What are some problems you have with this game?
This isn't a "haha you can't, f-fuck you" thread, I just want to start a discussion on a game I really like.
What are some problems you have with this game?
This isn't a "haha you can't, f-fuck you" thread, I just want to start a discussion on a game I really like.
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its unfinished pretty much everywhere, except the DLC areas I guess. Even early game spots I feel could have been touched up more, better enemy placement, more parts of an area to explore.
Oh yeah I guess Painted World feels really finished too, probably cause it was one of the first areas designed.
The quality fell off the cliff after Anor Londo.
Tomb of the Giants and Lost Izalith were especially rough.
Plus the difficulty also plateaus after Anor Londo for no reason. After you unlocked Lord vessel you have Tomb of the Giants, Lost Izalith, Duke's Archive, and New Londo areas, plus Darkroot Garden & the Artorias DLC and all at roughly the same difficulty.
This means that you got to enjoy 1-2 areas at the intended difficulty, but then blaze through the rest unless you are purposely gimping yourself.
I agree; anor londo was a big peak for the game, and almost felt like the game just should have ended there. Nothing after it was as well designed. Painted world too was in anor londo and is regarded as the best designed level in the game.
There's so many ways to completely trivialize combat and even bosses die in just a few seconds. I wish there was a proper hard mode or something.
The only area with noticeably bad enemy placement, to me anyways, was Anor Londo. There were those brain gargoyle things that were just sprinkled around randomly, that sucked. I guess you could say Sens' Fortress too, but that was really just a problem of over-leveled enemies too early in the game.
seath, nito and witch lord soul paths are kinda shit and linear
also the weapon upgrade system could be better
also there's no area connecting the catacombs to blighttown
This is true with pretty much all the games of the franchise, specially Demon souls may that Valley be forgotten so it can rest in peace
I remember the Artorias DLC being really challenging, not to mention it had the best bosses in the series, arguably some of the best bosses ever designed.
Ultimately I've come to think Dark Souls is the best of the series *overall*.
The combat isn't as good as Bloodborne's due to clunkiness of both dodging and attacks, but Bloodborne suffers from a less immersive and less inspiring story.
The story and lore of Dark Souls while great offers less individuality, charm, and atmosphere as Demon's Souls but DeS combat is absolutely terrible in comparison.
And of course 2 and 3 are just shit.
browsing through you inventory is terrible
some of the worst bow aiming mechanics implemented in a game
the lock-on function seems to be more of a hinderance than something that's supposed to aid you
>What are some problems you have with this game?
This game is hardly more than a rehash of Demon's Souls, going as far as to rehash ideas from the game even though there was never any context for it in DaS. DaS merely got lucky with the interconnected world shit in the first half of the game, and even then the individual level design suffers because they tried to make so many areas connect. This is made even more blatant when one of the best designed areas in the game, the Painted World, is so well designed simply because it's not connected to anything. It's funny how many of the complaints people make about DaS3 being a rehash also apply to DaS1.
In regards to the post-lordvessel section of the game it couldn't have been made any more clear that they were low on time, with the three major post-LD levels (Archives, Tomb of the Giants, and everything started with Ceaseless Discharge) being ridden with flaws. Despite From not bothering to connect these levels they still manage to make them even worse than the levels in the first part of the game.
Artorias is great.
Manus is OK but not that great.
Sanctuary Guardian is just annoying as fuck every single time I've fought it. I feel like it moves too fast for the game's combat.
Oh yeah, no doubt, but Bloodborne did have exceptional gameplay.
Shame DSIII just simplified it and went "no guys seriously this is dark souls"
You're just trying to be contrarian.
DaS has entirely different lore, world, and plot from DeS. It shares some characters/archetypes but is an entirely distinct entity.
the best souls game would be a mixture of all of them
I think the real problem is that you have from and namco being somewhat incompetent
if a good developer made a souls game it'd be great (probably)
Post S'mores and Oreos the game was clearly rushed by the developers to completion. Not saying everything was terrible past that point. Just most of it. The frame rate is garbage. Netcode was shit. Mattchmaking system was shit. Half the weapons are useless copies of other weapons. 1/4 of all weapons are either a joke or are just there to tell a story. The Dark Souls memes and fanbase are nothing short of cringe worthy.
Its still one of my favorite games ever
Forgot one. Kalameet, undeniably the best dragon fight in any video game.
