Other urls found in this thread:
>yfw you realize they fuck in your house while you're away
>Link permanently has two faggots lounging on his property
If you talk to Karson he mentions that he has a girlfriend
Terrey Town was founded because Hudson wanted to create a space for his gay conversion therapy.
Bolson is his girlfriend.
There is nothing wrong with depicting homosexuals the way they are.
Gotta love how Japan doesnt give a fuck and manage to be the most progressive without even trying.
There are people that are flamboyant queers and we dont need to know about their stories of coming out or whatever the fuck.
Games are for fun not for political propaganda
I wonder how long until apple sues them.
>having fun
>on Sup Forums
Your ironic shitposting is extremely annoying, not funny and only makes this board worse.
Just letting you know.
this. now if they made Bolson a main character that is depicted as being SO BRAVE for overcoming all of the discrimination of the people of his village, then it'd be bioware-tier shit.
Bolson's sunken face makes him look like he has AIDS
TFW bought a house from him and already had him install interior lighting, and a garden.
>nintendo is just making an obvious joke about a feminine carpenter
>When the stereotype is they are all masculine
>Faggots on Sup Forums treat as if it's a progressive statement
I don't know what else you'd expect from here, where apparently everything that isn't waifubait MUST be part of the secret SJW agenda
If you finish Tarrey Town, but don't talk to them after the wedding, I don't think they ever go back to your house. But Karson a cute, so its okay
Get Tarry Town finished and they'll move. Don't talk to them or they'll move back.
Karson has a wife.
fucking piece of shit sjw game, jesu- oh wait its nintendo, no problem here
>I-it's okay when Nintendo does it!
Hey Nintendo, this is a game a for children!
How, in anyway, are those three replies related?
I'm criticizing the guys saying he's gay.
Why are sony ponies so retarded?
I'm honestly surprised it isn't rated T. I mean, you can walk into a room full of lonely women drinking actual alcohol.
>Where is that damn FOUTH Divine Beast?
Bolson is a Tingle in disguise.
>dammit is a bad word
Wow. Yeah. Crazy. How did they manage to SLIP THAT ONE PAST THE CENSORS!??!
[sexual construction noises intensify]
>He isn't old enough to remember Shadow the Hedgehog
Do male Gerudo still happen every 100 years?
>mfw I will never go into a town full of lonely, sexdeprived women searching for men to fuck
Alcohol is the devils drink, user
he's not a gerudo. If you look under his face covering, the skin is white
Mother 3 localisation when
I thought the joke was that it was his stubble
What was their motto again?
>Sup Forums don't know what a Okama is
Why I'm not surprise?
If that happened, I guaran-fucking-tee you there would be threads on Sup Forums complaining about the Magypsys and how SJWs ruined the game, etc.
I thought that was the joke too, it looks too gray to be skin.
What I don't get is why the Gerudo call him a Hylian vai when he doesn't look Hylian.
Okee doo~ House, I'm coming for you!
>game character has a square jaw instead of a pointed jaw, a thing that happens all the time in real life.
>real life, the thing often imitated by art.
>if it happened
it won't and if it did, the magypsies would be censored.
So no cause for concern.
and to be honest, the scene where the one tranny stuck Lucas' head under the water did bother me
He's a gay alcoholic and has aids. What else would his nose look like?
It's like you've never been to the onsen, kouhai.
>mom wouldnt buy you shadow the edgehog because bad words
>Phoneposter is also a redditor
Makes sense. Now fuck off.
>Ask her "Mom why won't you buy me Shadow the Hedgehog?"
>She replies "Nothing personal, kid"
Stop being an idiot.
or just old and skinny
this was cute, other than the last part about sitting down next to his tv and talking to the video game character
I'm never buying a fucking Nintendo product again. The company is a shell of it's former self and when they pull shit like this they can just go fuck themselves. It's not fucking fair.
still NOTHING compared to that story of how MLP taught a guy to stand up to his abusive dad (who was trying to reconnect and make amends) lmao
He isn't even gay. At the end of the questline he tells you that it's also time for him to get a wife and settle down. Just a typical metrosexual.
Play the fucking game.
That's a man, baby
Don't you play with the sound on?
Once again the retarded degenerates of the West see a flamboyant man and assume he's a homofaggot.
Not everything is about you and your "struggle", fags. Stop trying to politicize everything and focus on not catching AIDS for being such a disgusting freak.
I did, I don't remember him saying he had a wife or that he had to go home to her.
I remember him saying he needed to head back for work.
Calm down niglet, I'm on your side.
What are you talking about?
So Minish Cap?
Birds are people too.
>rehashed shit
Of course I know Kass is a man. But he was MY man. He was MY daddy.
But of course the assholes over at Nintendo need to censor a clearly homosexual bara bird and give him a wife.
We work hard and we play hard?
Fucking furfaggots
>shrink yourself
>BOTW's world is now 10x bigger
wtf i hate mother 3 now
>someone actually wishes to be that retarded looking platypus person
Why would you want your fursoma to be a nignog with an afro?
too bad we all have to play video games with sjw pandering bullshit since the far right are too dumb and unimaginative to make video games :(
Where do they sleep in terry town? Because they leave at night I think to go sleep in those houses across the bridge while in Hateno
Not like it's anything new for Nintendo
Or Japanese stuff in general, they don't mind poking fun at super flamboyant crossdressers
It would be sick if you could shrink yourself and climb a Hinox
>Zelda of the Colossus
>that one guy you talk to when they're demolishing the house
>'What are you doing?'
>'I'm breakin' this house down.'
>'My boss told me.'
>'It's my job.'
>it's ok when Nintendo has out of place fags in their games
Figures that Sup Forumsumblr would like it so much
What? Only Bolson is (most likely) gay, the other guy actually has a girlfriend and all.
>Sup Forumsumblr
I love the goofy characters like this in the game. This is something you know a western dev would never do cause it won't fit with their carefully crafted ultra dark, mature, gritty world for real gamerzzzzzz.
>he didn't get the memo of Nintendo faggots being Sup Forums-approved
but zelda has had effeminate carpenters since OoT.
Master Kohga was kinda unnecessary in my honest opinion.
Honestly I'll take Nintendo weirdness over western focus test designed crap made to appeal to teenagers any day
It was a slightly obscure cultural reference that was entirely lost in translation.