here, unless you think humanity is retarded enough to cite a game that took all its best ideas from Batman and Skyrim as something that started literally anything.
I havent owned a nintendo console since the n64. You'll have to try harder than that sonyfag.
Dances with Drowners can be bpretty fun. Good on CDPR for making a game with love and getting recognized.
Neither of you understand what cult classic means. A cult classic is a game that is a market failure but generates an immense following post initial release.
TW3 is an industry giant and a massive success, it can't qualify as a cult classic since it generated an immense following immediately
by your definition, donnie darko and dune are the only cult classic in the entire universe
Pretty good since it's still the best 3D platformer series.
No? Fight Club is also a cult classic, it flopped out of theaters so hard that when it generated its following after it released on VHS it became a phenomenon.
My apologies, I didn't realize I was talking to a low-functioning autist. See, there are these things called "reviews". People play video games and assign a numerical value for how good the game is. Then there is a website called "Metacritic", which aggregates of all the reviews and gives one definitive score.
Now you might be thinking "b-b-but why does one person's opinion matter?" Great question autismo, and the answer is that one person's opinion doesn't. However, the opinion of a large enough sample size, say around 80 or so people, does matter and is a quantifiable and objective measure to define how good or bad a game is.
A quick glance at Metacritic shows the Witcher at 93, lower than BotW's current 97. Therefore, BotW is OBJECTIVELY a better game. The good news is that while you might be mentally retarded, you are good at following directions. I asked you to stay mad, and you very clearly are.
can we stop talking about this shit game
It's almost like graphics don't matter only in the case of Nintendo
Listen kid.
If TW3 were so shit then BotW wouldn't desperately need to be compared to it. Fuck off.
>36 picks for Fallout 4
people really gobble up whatever bethesda shits out
I don't have to try at all, you're already pretty triggered.
two years after the game. still butthurt. what an achievement against cryboys xd
The only time you see threads on Sup Forums about the Witcher 3 are when shitposters like this make threads.
Everyone has moved on and all agreed its the game of the decade besides the autist on Sup Forums who are still going almost 3 years later because Bloodborne was blown the fuck out so badly.
>8 minutes
>no u
Very poor effort.
This game was incompetence on almost all levels, biggest blunder was the story
It looked pretty tho
>>Everyone has moved on and all agreed its the game of the decade
Man, you sure are upset. So tired of getting roasted by me that you are trying to preemptively /thread. Also, I don't know who brought up BotW first in this thread, but it sure the fuck wasn't me. And the usual comparison is the SJW bait Zero Dawn, not Witcher.
That was my first post itt, kid. I believe I told you this discussion was already finished.
I mean it's just a video game, user, no need to be this upset.
"Inclusive definitions allow for major studio productions, especially box office bombs, while exclusive definitions focus more on obscure, transgressive films shunned by the mainstream. The difficulty in defining the term and subjectivity of what qualifies as a cult film mirror classificatory disputes about art. The term cult film itself was first used in the 1970s to describe the culture that surrounded underground films and midnight movies, though cult was in common use in film analysis for decades prior to that.
Cult films trace their origin back to controversial and suppressed films kept alive by dedicated fans. In some cases, reclaimed or rediscovered films have acquired cult followings decades after their original release, occasionally for their camp value."
My definition is the actual definition.
>>Everyone has moved on and all agreed ZELDA BOTW the game of the decade*
I guess we will see in 2 years.
As it stands now it doesn't look like BotW is even going to get GOTY.
I wish BOTW looked like this screenshot. It's sad how terrible it actually looks when you play it.
>what is reshade
see you on the PC side of the battle, brother
A lot of subjective opinions grouped together don't make for an objective conclusion.
God TW3 was such a fucking boring game. I guess the quests were pretty fun, but the actual part where you have to play the game is so dull and uninteresting.
Open world was a mistake, it just doesn't suit the game at all. The MMO tier "this ghoul is invulnerable since its 20 lvls higher than you" gating can fuck right off. And exploration was 100% worthless, like wow I found a box that had some silver inside it, that sure was worth the time, oh well, back to the vendor to buy a fucking map to the best armor set in the game.
>but the actual part where you have to play the game is so dull and uninteresting.
you might like The Last of Us
play it on PC when it gets fixed
I don't own consoles, but isn't TLOU a very story driven third person shooter, and thus has garbage gameplay? Shouldn't you try to recommend me some autistic pure gameplay shit like a fightan' game or a shmup?
Or do you seriously believe TW3 has fun gameplay? Because I literally beat the game on death march using nothing but igni, a single button.
The urge to replay never stops coming back no matter how many times I beat it.
I was ironically suggesting you a "movie" game, so you didn't have to "play the game"
Twilight princess is still better than Skyward Sword and windwaker
>>ubisoft radio towers
Anyone who says this is a fucking moron.
If the only reward you can find in doing something is material then you should expand your horizons. I appreciated how, despite the sheer size, each square quarter mile is unique to itself. Places battles took place, cannibal camps, whale graveyard, forests, the cities, the Nilfgaard camp, swamps, fields, none of them are like the one another because there's just something different in each and every space that was used. If you dropped me in a random spot anywhere on the map I could probably tell you where it was based on that - this is part of what makes exploration in TW3 rewarding, but not entirely. Mostly it is because it is so filled up with content that you get the experience of wandering into a village and helping humans - which is also part of why it was the perfect direction for the last Geralt Witcher game.
But TW3 is a movie game. The combat is simply not good on so many levels. The enemy animations are spastic, they don't deal consistent damage with their animations, Geralt just does whatever he feels like based on distance from the target, you can just spam roll and sidestep if you're in any danger, I dunno, it just feels garbage to me.