Yeah for a while I was thinking Bloodborne was by far the best, but that second half is just terrible for the most part. Dark Souls' might have been unfinished but at least it wasn't just badly designed (save Izalith).
TRUE! I forget Kalameet because I forgot to fight him first time through. Kalameet is great and a legitimate challenge unlike Ancient Dragon (DS2).
Lost Izalith looked like Little Timmy's First Unity Project, that level was unbearable.
Yeah but at least it didn't have the 3 sponges of Yahar Ghul and the entire first half of Nightmare of Mensis.
Until Bloodborne and Dark Souls III, the series did not put a very high emphasis on richly detailed and artistic looking environments. It was very dungeon crawler ish, which is boring.
I actually quite like the simplicity and both aural and visual quietness of the environments. I don't think AAA flash and pomp is a straight positive.
>I don't think AAA flash and pomp is a straight positive.
I don't think so either, but the environments weren't very artistic in my opinion. Character and enemy designs certainly were, but the locations? Very hit or miss. In Demon's Souls, Dark Souls (the best of the bunch) and Dark Souls II there are some areas that stick out for me, and a lot of areas that are a complete blur.
I only have two serious problems with it: The arbitrary restriction on what bonfires you can or cannot warp to [in particular the stupid one-way bonfire in the Painted World that retains that property even after you finish the area once], and the way in which faith playthroughs are more or less impossible to do properly nowdays considering most of the fun miracles are locked behind multiple covenants that are dead unless you use specific connectivity programs and even then it's nowhere near a guarantee.
Everything else is things I could mostly overlook or would just qualify as a nitpock.
Well for Undead Burg for instance, you're focused on the intricacies of the city streets rather than the bodies littered all over High Wall of Lothric.
And in Darkroot you're able to appreciate the ambiance of the dark forest and its subtle trick-lights.
It's a game about minimalism in many ways hence the Ico inspiration. I would say DS world design succeeds more than DeS in plenty of ways.
It specializes in picture-sequel moments, like Oscar being wounded with light shining on him, or Solaire determinedly looking at the sun.
>Kalameet, undeniably the best dragon fight in any video game.
There's like dozens of better dragons in Monster Hunter. I love Dark Souls but Kalameet is just a taste of every Monster Hunter dragon fight ever
Never played Monster Hunter, I've always wanted to try it though. Which one should I start with?
>Play through the game with delight
>nightmare isn't a highlight or anything but still pleased
>Find Mergo's Wet Nurse
>Great art design. Looks scary as fuck.
>Starts doing attacks
>is missing constantly
>Doesn't have any sort of tracking
>Charge attack is as easily punishable as the gaping dragon's but without the threat of one shotting me
>Dick flaccid. Fight complete first try.
>apparently I beat a nightmare
>Go to Gerhman at the tree
>Not really thinking about the dialogue
>say yes thinking it will continue with a boss fight
>game ends
I mostly did that to myself but the final boss for me was Mergo's Wet Nurse and my first playthrough of Bloodborne left me with the worst case of blue balls.
>its unfinished pretty much everywhere, except the DLC areas I guess.
makes sense as they had many months to work on the DLC which was just a few areas and bosses than an entire game worth of content
I actually think Mergo's Wet Nurse was the one redeeming part to the Nightmare. The minimal toybox music mixed with the imposing presence and high HP of the boss make it a really interesting and engaging fight.
But yeah it's really fucking easy. Both my friend and I beat it first try.
There's honestly no reason to do NG+
I mean I've played the game start to finish like 50 times but I've only actually done NG+ like once.
Scholar of the First Sin's NG+ was great in contrast, it was one of the only things it did right.
please continue with your observations
>I remember the Artorias DLC being really challenging,
That's not my point, my point is that you can pick and choose which area you want to be challenging. Sure you can veer off and do Artorias DLC, but then after defeating Manus & Kalameet you'll blast through whatever remaining of the main game effortlessly
Well yeah, try reading the dialogue next time retard.
True, but the way the game's designed with you automatically going into NG+ ties into that. I would think that, like with DS2, they would only change things with NG+ if they made it an actual decision for the player to make rather than just a slightly tougher mode.
The Depths is constantly being surrounded by the reflective brick walls, which is admittedly the most blatantly "dungeon crawly" but that's entirely the point, is to be a labyrinthine descent.
Blighttown is defined by shitty unstable wood, torches, ladders, and the swamp at the bottom. These small elements in tandem with the monsters are what help set the mood as a dangerous, treacherous place. Adding anything more decadent would have seriously impaired the visual aesthetics as it would make the rather small enemy variety stand out.
