>urge to replay game
>suddenly remember every level and boss battle in the game in detail
>no longer feel like playing
I can't reread books or rewatch movies because of this shit either. Anyone else have this issue? What games have the most replayability?
Urge to replay game
>want to play game
>don't want to play game
yeah, poor you.
muh white privilege.
>reading books
You're such a fucking nerd, oh my god.
Why would it be a problem, exactly?
I can remember things pretty vividly but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the moment when I play the game
Alternatively, just start playing it anyway, it might get you in the mood and mindset and you'll want to play it more
>having problems
There are starving kids in Africa
>You will never experience your first overwhealmed feeling of playing an MMO before online guides were the norm.
It's sad man. Remember when games were so big and deep that you took a long time to learn and understand everything?
fuck I wish I had memory that good
Beat the demon boss as a tanky paladin? Go back and beat him as a mage. Or a thief. Or any fucking thing else.
oh yeah me too, but only regarding to books mostly.
No. I forget all things almost immediately. I think I might have brain tumor.
YES! I was literally just thinking about this. I thought I was the only person who has this problem. I know exactly what you mean user. Like, sometimes I play a really fucking good game, but I never want to play it again (at least for a long while) because I already remember everything that's going to happen.There's a lot of amazing games that I've loved and played, but only a few that I came back to beat twice or more.
>tfw have very little memories of anything before I was 14
How long between replays do you have? It took a few years but I was able to replay Antichamber without remembering the puzzle solutions. It also helped that I was dumb as fuck when I first played it.
As long as you have the self control to simply not look at guides or worry about "MLG BEST BUILD MIN MAX GUIDE 2017 V2" MMO discovery is still fun and there.
The problem I find is the brightest time of almost every MMO are the first few months/couple years when the entire game is fresh and new and everyone is exploring it for the first time together. It doesn't take long for the developers to sabotage social aspects and shortcut everything from travel to leveling in an attempt to hold onto their old playerbase that has stuck around while also trying to bring in the crowd of "new players that will join, play for a couple months, drop a few dollars on the game, then leave." It's almost a habit for me to be there for any new MMORPG launch just so I can experience the "new mysterious world" feeling and maybe stick with the game before it fades away if I actually like it.
Nobody gives a shit about a bunch of stupid niggers.
as a nigger i find this rude af
Racists have low IQ
>Fuck yeah it's been years since I played Monkey Island
>Let's fire this bitch up
>Instantly remember every solution to every puzzle
So do blacks.
Really makes you think
>This post
>See the greatest love story of all time
>Can hardly remember most of the plot points.
Fantastic, back into the rabbit hole I go.
Stop being a pussy and just play it, or watch it, or read it. Your memories are untrustworthy.
Yeah, it usually ends up being worse than you remember it.
But user that's not CLANNAD
Not for me.
Clannad was almost good until the ending contradicted its message. So close yet so far.
You don't go to Clannad for the love story. You go to see a man becoming completely broken to the core, then finding something in the darkness worth living for...
Then seeing that taken from him, and watching him die from Hypothermia in a desperate attempt to cling onto what he has. At least his dying dream was nice.
But the thing is the whole magic wish thing was hinted at several times so it didnt really contradict anything.
What do you think the message is tho?
You should do it anyway, because you will realize there is always something else you have forgotten that you want to remember.
I'm not talking about the logistics of the wishing orbs, I don't give a fuck whether it came out of nowhere or not. What I care about is that they tried to hammer home a message that Tomoya accepted Nagisa's death and was happy that he met her even though she died early. That whole part with him wondering whether his or her life would be better if they never met is completely fucking meaningless because she just gets resurrected. None of it mattered.
the feed them you asshole
Play it a different way user. Self-imposed challenges. Obviously you can't experience something for the first time twice.
>want to play Skyrim/Oblivion again
>spend 5 hours modding
>spend 1 hour creating a waifu
>wander around 30 mins
>quit game
>repeat half a year later
Fair point
Clannad plot summary
>ep 1: I will never be like my dad, just because his wife died
>season 2: I am just like my dad because my wife died
You see, that's where you and I differ on what the ending was. Before we see her "resurrected", the last thing we see is Tomoya, carrying a close to death Ushio in the middle of a blizzard.
As far as I'm concerned, he didn't get a wish, he became delirious, and the pair of them died in the snow.
This issue is why I still have open world games like the Just Cause series on my hard drive. The worlds themselves might be underdeveloped, or the gameplay might be half-baked, but if a game gives a player enough tools, and they can interact with each other, then it gives exponentially more replayability. It's why you can sink so much time into the original Binding of Issac, despite it not having all that many room layouts or enemy types.
Conversely, compare it to your traditional four-button hack and slash through linear corridors, which have can have satisfying mechanics and a good story, and during your first or second playthrough you might enjoy it more. But familiarity breeds contempt, and eventually you grow bored of it. That's not a bad thing, and if you leave it long enough you can get that nostalgic enjoyment. Same goes for story based games and similar.
It's OK to retire a game, regardless of whether you go back to it in the future. There will always be another game out there that you enjoy.
>doesn't spend 10 hours taking screenshots
Go back to Sup Forums retard.
I noticed that most people who dont want to replay, reread or rewatch something because they already remember it actually have a pretty bad memory of said thing, but very strong memory of the feeling they had while doing so.
Top 20% of Blacks are smarter than 1 in 2 whites, dumb racist.
I have the same problem OP, I can only find enjoyment from competitive games because it's different every time even then it get's old. Sometimes helps to just force yourself to start playing or be drunk/high
I can't replay many games at all. The two that I do find myself replaying are Pokemon and Fire Emblem. The reasons for these two games are the same. There's a whole lot of ways to inflict self-imposed challenges, and there's a whole lot of different potential party members.
Top 5% of whites are smarter than all black people combined
This is why i have trouble playing Ocarina of Time because I always remember the map layout.
Though strangely enough I forgot half the Water Temple.