T-Thanks Nintendo

>finally make a unique romantic interest for Link
>isn't boring generic zelda like in nearly every other game
>isn't played for laughs like in OoT
>she's dead before the game even starts

Other urls found in this thread:


so that they can hook link up with zelda anyway

She's shit

t. Link's true wife

Zelda is a nerd.

literally worse girl.

you are now aware that Zelda caused all this shit because she couldn't win over Link fairly

Breath of the Wild is by far the best characterization of Zelda in the series.

why do the fish girls have boobs

To seduce hylians

they're dolphin people
still mammals

Because nintendo hates you but you are just too stupid to pick up on it.

I'm ok with this

Too bad the voice acting in the game is so iffy

It doesnt seem to be a problem with the actors themselves but it is like in some scenes they just werent given the correct context or idea of what the character is like or doing

True. Mipha, Riju, Paya and even Urbosa are superior choices.

Uhhhhhh. What do you mean, finally?

Not with that torso.



That's his sister.



>It doesnt seem to be a problem with the actors themselves but it is like in some scenes they just werent given the correct context or idea of what the character is like or doing

This is exactly it, couldnt really put it into words. thanks user.

hasnt stopped people before

Which is fine too.

this was a friendship/bromance

Link belongs with Sidon.

>yfw a lynel kidnaps link and makes him his __bro___

heres hope to DLC
Zelda is a whinny bitch in this game.
Mipha is the real MVP

She was such blatant waifubait and I couldn't get enough, best girl.

You're dense enough to be a harem protagonist.

>isn't boring generic
Did we play the same game?

Zelda is a top-tier girl in this game though. Finally has a character that's more than some moeblob or icequeen, and she's cute! CUTE!

The thing I noticed is that it sounds like some actors had their lines spliced together faster to match with the lip sync better even though it so doesn't look right. It's painfully obvious during the scene where you free the goron guy after the boss fight if you watch it again. Don't look and just listen to him.

Where does Paya have her birthmark?

Childhood love interest is the blandest, most generic romance there is.

Left butt cheek

>Childhood love interest is the blandest, most generic romance there is.
it's never fulfilled though and it certainly isn't in this game


Zelda has been childhood friend twice and won.

anyone who doesn't think paya is best girl should be gassed

People only dislike her because of the horrid dub.

Agreed. DLC revival pls. Or just give us prequel to get to know her better

> draw a human

> give it a beak nose

>thinking about Link's dick gives her miraculous healing abilities

She can heals wounds but she can't heal the one that's my heart.

>She had to watch/heal me as I kept blowing myself up with bomb arrows on accident on Death Mountain.

Isn't she basically Ruto with non of the tsun?

> marriage theme with the gem/armor

> dies and becomes a sage/ghost to help link stop gannon

She's Ruto x Saria mixed.

Maybe if she had just told Zelda this Ganon wouldn't have won.

Which change would you prefer the most, anons? Pick one.
>actually good English VA
>earflap doesn't clip through her fucking dress nonstop

>isn't boring generic zelda like in nearly every other game
What? The only games where Zelda was Link's love interest are SS, WW and ST.


She's the love interest in Breath of the Wild, too.


Seemed to me they had a much more traditional Zelda plotted out, then when they decided to go a different direction they used the memories to make it work instead of throwing it out completely. If true it failed, it just makes me wish I was playing the other game.

Shut up. I refuse to believe you.

Just accept it m8

I haven't gotten that far and I've only gotten half the memories, but I really like what they did so far. Zelda's always best with a good dose of melancholy, and picking up the pieces of the past in a world where Ganon already won certainly counts.

It just needs better voice acting. Or no voice acting, either one.

Can't wait for all of the doujins and the next comiket to be about Zelda with none of them having even a single Mipha drawing

Because waifufags deserve to suffer


>finish everything I want to do in BotW
>now sad
A game like this only comes along every 5-10 years lads.

I'd never thought I'd say this, but there is DLC to look forward to.

only good post in this thread


>seemed like a cocky douche
>genuinely believed in you and appreciated your bravery more than anyone

He had some confidence in himself sure, but he believed in you the most.

Reminder that Sidon fully supports his sister and Link getting together.

I know that feels.
I have been purposefully making the game last longer.
I have to go kill ganon by the weekend

Did link grow up with zoras?

If she's a childhood friend of his No wonder she lost


Sidon is basically fish Kamina

Alive. Dual audio some day...right?

It's one sided (her side) but it looks like she has a very good chance of winning by process of elimination. Good job, Zelda. It only took the blunder of the century to win the Link.

And it's STORY DLC at that. Hope they pull through.

>post yfw in Zora's Domain you can see her fucking ass in the statue, panties included



Zelda is such a unstable pms ing bitch in this game.

Many zoras mention how they used to play with link as kids one even mentions how they made link decide between her and mipha, so he grew up around them

How expansive do you think the "new story" DLC will be? I'd love to play some of the events before the game starts. Or maybe post-game play as Zelda with magic abilities in the whole world.

But I think a cool DLC mission would be playing as the champions as pilots attempting to take Ganon down the first time.

I don't think it was one-sided. They had some kind of relationship. I mean you don't propose to your childhood friend if there's nothing going on.

My interpretation of the flashback was that they immediately started fucking like dolphins the moment after the flashback ended.

>Did link grow up with zoras?

It certainly is implied. At the very least he spent ALOT of time with them. Most of the young-adult Zoras recognize Link and talk about fond memories of their time together 100 years ago.

>You're sad that I died too. R-right, Link?


We don't really know because Link doesn't talk or show emotion.

see Zelda = top cunt

Whatever man. I saw the intense sushi-lust gleaming behind his vacant eyes.


>vanilla waifu
I don't have an image to describe what a loser you are.

u think Link would smash that hot bod nowadays?

>think he's hot shit
>implies he's WAY better than link
>gets killed by the weakest/easiest of the 4 divine beast bosses

pics or it didn't happen

Even in death, an unrepentant prick

This is true. I'm at least interested in hard mode and the new dungeon. By then, I'll be ready for a whole new playthrough.

>I have been purposefully making the game last longer.
I tried to do this but it was so good I couldn't stop playing it. And I thought this game would be shit.

She tried.

If that Zora made Link choose between her and Mipha but she ultimately ended up with someone else, doesn't that imply that Link chose Mipha? So did he two-time Mipha with Zelda? What the fuck, Link



If they're Zelda it increases the chances of her winning. Thing is Mipha probably would have won if she proposed after the final battle. Link likely would've settled for her before Zelda could start competing. You can also definitely imply he has feelings for her by choosing the more romantic dialogue choice after you do her dungeon. He also had to get fitted for that armor in the first place. Of course she's dead to begin with, so there wasn't really a reason to make it unrequited this time around.

>Shy quiet shrine maiden who is in love with the hero but cannot spill out her feelins
>isn't boring generic

Checking this soon, want to see if you can get caught reading people's diaries

actual spoilers

why was ganon's second form so shit?

His first form was fun as fuck but god damn that was the worst boss in the game, lazy/lame/easy

Also did anyone else kind of wish he could talk instead of just being an angry monster?

Why does everyone hate Ravioli? What's the worst thing he did?

Aw shit what's the more romantic dialogue choice? I don't remember what I picked now.