Why did Xbox One fail?

Why did Xbox One fail?

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it didn't fail it's selling fine. It didn't sell like hot cakes because of e3 before it came out saying it was always online and shit

Its shit and has no games.

What is the name of that controller.
I can't find it anywhere on the net

Absolutely disastrous launch. If it wasn't for that it'd be doing much better than it currently is.

the initial full-cancer info about the xbone tainted it forever

sony won by just not fucking up royally, they managed even to sneak in paid online and people didn't mind, that's how bad Microsoft fucked up

the moonrunes say "An unlikely relation has been found" for anyone wondering

Lack of exclusive video games. I'm interested in seeing what they'll do next though, hopefully it won't be total shit.

It literally translates to

"We met in a strange place" but what would be a more logical translation of this?


I believe they call it "The Whopper"

The only reason it got such a bad reception was because Gamestop payed a bunch of money to astroturf places like Sup Forums, gamefaqs, youtube comments, etc so ensure that they could continue to make bank selling used game copies. It would have been the end of their business.


Yeah no, Microsoft fucked up, that faggy looking guy saying if you wanted to play without being always online, you should just go with the 360, also that other microsoft employee douchebag on twitter saying people didn't want their draconian shit were people living in the past

Bill Gates has really feminine hands

If you don't have internet you should go to the 360. Who the fuck doesn't have internet?

>This man is still employed somewhere.


No Exclusives

It was basically their reverse Sega Saturn moment

>Don't buy our new console, stick to the old one


Did gamestop also make sure that kinect was forced down users throats

Nah, he left Zynga. 'Self-employed' atm

Why did The Nintendo Switch fail?


>Then: Executive position at Microsoft.
>Now: Self-employed

Shitty reveal, most people moved to PS4 before either was even released, and the Xbone genuinely has no games worth owning it for. Pretty much everything besides Neo-Halo has been ported to W10.
>it didn't fail
Microsoft expected to sell a fucking billion of them in like 5 years, it is most definitely a failure

Not surprising. A lot of executives just get in a golden parachute and turn up elsewhere. You should see all the dickweeds that were fired and rehired almost immediately

They cancelled Scalebound

>On July 1, 2013, it was confirmed that Mattrick was leaving Microsoft to join social game company Zynga as CEO.[20] Wall Street investors applauded Mattrick's appointment[21] and Zynga's shares jumped 10.4 percent on the day the news was made public and another 5.9 percent in after-hours trading following the official announcement.

>On April 8, 2015, it was announced that Mattrick had resigned as Zynga's CEO, "effective immediately"

The fact that Sony's early PS4 marketing was literally "Hey, at least we're not Microsoft!" is still funny years later.




KEK still gives me a chuckle

MS killed themself before the race began

horrendous launch, incredible amount of bad press before it was even on the shelf, mc collection multiplayer disaster, kinect, tv, everything moved to pc

>work at a vidya store
>people regularly trade in xbones for store credit toward ps4s or switches

Really makes you think.

Royale with Cheese

>or switches

now now user, let's not tell porkies

Anyways, , please listen to me. That it's really related to this thread.
I went to Yoshinoya a while ago; you know, Yoshinoya?
Well anyways there was an insane number of people there, and I couldn't get in.
Then, I looked at the banner hanging from the ceiling, and it had "150 yen off" written on it.
Oh, the stupidity. Those idiots.
You, don't come to Yoshinoya just because it's 150 yen off, fool.
It's only 150 yen, 1-5-0 YEN for crying out loud.
There're even entire families here. Family of 4, all out for some Yoshinoya, huh? How fucking nice.
"Alright, daddy's gonna order the extra-large." God I can't bear to watch.
You people, I'll give you 150 yen if you get out of those seats.
Yosinoya should be a bloody place.
That tense atmosphere, where two guys on opposite sides of the U-shaped table can start a fight at any time, the stab-or-be-stabbed
mentality, that's what's great about this place.
Women and children should screw off and stay home.
Anyways, I was about to start eating, and then the bastard beside me goes "extra-large, with extra sauce."
Who in the world orders extra sauce nowadays, you moron?
I want to ask him, "do you REALLY want to eat it with extra sauce?"
I want to interrogate him. I want to interrogate him for roughly an hour.
Are you sure you don't just want to try saying "extra sauce"?
Coming from a Yoshinoya veteran such as myself, the latest trend among us vets is this, extra green onion.
That's right, extra green onion. This is the vet's way of eating.
Extra green onion means more green onion than sauce. But on the other hand the price is a tad higher. This is the key.
And then, it's delicious. This is unbeatable.
However, if you order this then there is danger that you'll be marked by the employees from next time on; it's a double-edged sword.
I can't recommend it to amateurs.
What this all really means, though, is that you, , should just stick with today's special.