Do I need to say anything at all for Anor Londo? Its whole appeal is its simplicity. Leave the main bonfire, up the steps, and you have a flat platform with which to view the brilliantly illuminated castle. If there were landings and rooks and embattlements it would have gotten in the way of the Grand Cathedral's elegance, its prominence in the design.
well yeah but skipping it goes faster the story sucks there's liderale no dialogue
If you have the PC version try the permanently gravelorded mod.
Four direction rolling
by far the biggest flaw, fucking hate the dodging in DS1.
It's the whole reason I've always used a shield.
100% understandable, but it still dodges attacks if you roll in the general direction you need to.
It just feels so clunky, especially after playing DaS3 and BB. I end up never locking on targets because it bothers me too much.
Outside of the actual fight. Yeah. Mergo's Nurse is pretty neat. Story wise (despite little information), music wise, character design wise... Mergo was good.
But all those little details are just the cherry on top for an interesting fight. For me the fight was boring. Especially that retarded 5-10 second slicing charge attack that no one every gets hit by.
Similarly, I think the gaping dragon is such a waste because its my favorite monster design in Dark Souls 1. It has a ridiculous health bar. Imposing music. Crazy introduction. Interesting lore. I remember thinking.
>I have to kill that???
But the boss is ruined by being piss easy.
Stop using "literally" for every situation. Literally means something actually happens/exist with no deviation or anything. And there's fucking dialogue in the game so you should have read it.
Dark souls crafting was absolute convoluted garbage, I'm glad they streamlined it in 2
Why weren't the other dark souls games as spooky/horror as the first game?
Your words hurt me and now I forfeit my life. Woe is me.
>I was mocking the guy that skipped the final boss's dialogue.
Portable 3rd HD ver. is older, but it's a relatively easy starting point, and can be emulated (including multiplayer) via PPSSPP. Check the pastebin in the /vg/ thread.
Should have had a link from the tomb of the giants to ash lake desu
Its something I think about a lot.
>Dark Souls. Fear. Gears of War. Dead Space.
I don't know why or how it happens but sequels make games lose their spook factor.
Thanks, I'll be sure to get it.
>not doing perm gravelord+aggression mod
I never really thought Dark Souls was horror, just tense and depressing.
Though I guess that's the Silent Hill 2 kind of horror.
Why do i have so many depressing games in my library
>not playing aggression + first person mode no estrus fists only
What are you, casul?
bloodborne story was fucking great
Yeah. To be honest, Gears of War wasn't really horror either. But it had minor horror elements and inspiration. but those vibes were lost in Gears 2 and they never came back.
>not sl1 aggression+gravelord+fp no estrus no items fists only
I am truly disappointed with how casual neo-v is
>not playing sl1+ng7+rolls only kirk set+no estus+aggression mod+fps mod+usb steering wheel controller
It's like they don't even like the game
The fact that Pyromancy is the only way to go if you want to do a dedicated spellcaster run.
The Sorcerer's grimoire consists of a handful of buffs- which are only really useful to the melee classes anyway- and several dozen variations of the same slow, poorly-tracking Magic Missile you start the game with, and most of the fun miracles are, as previously mentioned, more or less inaccessible.
-rushed, unfinished areas
-gravelord covenant needed to be reworked
-optimization for pc
-no softban for people using cheat engine
>not playing sl1+ng7+without moving or attacking+naked+no estus+aggression mod+fps mod+usb steering wheel controller
Resistance is useless and the game was too much for consoles at the time, so it ran like ass and looked weird.
>not playing the game when it's uninstalled and instead going through all of the motions in your head including enemy placement and rng, item drops, combat, and keeping a running count of your encumbrance while doing damage reduction maths in your head in real time
>it's an "easy enemy made difficult by placing it in an extremely small arena so your weapon keeps hitting the walls or you're at risk of falling off" obstacle
How does the game play with the PC patch?
