Western devs can't make beautiful wom

Western devs can't make beautiful wom...

I am not gay but I think Elena is hotter than 2B


>Homogenized facial features, of a generic 30-something mom
So beautiful!


She is

Post her feet

Bitch has the face that belongs on a McDonald's ad. Or a juice commercial.

they can't. western devs are aggressively incompetent when it comes to making hotsluts. kill them all imo

> I am a fag and I prefer an old hag

i hate american cgi so much. literally no soul, its art made by a robot (or a disgruntled team of twenty somethings in a soulless office - desu there is no difference)

> literally no soul
But she is white though

tell me what do you mean by "no soul"? is it becuase she doesn't have le wacky rainbow hair and tits hanging out?

>she looks like an actual person not my idolized animu that doesnt exist

yea and the new berserk looks so good

she had her ass removed because it is misogynistic

no stylization
made by committee
will look awful in 5 years once the technology upgrades, ERGO this is the kind of art made by the technocracy to further tear us from the love and truth of the power process. you are all cogs in a great machine which is turning without a purpose. i pity you.

only because the decay of the west has spread to the far east

She is hotter in U3.

>Meanwhile one episode of a Western material is better than any anime made in the past 10 years

Can Japan even be saved at this point?

don't open this picture

>small mouth
>adams apple
>crybaby eyebrows

Except it isn't and exact the opposite

*tips mature adult taste*

the new teenage ninja turtles on nic looks better than most anime

nice tears


All of the Berserk adaptations have been mediocre for years. This shamefur display is entirely on Japan.
>b-but muh 1997 anime
Just because it uses the Ken Burns effect doesn't mean it's animated.

>adams apple


go home yankee blue jeans

Back to /mlp/ with you.

you mad that every time cgi is in anime it looks like a beginner in high school did it



how mad can you get

this desperate post

>milf elana
If only I had that Nathan Drake body.

Where is the red girl on the bottom right from?

Do you have a point?

Who's the bottom right girl on the left side

dat ass

>will look awful in 5 years once the technology upgrades,
3D is done upgrading

Attractiveness of women in video games should not be a huge factor in the quality.

>including rocksteady in that list

>I am not gay

yes you are

Yes. Beauty isn't homogeneous. It's unique.

>doesn't mean it's animated.
No animation is animated.Its all not real.Wtf are you talking about

Objectively wrong

from the new Dragon Quest

>not an argument: the post

>Objectively wrong
beauty is subjective you idiot so not also are you wrong you are unironically, ironic when you say that user was objectively wrong


looks more human but still an actual man

Is it bad that poison is my favourite there in both?



what the fuck does that even mean?

no, Poison is great.