What does that mean? Cuz you didn't buy it and there isn't constantly 18 threads up on Sup Forums about it it failed?


Ya caught me, there aren't any switches to trade in toward.

God I miss that old Microsoft logo.
God I miss the old Microsoft.
I wish it was 2004 again.

Microsoft has butchered their own franchises and their exclusives have dropped in quality.

Even the diehard fans of Halo hate the newer entries. Same for Gears of War. Lionhead Studios was shut down. Remedy's recent games have just been okay at best, nowhere as good as Max Payne 1&2, and so on.

PS4 has some japanese exclusives and whatnot, MS has like has beens galore.

This. All the Switches are sold out, nobody can buy them.

Even XBOTS are tired of Halo, and that's all Microshit's consoles have ever been good for. Literally no other worthwhile exclusives on the machine, it's just a subpar PC for multiplats.

And all he has to show for it is the tens of millions of dollars in his bank account. Poor guy.

You really think that dumb fuck can manage his money? He's probably well on his way to the poor house.

Failed executive, two times over. Very publicly screwed the pooch. He won't be getting another exec position, and no one is going to hire him for a normal position since he has been an executive.

He'll be sending out applications to Xerox soon.

he spent his whole life on this, could've had much more and is now basically done forever

still not a target of pity, but i'm sure he's not happy with how it turned out

This. There are worse positions you could be in. You could retire and be set for life with that kind of money. We're all more fucked than he is and you know it.

>I wish it was 2004 again.

Just in time to watch it all go downhill, huh?

It says
>We've met in a strange place, haven't we?

Cheeky little ad

Exactly. At least Microsoft wasn't complete shit back then.

They lost sega and japan

They were they had to get sega to engineer their controllers

Any chance scalebound gets
Revived on PS4?


I still place good odds on Peter Moore deliberately sabotaging the Dreamcast and signing favorable deals with Microsoft in exchange for a position at MS.

>tfw parents bought me a 360 when I was a kid so if I don't want to rebuy all my old games I'm stuck with an xbone
A-At least I have halo

yeah peter moore is the answer to the question "why does this thing have a fucking windows boot disc"

>Microsoft expected to sell a billion in 5 years

But seriously they lowered their expectations after the E3 blow-out. Since then they've been slow but steady.

How did Microsoft go downhill? explain

Microsoft acted very arrogantly before the Xbone came out, they thought the success of the 360 meant they could get away with anything. Well, they were wrong

>Why did Xbox One fail?
Consoles are in decline.Even your average Joe's are learning how to use a PC now.

too much spy, not enough ware

I have two in a closet. Pretty sure they still work.


Microsoft owns the IP, so no

Good Tech company, shitty gaming company. Mediocre multimedia machine over good gaming console. Awful marketing, cancels any games outside their comfort zone, no new exclusives, the BRO game system.

No games.

Horrible E3 reveal.
They actually did fix a lot of the core problems, but the damage was already done. A shame really.

Consoles are in decline due to changing lifestyles and competition from mobile devices, not PCs.