>it's a boss can be damaged/stunlocked episode
better but the game still loses its shit sometimes, specifically I remember the seath boss fight had horrible fps issues
>not blending the disc into a fine paste to consume it so you and the game become one, having dark souls run through your veins, and turning your diet into nothing but liquidized pre-owned copies of dark souls, no estus
Lmao get on my level fgt
Cathedral of the Deep and Irithyll were spooky
The utterly filthy feel of The Depths made it feel more like an average dungeon crawler to me. Like, it actually felt disgusting being down there, and falling down that hole into the bottom. The entire thing just elicited an enormous "eeeew".
upper blighttown is shit
demon ruins is shit
lost izalith is shit
duke's archives is shit
crystal caves has a dumb gimmick
tomb of the giants is annoying
the great hollow is shit
ash lake is disappointing
ridiculous disparity in boss difficulty
DLC is too hard compared to the rest of the game
The scariest part of Irithyll was the 8-hit combos know what im sayin
There's an achievement for killing Priscilla which I don't want to do
>crystal caves
>ash lake
>great hollow
Those levels are like a minute long
On a first playthrough the game feels pretty great until after Anor Londo but Duke's Archives is a good area also. But when replaying the game and trying to make a cool build it's annoying as fuck because a lot of weapons are in bumfuck no where and getting to them requires basically beating the good half of the game and all you're left with is a fun build but shitty content to clear.
Also fuck travel. The lord vessel should have let you warp to every lit bonfire. Maybe I was spoiled by DeS but only being able to get to what is equivalent to the first world of each archstone and having to basically play a majority of a level to get to certain parts is lame. Glad they changed it with DS2, BB, and DS3.
Hoping that way down the road we get some sort of mega Dark Souls Collection with all games on one platform, remastered with all DLC included. Also would be a cool idea to keep one character to play through all the games.
>not being an actual dark souls character that has entered the infrastructure of the internet via a poorly coded cheat engine script and then fully studied all of humanity including programming, post hypnotic suggestion, and the esoteric and occult writings of Carl Jung to the point that you could manipulate an unsuspecting Sup Forums poster into summoning you into reality as their tulpa
r 4 even trying
I tried to get my friend playing this tonight but it immediately crashes starting up on his laptop. With DSfix it crashes after the character creator.
Anyone have this problem?
Das3 really lacked that darkness factor for me. Beautiful game and the combat was good, but the story just wasn't compelling. It was Ds1 but 'things are so bad they are the worst they've ever been' without really showing it in a meaningful way.
Capra Demon fight will always be poorly designed.
Works great but the physics engine is tied to FPS so when you set it to 60 FPS your jumps are only half as long. Made getting the Iaito near fucking impossible until I realized this fact and set it to 30 FPS for all of Blighttown.
Other than that it's pretty much the only way to play on PC without getting eye cancer.
I honestly don't have a problem with playing Dark Souls at 30fps on PC. The game was designed around it.
>not deleting the game only to recreate it with Unity Personal Edition in JavaScript solely by memory and then do a bow only run in your finished product
Are you even trying to play?
>He plays Soulsborne garbage over Lords of the Fallen, The Surge, or Nioh.
Soulsborne was a beta test.
Have him turn Anti Aliasing off
Thanks but that didn't work
>Tfw I tried Lord's of the fallen when it was given away free on psplus
>Still didn't like it
Fatrolling in dark souls felt faster than dual wielding in that game
poor bait 0/10
At 60fps you might
>Get stuck sitting at a bonfire forever
>slide down a ladder into another dimension
>jump half as far
Even still it feels pretty nice. Unfortunately for me the 60fps means I get stuck at bonfires often (this doesn't happen to everyone). Which means a game restart. If you know roughly how matchmaking in Dark Souls works you will know that you are more likely to be matched with people if you have been in game for longer. This coupled with a low population makes playing online really upsetting at 60 fps for me. I switched back to 30fps and problem solved.
What about 8K 120fps?
>>Get stuck sitting at a bonfire forever
this happens even in vanilla PC version
The only recommendation I have outside of that is to reset DSfix settings to default everything and changing settings 1 by 1 and seeing what works. Make sure he doesn't change text he isn't supposed to.
I had that problem when trying to go human. Had to wait until the animation stopped before I pressed anything
Wulf's mod works great for online it's on the nexus
It happened almost every time for me at 60fps. I think its about getting up from the bonfire in an off frame or something.
I don't think it has happened to me since I switched to 30. But I could be wrong. Either way. Its significantly more rare than 60.
Thats really the only way Dark Souls 1 should be played.
I'll try that tomorrow.
looks like a weird hardware issue
It is what From intended but the PS3/Xbox 360 held it back to a measly 720p and the PS4/Xbox One held it back to a basic 1080p.
One day, some day, From will go back and show us their true vision.
I think it's a pointless game. It's to play and be braindead, the same reason people watch shows like american idol. to not think about their lives.