Do you know what I love about our slave collars, Lieutenant? I love how tightly they fit

>Do you know what I love about our slave collars, Lieutenant? I love how tightly they fit.

>I train my men to make sure the slaves' flesh bulges a bit around the top and bottom. Know why?

>If you fit it just right, their body never gets used to the feeling of wearing it. It cuts in just enough when they swallow or turn their head to remind them who they belong to.

>And it's that constant reminder that keeps them docile.

Damn, you guy weren't kidding. New Vegas diologues are fucking insane. It blows my mind how badly Bethesda fucked up.

Other urls found in this thread:'s_dialogue


>edgy torture fantasy for 15 year olds and BDSM tumblrettes

yes, genius

NCR, Meyers or primm slimm?

The fact that Silus gave us a descriptive part on their ideology on treating slaves is smart on the developers part. It lets us know how much the legion truly believe Caeser's method.

Was meant for

so the legion were pretty much edgy faggot RPers that took it too far huh

wow so deep!
Liked and subscribed!

Yes, except for Caesar himself.
Who is an edgy cunt who went so edgy he emerged on the other side into reason again.

ITT: Retards who haven't played New Vegas.

Wrong thread bud.

I wish Legion were fleshed out more.

For one thing, Pheonix-dwellers could've been "Pheonicians"

primm slimm every time

highest HP in the game
Nonviolent, yet still somehow gets the job done

He came to the wrong thread!

They needed a better demonstration of how their society worked and more Legion controlled areas to peacefully explore.
Not more meme classical civilization references for no reason.

i chose NCR because i didn't have high enough skills for primm slim but as a downside now i always have to hear about how "civilizing primm will show everyone what we can do for these territories"

>mfw killing this faggot by leaving a time bomb underneath his chair before leaving the room to collect the reward and thank you from the NCR
>mfw firing every type of Mini Nuke sub ammo with Esther atop Cottonwood Overlook raining down nuclear justice, transforming the entire camp into a radiated black hole as payback for Searchlight
>mfw unarmed assault on the Fort on a lethal dose of med-X and rushing water tearing apart praetorians with my bare hands before calling down the wrath of ARCHIMEDES II on Caesar himself
>mfw slaughtering Nelson with a platoon of glitched NCR trooper companions I accumulated using NCR's bullshit emergency radio
>mfw killing Vulpes in Nipton by kiting him and angling my throwing spears perfectly so his faggot head gets stuck to the top of one of his edgy crosses
>mfw untying those enslaved Powder Gangers by using a stealth boy and these dumb shit Legionaires with their Gamebryo AI don't even bat an eye when they run away
>mfw beating the shit out of Lanius and making him look like an utter bitch 1v1 with Armor of the 87th Tribe and Blade Of The West equipped
>mfw killing Ulysses in general

God I love the Legion.

>tfw how lewd that sounds

really tickles my gray matter

>keeps town safe
>isn't NCR's bitch
>isn't slow and useless like Primm Slim

>Unplugging House
Is there a better feeling?
The only thing missing is sabotaging his masturbatory eulogy printout and letting him know before ending his miserable existence.

If you hold out on him with the chip he spergs out like a complete child.
I knew I had to end him then.

>mfw pretending I'm a Legion assassin out to get him and he spills his guts to me

>download New Vegas because of the faggot threads here
>game crashes every 6 seconds
>disgusting sudden framerate drops everywhere even though i'm playing on a 1070
>5 minute long unskippable intro with a bunch of literally whos before you get shot in the face by Chandler from Friends
>excessively """deep""" character creation with a shit load of dials but it doesn't matter because your character will look like an ugly thumb with hair anyways
>wake up in hospital
>le epic 10 minute long psychological evaluation character creation even though he just lets you change it to what you want at the end anyways
>go outside
>see le quirky cowboy meme robot
>use starting grenade launcher and throwing spears to kill it
>it just goes unconscious instead of dying Skyrim-style
>it gets back up and kills me
>get to the bar
>meet stupid redhaired faggot girl with dog
>she gives me a varmint rifle to shoot bottles with even though you start with like 20 different guns with more damage
>can't even shoot the bottles correctly because the iron sight in this game is fucking retarded and the damage is RNG, have to walk up right in front of them to end the forced tutorial
>go back in bar
>see big intimidating gangster black man with aggressive tone threatening poor little female bartender
>like any sane person would, i shoot him in the face and kill him
>he actually goes down this time instead of going unconscious
>leave town
>instantly get one shotted and spawn camped by a pack of deathclaws

great game yep. Saged this shit fucking thread

Are obsidian ever making another?