People have been saying that the PC was going to kill consoles since the early '80s, and it never happens. At present, PC gaming is actually becoming MORE niche, not less, as smartphones become ever more powerful and more and more people turn towards tablets and away from traditional PCs. The thing is, there have been, and always will be, devoted hardcore gamers on both PC and console, while consoles generally remained the preferred choice of young and casual gamers (that's why the Wii did so well), but now the kids and the casuals are flocking to mobile in droves, which is hitting consoles disproportionately hard compared to PC.

Joe Average learned how to use a PC two decades ago. The device he spends 90%+ of his time on today is not his PC, but his phone. That's what has changed in the past decade or so.

Don Mattrick was a secret agent hell bent on destroying the Xbox brand. Watch any of that Xbone lead up stuff with him and tell me that man didn't want to see everything burn in front of him

people aren't going to ditch Cowadoody, GTA and so on to play Angry Birds, those are two different markets

microsoft had the idea burgers were stupid enough to accept the 1984 shit they tried to pull, they were wrong


like honestly no games
still carries true that its only got the generic trash on it. I was going to get a bone s because it was cheap but then i saw ps4's library

PC makes the most money though.

Based Don Mattrick.

Aren't Europeans mostly playing on PC?

Not sure, but I know Asia mostly games on PC.

Even Japan and China?

What happened to the creative exclusives the og Xbox got? Everything now is your typical AAA bland game.

Fable and Halo died.

Not directly, but they grow up, have kids, and start playing family-friendly games with their kids (that's what the normals do). Again: that's why the Wii did so well.

Also, I'm talking about demographics, not individuals here. Individuals move in all kinds of directions over time.

Some hardcore FPS fans certainly do move from console to PC, but the numbers are negligible compared to the overall trend of casual gaming moving to mobile.

Yeah, which is why PC will outlast consoles. PC gaming will last as long as there's even a modest market. As both lose market share to mobile, consoles will fall below the threshold for sustaining hardware development long before PCs do.

Mainland China, absolutely. Consoles were illegal there until only a few years ago.

>buying another xbox console when the 360 was a flaming wreck

they catered to casuals

Mobage is the thing in Japan.

Only core gamers still game on PC there. Many families don't even own a PC.

Handhelds tend to vastly outsell consoles there, as well.

>Consoles were illegal there until only a few years ago.



For fear of "negative effect on the mental and physical development of children".

The console black market in China was a real big thing, though.

They sols them in "Free trade zones" which includes places like Shanghai

For the same reason they built the "Great Firewall" to filter the Internet. The same reason they actively monitor people's phone conversations and open their mail for signs of anything potentially subversive. In case you hadn't noticed, the PRC is a fucking police state.

Which is code for "the challenge of censoring out any undesirable socio-political messages."

I am going to be honest with you... i wish Xbox one had not fail, i really do.

Not only was SONY able to get away with not having games for 3 years but they neglected retro compatibility and pushed in with the pay online.

Furthermore all the Xdrones that fled the sunk ship that Xbox one is are a bad influence on which games the console focus on...

Xbox disgrace fucked SONY users big time... we really hate xdrones but we do need them to keep the company in check.

Now we gotta trust PC for that... thanks a lot.

stop forcing your memes lee


yes, microsoft cant do no wrong, gamestop made MS do all the bad things

They'll make a minor comeback with scorpio
then after that they'll probably move towards making the xbox just a windows platform of sorts

(and that will sell well because it'll be like steamboxes but better)

What? do british people call lies porkies because muslims hate pork?

Mainly because the 360's appeal was mostly to people who only COD, and now that they are burned out there isn't any brand loyalty. Didn't help that Microsoft tried to sell at as an expensive netflix machine, and Sony pushed exclusives.

>always online
>no used games
Bullshit is what fucked them. Had they launched the kinectless version for 399 since the beginning, and never thought about the always online and no used games shit, the landscape would have been waaaay more competitive nowadays. But nope. Gotta have that stupid fuck 500 bucks KINECT machine that scared everyone with its bullshit new tactics.