Trilogy coming out

>Trilogy coming out
>Never played a crash game before
>Have always had pic related sitting on my shelf, think I tried playing it once as a kid
>hate some of the pixel perfect jumps, but otherwise having a good time
>Get to the first boss fight against Crush
>In the circular arena
>Where you're in a ball
>and you have to tap all of the boulders in order to hurt crush
>increasing from 2 to 3 to god damn 4
>crush can tap the boulders too, making them hurt you, and making any of yours be un-done if you tap them while on fire
>if any of the boulders collide they're un-done

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If you want a really good Crash game go play Crash Twinsanity. Is the best one in the series l.

i wont buy another video game until they remaster crash team racing

honestly. I love CTR, but sonic all-stars racing transformed is essentially the sequel to me and it was on PC and nobody gave 2 shits about it

it's better in essentially every way than CTR, outside of not having an arcade mode

that acapella soundtrack made the game unbearably obnoxious after the first 10 minutes

2 is the best game in the series.

3 > team racing > 2 > crash bash > 1

>twinsanity's soundtrack
Acquire some fucking taste. The game was Enter the Dragonfly level unfinished, but the soundtrack was good shit.

objectively true. good job.

>above 2
>above CTR

absolutely haram

you have officially lost at life

for me it was just a bunch of farts and toddler babbling noises
>dum dum doo doo FART goo gagaga doo roo dodooo

Once, again, absolutely garbage tier taste.

CTR > 2 > 3 > 1 > Bash

If you do think that's bad, just wait to the second boss
But you misspelled Twinsanity

>If you do think that's bad, just wait to the second boss
I shut off my PS2 with the mindset that I've been through enough of that today

Should I just take the game out and put it back on my shelf?
>googled it
that doesn't seem so bad, it's just regular gameplay

>The Wrath of Cortex

Let's see...

I hate some camera angles, avoiding enemies or Nitro boxes can be annoying sometimes because of the shitty angle.

The buggy racing level is terrible.

Somehow, Crash just feels so slow in this game.

The Boss fights are bad, all of them.

Surprisingly, I actually really liked the ball (or whatever they called it) levels, it just so fun to me.

I also think the underwater levels are better than underwater levels in Warped.

Ifthe first boss is your problem you will probably never beat water crush ( yes every single boss in that game is crush).

WOC was too slow for me.

>If you do think that's bad, just wait to the second boss

Second boss is easier than the first boss

all the bosses in wrath of cortex suck dick but I managed to do this when I was like 7 OP. You suck if you can't handle that game

never got the second boss is hard meme

Wrath of Cortex was a attempt to copy Warped, and it failed in every single department.

To this day, it's still the worst Crash game in my opinion.

as a child

CTR > 3 > 2 > 1


CTR > 2 > 3 > 1

3 has better levels than 2

all the items in 3 make it not feel like a crash game though

It's the only good one of the later crash games but its not the best by a mile.

Sonic being for autists would be the main reason for that.

I always hated two's bosses more especially the joke that is the end

>Airplane levels
>Motorcycle levels

>Better than 2

Yeah no.

3 > 2 > Bash > CTR > 1 > Nitrokart > Twinsanity >>>>>> Others

The ball was the only good thing about this game.
Those new devs got everything about Crash wrong.

Not him but its cool to listen to as music, but when its repeated over and over is fucking annoying. I have the same opinion of Loco Roco soundtrack, fucking great music, but because it plays on repeat it gets very annoying because its so distinctive and front of show.

Why would i listen to the opinion of someone who has likely never felt the touch of a girl's lips around his penis?

The first time I played the game, I remember I was expecting some epic fight with Cortex and what do I get? A really really terrible final "fight"

Ah, man. I remember renting this from Blockbuster back in the day, along with Blinx the Timesweeper and Spider-Man. Decent enough, but doesn't compare to 2&3. Always had trouble with the water boss for some reason.

This is now an N-Sane Trilogy hype thread.
I can't fucking wait until summer.

no need to wait man you can play them on a ps1 emu.

I am convinced they had no concept in mind and had to rush him to release

Not if you have a shit computer, and sold your Playstation years ago.

PS1 emulator is not that demanding for computer

It has so many non-Sonic characters in it though. His name is only in the title for marquee value.

Yo Crash, eat more fiber.

Likely shit like starfox and donkey kong. No thanks.

Boy, I dunno if I want to do the Platinum Relics challenge again.

And it would be nightmare if they added the relics to Crash 1 & 2

Shit i can play all the crash games on my psp through a ps1 emulator

Time Trials are in 1 and 2.
RIP, you.

Lol get a load of this fucker
Sonic racing transformed is better than crash shit racing anytime any day any place :)

Think we might see him and other post-ND characters if N. Sane does well or are they thrown in the trash forever due to people not wanting to be reminded of their shitty games?

If you want to know what is horror google crunch's design in the laat crash game

>Crunch never actually does anything of importance after becoming a part of the gang
Like, what was even the point Scoob?

I just googled it and holy fuck, how did I missed that information? Shit, I don't think I will have the time to get the best time for Platinum relics on every level from Crash trilogy.

mfw listening to Crash Bandicoot 2 with a 3.5mm Stereo Female Jack To 2 RCA Female Jack Audio Adapter Splitter Cord is amazing to my ears, I tell you people. It's completely bliss.

>Crash 2 final boss in HD
>Warp rooms in HD
>Tiny Tiger fights in HD
>Warped final boss in HD
>Water levels in HD

Acapella doots and dahs are played the fuck out, the composition isn't the worst but stop acting like it's special.

Please show me one other game that uses an all-acapella soundtrack.

Crash Tag Team Racing.

Not what I mean at all, they're played out as-in mankind agreed never to use it again because it's fucking garbage.
You proved my point for me.

Crash's Poochie.


This. Number 2 is pretty much a perfect video game. The third one went a bit too far off platformer the rails with it's bazookas and racing levels.

What does the "N" stand for?

Thank you Woobediga, I agree with you well.

Second and third boss are babby tier. 4th is okay. The last one may be more difficult than the first.


>off the platformer rails*

Hey, bazooka is great power up

Time trials thread?

I'm from N. Sanity Beach and I say SPIN'EM ALL.

The only platinum relic I've gotten is for Tomb Wader. Although, I haven't tried too hard for most levels.



You are so much better than mine

What black magic allowed you to play this? The loading times were so god damn slow I rage quitted and never touched it again.