Is there a purpose to Searchlight Airport? There's nothing to do there. It feels like they just stuck a bunch of caps into trunks to make the trip worthwhile. There's no real loot, no quests, no lore terminals/holotapes/notes. Just empty.

There's cut content where House begs you to walk away from his console if you enter his stasis chamber

>Not picking House and becoming a millionaire while you and him make the wasteland a better place.

Faggot, I bet you sided with the NCR.

The one thing that triggers me the most about this pasta is they don't even tell you to leave if you kill Joe Cobb. Trudy just says "I don't think that did much good" or something and the quest line to kill the rest of them starts always.

Don't forget the Legion also engages in acts of terrorism, like bombings, irradiation etc

Fuckers are brutal

>mfw firing every type of Mini Nuke sub ammo with Esther atop Cottonwood Overlook raining down nuclear justice, transforming the entire camp into a radiated black hole as payback for Searchlight
There's a quest where you can dump a bunch of barrels into the cove and kill everyone too

>saving Primm Slim in "Primm Slim's Showdown" results in Primm Slim helping you out in the Battle of Hoover Dam 2
>watching him mow down Legion scum in his upgraded battle armor

I was really impressed, didn't think Primm Slim would actually be so fucking cool

The ability to irradiate Cottonwood Cove in retaliation was pretty nice. Plus you know those fuckers aren't carrying any RadX or Radaway.

How do you sabotage the obituary?

I don't think so. DUST gives it a purpose though. you can repair one of the planes to escape the Mojave

after playing NV for 400 hours I never knew this existed

>Borrow a book from the Follower's of the Apocalypse
>Spout random Latin
>you convincingly pass for Legion high command

Oh fuck my dick. Is there a video source of it?
Is it added back in by a mod?

NCR are my least favorite choice. I like Legion the most out of the factions but prefer a decent Yes-Man ending.

You don't need House for your own success.
Humanity saved by House isn't worth saving. The guy is a complete autist with nothing to give humanity.

You don't, as far as I'm aware. I'm expressing regret that you are unable to do so.

It would've been cool if there was a side quest about some legionaries thinking Caesar ideas are barbaric and helps taking them down

>Oh fuck my dick. Is there a video source of it?
>Is it added back in by a mod?

Outside Bets.

There's a video on YouTube that someone linked in one of these threads but I can't find it.

>Oh fuck my dick. Is there a video source of it?
>Is it added back in by a mod?

I think NV Uncut adds this but I'm not 100% sure

If I remember right, it's after you find all about Searchlight and what the Legion did there. You're given the ability to go to the overlook at Cottonwood, and drop a shitton of radioactive barrels out of the back of a truck in revenge.

Too bad the game was horribly rushed

Thanks a bunch m8s.

Are there any mods that make character creation better? It's really difficult not making him look like a potato

>preparing to leave Zion after wrecking White Leg shits
>going back to the small base I set up at Fallen Rock Cave
>sorting things I want to take with me
>take Survivalist Rifle of course

>suddenly realize I shouldn't take it, that its place is in Zion, not in Mojave
>start thinking about it

>go back to the Red Gate and Randall's corpse one last time
>leave the rifle at his side, where it should be
>also leave the Yao Guai gauntlet, trademark weapon of the tribe he created as a tribute
It feels right.

>If the Cove has been cleansed with radiation, and one already has (or subsequently obtains) the Mark of Caesar, Cursor Lucullus will still be waiting to ferry them across the river, but he will be wearing a radiation suit.
this fucking game man


>Actually roleplaying
What are you? Some sort of nerd?

Or anything from the God half of Dog/God's_dialogue
>{Chuckles}I'm not going to hurt you... yet. Much. Scars tell a story, some old, some new... {slow}and the one on the throat is fresh and red.
>{Curious}Someone wanted to cut your voice, little doll. Or they didn't finish their work, or didn't know how to.
>Oh, it wasn't me... I have no use for your neck beyond what encircles it. {Snarls, to himself, disgruntled}The lack of screams when I finally kill you... that is what I'll regret.

it would actually be great
choices and consequences and such
>kill Joe Cobb
>they tell you to leave
>Return to Goodsprings
>everyone is dead and there are traces of dynamite everywhere

i think we all know who would be responsible

Instead of keeping it by your side and continuing to use it for the good cause like Clarke did, you left it. Now some stoner junkie will find it in the future and sell it to Ralph from Mick & Ralph's to score for meth.

