Stop going after the tanks in The Feast, you fucking retards! Focus ranged!

Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw SAM has woken your weeb

who odin here

how 2 SMN PvP build

Green circles are what I have, greyed are planning to get unless there's a better choice.

dead game?

I have 12 hours left to grind creator but it's 2am and there's no way can I get a group for farming specific parts

I don't like weeklies

>got money ready to buy a house in new Asia land
>crafted and bought all the Asian decorations
>put together a SAM glamour already
>ready to mock dishonorabu NIN
Embrace the inner weeb user.

so this is how they plan to release those china-exclusive dresses, huh?

I can't imagine how horrible would it be if XIV died and all radioactive cancer from the containment servers started to leak everywhere.
I wonder why "ERP-focused" MMOs are so unpopular (I only heard about two or three of them) when ERP itself is the reason why XIV's cash shop still is a thing.

>ready to mock dishonorabu NIN
SAM is a DPS
You're already dishonorabu
commit seppuku

China have more exclusive shit? I thought they only had the monkey king outfit and the cloud mount.


>crafted and bought all the Asian decorations
Your front yard better be filled with those bamboo things

Knowing where the gaps are helps, thanks

china has quite a few exclusive sets, friend


why are leves limited? it makes no sense, i just want to grind vilekins and level my doh and dol classes but the fucking game fucks me over

Every time. And every time people just ignore this one comment and go back to playing the game as usual.

Hold over from 1.23b.


>trying to make a three week optimal buy list for an alt class
jesus it's impossible

> what could have been
So mad

>bottom left
>tfw you will never be a goat girl succubus


>Cloud mount added to our version of the game 2 months ago
>Still not out


It's not nice to lie on the internet, baito-san.

Those dresses have been available on normal servers for months.

your opinion is bad and you should feel bad

>proceeds to fap to bowser porn

You're right, femcats shouldn't even be on that chart.

I need to pick an alt class for my static.


Sorry but looks like (YOU) dropped the real pic.

NIN will be core and amazing forever

>femcats last

Looks good to me

How do I figure out if my sunburst gear is worth a shit?

Check the stats mate

NIN until they nerf TA

gettin all my macros ready, senpai


Definitive edition

. lizards,potatoes,cat boys
o cat girls, manroes
0 humans, giraffes
*O* femroes

Okay, how much of an increase in my main stat would it need to offset having shitty/low secondaries?

Get out.

So, did she go to have sexual adventures with the DRK at the end of the quest?

DRG for amazing DPS and battle litany

Female Roe needs to move two squares down, au ra shitters need to be alongside femiquotes
otherwise this is correct

Well the moogles did tell him to kiss the girl

You're thinking of Lion King

If lalas aren't below everything else your list is objectively wrong.

Lolorito is the only good Lala anywhere in Eorzea.

Posting superior elf loli. The 50-60 BSM quests were rad just because of how cool she was.

Alisaie is still best girl.

It's okay to make mistakes user.

>tfw you get an unsolicited erp tell

plug it into dervyxiv.wordpress.com/stat-weights
or ariyala with stat weights turned on, higher number wins

Still wrong

Oh man I am so excited for the new dungeons in 4.0.

>afking with party after finished objectives
>last 10 minutes Emergency Mission happens
>haul my ass over to the portal, realize my party isn't coming
>"are you guys going to do the em?"
>"none of them respond"

what is this game

stop pretending like your games target audience isnt retards

>my meme name is actually lore-appropriate for hellsguard roe
>tfw the temptation grows with every passing day

who are you quoting?

>"i don't know"

This is the only chart you need.

lmao is this the map of the ghost ship dungeon they showed in eu fanfest?

highlander women should be their own category, completely different from mids

>how to identify a faggot

>no Highlanders

Were you seriously expecting any different? The community already justifies their laziness for them.
>extra paths are useless because everyone will just take the quickest one!!
>this way we can use dev resources for more important things like the mog station! :^)

Just like in game.

Looks the same as maw of souls in WoW

>extra paths are useless because everyone will just take the quickest one!!
This is true though, or do you go down every path in totorak every time or open every door in huakkes

>me and friend on first week of lvl 50 queue for ex titan
>tons of synched lvl 60s, we are the only 50s there
>everyone else keeps dying all the time and on 3 tries out of 4 we were outlasting the majority of the team
>50min timer ran out with no kill and we disbanded
How do people get to lvl 60 being so terrible at the game? There was even a 60 dragoon who spent more time dead than alive, and I mean these words in the most literal way possible.

>check bis
>is the piece augmented shire? Buy shire
>is the piece alexandrian? Buy prototype/buy with books



>tfw you learn to manage aggro without grit

They need to bring back dungeons like the 1.0 Totorak.

I'd like to have reasons to go on branching paths, or have even half the effort that went into ARR launch dungeons. Compare any expert dungeon to Wanderer's Palace, Halatali, or even the three starter dungeons. They all had objectives that you had to fill to continue and other paths you could go on, even if they were optional.

what the hell was this guy problem

is potd the best way to grind to 50 for non tanks/healers

They're basically smaller FemRoes.

that's a good one

Fucking speedreaders.

Wouldn't you be angry too if you looked like that?

He's a duskwight for one.

stop being submissive

typical memeing faggot

He thinks the lancers guild is full of pussies, it is, and thought he'd make them tougher by beating them up, he didn't.

>tfw you can find him in PotD and kick his ass all over again

It's true though.

wait, you can?, were


Was he right?

Is there a single Duskwight in the game that ISN'T a complete asshole?

It's insane m8. I went to a 'pony farm party' my fc was hosting and even unsynched these fuckers managed to wipe at least three or four times, with half the group dying in most runs, on any of the primals that you can fall off of. Fuck I had a roulette wipe five times on Thornmarch hard because they couldn't pass the dps check in the second phase where the King wipes you if there's too many alive after x time. It's baffling how these people are so stupid and/or bad. It's really ruining my enjoyment of the game since doing anything without a static you're already familiar with is pretty much a coinflip on whether you're going to get a bunch of mouthbreathing retards who are incapable of clearing content but get all pissy when you call them out on it and/or ask to get kicked.

He's a random spawn. There are a ton of NPCs from MSQ, sidequests and 1.0 you can find in there, including Livia and Rhitatyn.

My retainer.

Savages were a mistake.

No, garleans are retards


He fucked up hard by selling out his principles and trusting an Ascian.

Louisoix is a Wildwood if he's even one of the three Eorzean clans.

Pretty sure he took some of those items and gil you have stored.

There are those Gelmorran researchers in South Shroud that don't do anything particularly offensive. There's also an ex-poacher Duskwight dude in the Scions. There are also some that are guards for the Adders in the Lavender Beds. As a secluded race which doesn't have many dealings with the three city states, there aren't too many to interact with to begin with.