I liked the quests and the story, at least after you find Ciri, but holy hell, all I thought while playing was how much better TW2 was as a game since it at least had a much smaller world with only a few sidequests per area.
>Or do you seriously believe TW3 has fun gameplay?
Not him but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. It is enjoyable, but it should have an option to enable level scaling without doing NG+.
>Because I literally beat the game on death march using nothing but igni, a single button.
You can cheese many games, you should actively be playing a game in the way that you think would be most enjoyable, for me that meant no Quen and an equal distribution of skill points and usage of abilities.
>you can just spam roll and sidestep if you're in any danger,
name 5 games where this is not true
Well it is very pretty, I agree, but I don't really care about exploring a dead world just because some parts of it have an abandoned camp with different heraldry than the previously abandoned tower or cave. I don't want to hate on your preferences, because I wish I could just enjoy a "hey this is pretty neat" moment as much as you can, but I really do expect there to be more reason to explore other than "it's cool I guess".
Certain Dark Souls enemies have tracking attacks to combat this behaviour, a ton of 2d platformers as well, DMC locks you in a cramped room where you literally can't fuck up dodges or you'll die, Fury forces you to actually time your shit properly, and pretty much every shooter in existence forces you to make a compromise between being evasive and dealing damage.
But speaking strictly in third person games, simply give enemies different timings for attacks instead of all of them following the same rhythm.
This is kind of people who gives those awards and whose opinion you value.
>graphics decide if a game is good or bad
That's impressive desu.
I can't breath properly watching this, I'm getting all antsy.
A review is simply how much someone liked or disliked a game, there is almost nothing objective about it.
Well, don't we all just value our own opinions more than each other?
If you and I are in disagreement, then I can tell you, "Well, on a general level, 99% of people and critics who play it will enjoy it."
You can say that your experience and opinions matter more than that of other people, but this is a lie you simply tell yourself. In the end, video games are about enjoyment, and fact is, most people enjoy this game no matter their background.
You can kick and scream about how your gaming credentials are so perfect and people should listen to you, but nobody will, ever. Your "e-cred" means nothing at all, especially not to me.
>I can't breath properly watching this, I'm getting all antsy.
pick one.
>I can't breath properly watching this, I'm getting all antsy.
reviewers man
Now I finally understand why retards throw around "objective" so much on Sup Forums. They have no clue what it means.
It's not a certification once enough people come to the same conclusion. Go read a fucking book you fucking idiot.
>killing people is not objectively bad because 5 anons disagree
An objective statement is detached from your feelings. Saying something is "objectively bad" makes no sense. Just use google or something if reading books is too hard.
A while back I watched my 55-year-old dad play a shooter (can't remember what it was) on a console for the first time in 20 years and it looked exactly like that. This will never stop being funny to me.
everyone knows controllers are total shit for shooters
the problem here is that even with a controller you'd have to go out of your way to be that fucking bad at the game
eother that or the person who made that video has cerebral palsy, that's the only explanation I can come up with
he's just never touching the right stick.
You are delusional. This game has nothing on Skyrim popularity wise. Skyrim has literally twice the number of concurrent players at this very moment, despite being a much older game.
Oh boy,prepare to be SHREKD...
Jedi Knight 2/Jedi Academy
Severance:Blade of Darkness
Gothic 1/2 (don't care about others because they are shit)
Vampire:The Masquerade Bloodlines
Mount & Blade
>Everyone has moved on and all agreed ZELDA BOTW the game of the decade for WIIU*
Dear diary
it's been 666 days and they're still butthurt.
Dear diary
I saw a bush procedurally generating on a smooth rock.
I immediatelly uninstalled the game.
nigga i used to play CS:S on PC with a gamepad, just for lulz but after a few hours i actually got used to it
>you have to gimp yourself to have fun
shit game design / 10
it was cannon and if you actually played the game you would know this.
witchers have mutations that heighten all their senses. the act of pressing the L2 button is akin to making geralt "focus" thus the highlights are a visual representation of his senses picking something up
DA:Inquisition won shitton of awards also. Game awards are like Oscars - they are meaningless.
So when I save a village from monsters and the guy sitting on the bench tells me how "I'm not bad like everyone is talking about",I pick up the loot quick travel to merchant to sell everything and literally two minutes after I come back to the same village and the same guy on the bench says to me "FUCKING MUTANT" is rewarding?
Going in high level area on death march and battling against a lone wyvern for one+ hour that is guarding his nest and a miniquest chest in which there is a worthless sword plan and a fucking low rune that i will never use because I've got a better set sword that I found by buying a map from the merchant and holding the button for handholding witcher sense like some autistic idiot that cant find it on it's own?
I bet you are one of those people who sees skeletons in Bethesta game and says ""Saw a skeleton next to another skeleton, and a kickball on the ground between them. Wow. Doubly powerful because there were two skeletons. They must have really liked kickball."
>it was cannon
one of the most boring games i've ever played
Isn't that like 95% of the fun in Metal Gear Solid?
Shit argument/10
What is meaningful then? Every metric you could compare TW3 to it is successful.
In 150 hours I never noticed anything like your first experience, in fact I don't recall having ever seen NPCs again after I finished their quests unless it was a merchant who gave it.
And I agree, level scaling should be present from the very beginning.
>I bet you are one of those people who sees skeletons in Bethesta game
First off, it's spelled Bethesda. Second, I haven't played a Bethesda game since Oblivion.
I bet you're one of those immature faggots who makes retarded assumptions in order to assume some sort of "gaming hierarchy" like the autistic nerd you are.
>>First off, it's spelled Bethesda