Nice job.

>tfw one of the white legs picks it up

>Instead of keeping it by your side and continuing to use it for the good cause like Clarke did, you left it.
I used it to defend Zion. Its purpose was already fulfilled.

>Now some stoner junkie will find it in the future and sell it to Ralph from Mick & Ralph's to score for meth.
There are no stoner junkies in Zion, after you crush the White Legs only the Sorrows remain there. As it should be.

White Legs are dead.

>sell it to Ralph from Mick & Ralph's
You realize getting to Mojave from Zion takes weeks of hard traveling right?

post screenshots

>always thought the Survivalist's Rifle was inaccurate because of huge bullets
>turns out it's just got bent sights and I never noticed

Fuck, I feel like an idiot.

>unarmed build
>pop rushing water and turbo
>perk that increases run speed
>mfw I'm literally Kenshiro


Whoa their Shadow, make sure you don't cut yourself on all that edge.

No wonder kids love new vegas so much.


all day

>FISTO learns of Gomorrah.jpg







>how-di-du folks, i'm sheriff meyers. You be gud, or i'll shoot yu ded

the best

rode a stranger one fine day


>install primm slim as sheriff cause lol robot sheriff XDDD
>later meet meyers
>regret it
is there any way I can change who's the sheriff now?

Only if you reload an old save. If it makes you feel better you made the right choice.

the fuck is going on here

Primm Slim's a good enough sheriff though
heck in the legion ending he walks out to take on their entire army by himself so the people can get to safety

I'm sorry I ever doubted him.


>first playthrough
>decide to try and appoint Meyers
>go into the museum and see slimm
>have talked to him before and now see new option to make him sheriff
>in a brilliant moment of stupidity I do it
>expects something else to happen
>nothing does and the quest fucking ends instantly

I remember shooting him in the head after first hearing this

No you're not

>being surprised that the quest ends when you finish it

well done

>wanting to make the wasteland a better place

get a load of this goody two shoes chucklefuck

>mfw I hate the legion but am also into BDSM so that kinda shit they do is hot to me

I don't know man, I expected it to be more difficult than just Science 30 and a dialogue option
And like I said it was a stupid moment where I just thought why the fuck not

>heard all sorts of good things about new vegas bounties mods
>decide to try it out
>first one is pretty fun
>get to second one
>every new area the game adds causes the game to run at 3 frames a second till I exit the area
>there's multiple new areas added
>game runs smooth as kittens everywhere else in the game
>finally finish it, but don't want to do NVB3 because it adds new places as well, even though the story is interesting

Is there a way to fix this? It only happens in new cells the game adds, and fixes the moment I leave. And the game doesn't have frame trouble anywhere else.

To bad there will never be new Obsidian Fallout again since Bethesda wont allow it.

>nothing personnel kid

The Courier was legally dead for the duration he was in the shallow grave and laid up in Doc Mitchell's house.
As far as I'm concerned, his employment with House ended the moment he died.

Francisco Flambe

Sexout Tryout adds a Powder Ganger boss you can work with to kill most of the men and enslave the women as Vikki and Vance whore


Junkies are persistent and desperate for their next fix.

Can you tell me more about DUST? What are some other ways to escape Mojave? Why don't just use a Mojave outpost?

This faggot deathclaw is never

Aw shieeet, I remember bugs like these when I installed some vehicles mod. I don't remember the name. It really fucked up my game's physics.


>make 2 factions you can choose to side with
>one of them pretty much screams good guys with muh freedoms
>second one is literally second coming of satan himself, with nothing redeeming about them, not even the edgiest fuck could like them

Whoa....this is what i call good wrighting....

You're a small guy

>House just wants to left alone and run his city state. Even lets outsiders in as long as they behave themselves
>Ceaser wants to enslave everyone with chains
>NCR wants to enslave everyone with unseen chains

Frankly I would have went Ceaser if it wasn't for his anti-medicine bullshit And if he enslaved enemies instead of all women period