Demon's Souls on PC for free :))

Words can't describe how good this feels! I am so glad I am a PC only gamer.

Who else is hyped for the future of RPCS3?

Other urls found in this thread:

can't we all just report these shitty threads?

just shift click them from the catalog

u are a songer. you are ablack male fanboy for sony products

>t. assmad sony-nigger trying to derail thread

like pottery

Kek'd thanks

>never ever
>8 years later

Can't wait to play Demon's Souls in all its 4 fps glory

is it even remotely possible to play des on pc

It's actually 30 FPS in closed areas and 10 FPS in big open areas.

call me when MGS4 is playable that's all i really care about

It's still technically 'never ever' since it wasn't ported.
Near enough is good enough though.

Still, I wish the devs would put a bigger focus on RDR.
>Unless there is some sort of 'work-truce' where Xenia is taking focus on certain cross platform games over RPCS3 and vice versa so they don't end up duplicating work so early.

Within a month or two it will be optimized :)

4k 60fps version inc soon.

Xbox emulator is going to take care of RDR.

>Who else is hyped

lemme know when the fps isn't a meme

until then i'll stick to weebmachine2 library backlog

Not with those funds

If FPS is the only issue then you can expect it to probably not be an issue for long.

>Needing an expensive rig to barely run this at 10 fps
>Instead of getting the console now that it's cheap as fuck
You may have won by attrition, I give you that, but this battle could have been avoided entirely if you were smart about it, and not a manchild fanning a war inside his little head
I don't know if this is a victory lap or the walk of shame



This would be more accurate if he was walking away with a ham at 144fps and 8k.

Why do sonybros so blatantly lie on the internet?

Why do they act as if they play their exclusives instead of multiplats and a few ports of old PC games?

This is both good and bad.

- It's being worked on
- It's the better version of the game
- 360 is significantly easier to emulate

- Xenia has 100% terribad support for AMD (both OpenGL and Vulkan)

I'm glad Sonybros are ok with sharing their games with us PCbros desu. This is how it should be done desu. Hope you guys get Civ VI and Total Wars Warhammer PS4 Pro port eventually. I really want everyone to enjoy those cool games.

PS2 emulator still needs work and Peele are trying to do ps3? It'll take years to try and get that even playable

It will increase soon.

>Food analogy

What lie? DeS came out in 2009 and almost a decade later, being able to play it apparently is a victory.

Im pretty sure the engine would shit itself like dark souls shits itself at 60 fps. The games engine just isnt built to handle 60 fps.

I am not a sonybro.

>popular games are popular
who would have though

going by that logic, shit like minecraft defines PC gaming

>Civ VI and Total Wars Warhammer

I don't want those boring games.

Ok. Well I'm ok with consolebros to get the games. I love enjoying games and I hope you enjoy our games too. I'm looking forward to Zelda on CEMU.

It's 8 years after release with the game running like shit. I'll give cemu botw credit, but eating this shit up is just pathetic

>Windows media player
>DXDiag shortcut
>Task manager shortcut
>all those fucking cancer shortcuts

You're voting DENK tomorrow, aren't you?


I legitimately thought that was a dog's paw when it was it's a thumbnail.


>being a literal casual baby faggot retard

>buying second hand games
Literally worse than pirating.

You're a piece of shit.

Oh shit!!

He only needs 1000 $. He's almost there.

kicked someone so hard that i fractured the thumb bone and the nail came off

1000 to work on it fulltime
1500 to buy better hardware to accelerate development even more

You willingly WANT to play the shittiest MGS? Why?

meant for

>Civ VI and Total Wars Warhammer
I can play those on my 2 year old laptop, you need not worry user :)


I see it now

Because it's the second best in the series?

If i recall correctly, you were making these same threads about BoTW not 4 days ago...

OMG I can't wait for this:

Just watch it on Youtube

Portable Ops wasn't a PS4 game

Where's the 8 year timeskip?

Are you retarded?

PS3 is easier than PS2.
There are mountains of public documentation (a bunch of FOSS documentation of the nvidia GPU too) , it's a fairly sane architecture (CELL is 'weird' but not nearly as weird EmotionEngine, let alone GS (which is all sorts of fucked compared to either a fixed function gpu or 'modern' shader based gpu - it's all over the shop.
Not to mention the 'framebuffer' is designed by interlacing in mind, so it does werid shit and the output is almost always interlaced - requiring the use of a deinterlacer for a damn emulator...

PS3 emulation will likely be 'accurate enough' well before PS2 will.

360 emulation will likely beat both, since it's the most straightforward.

People really like The Phantom Pain for some reason.

>le maymays xDDD

Act 1 and 2 are really enjoyable, it's interesting sneaking in an open warzone and it's very open allowing a lot of different approaches. it's more dynamic and interesting than MGSV in that regard.

also it actually has boss battles, and the boss battles are really fun. MGSV doesn't have anything as remotely interesting as the REX vs RAY fight, and doesn't have anything as iconic or engaging as the fist fight vs Liquid Ocelot.

Are you?
Second hand games deprive the developers of money, just like piracy - except you're paying someone else for it.

You are paying someone else for a license to media and depriving the original publisher/developer/artist their crust.

Niiice. I didn't actually think they'd be working on laptop. Hope you enjoyed them!

It was the last metal gear game to feel like a metal gear game. Octo camo was a neat concept, they should have put it in V


On a date with Nier Automata

Y-you too

There are very few games that have any problems on the PS2 emulator, few of which are actually impacted by those problems.

PS3 emulation is a god send actually, no idea why it would be shitpost worthy.

PS3 support is ending this year and I have high hopes that people do enjoy what the library has to offer. I want mustards to get Vesperia PS3 working by next year, do it faggots

can't you just kill yourself?

Thanks user! I haven't tried CEMU already actually. I hope to have time to try it out before summer!

I'm happy. I have to borrow my friend's PS3 everytime I want to play it. I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne but I never liked Demon's Souls enough to justify buying a PS3, it's fun to play, but it's also the worst Souls game

>downloading ps4 games instead of getting physical
the good exclusives aren't popular, also

Persona 5 when?

PVV 100%

Now it's time for RDR cause Rockstar is autistic.

This thread is displaying fanboyism and instigating a flamewars.

When am I gonna be able to emulate Grabbed by the Ghoulies?

>WiiU is getting emulated. The motherfucking cell processor is getting emulated.
>still no original xbox emulator
fuck this gay earth

Rule are made to be broken

Stop taking this so serious autistic subhuman, it's all just jokes and laughs, god how fucking retarded can you be?

>RDR will soon be playable
>the only game sonybronie-s will have left is Blunderbore

People are pretty fucked, I got some stalkers IRL from my shit posting.

Lel, love wasting peoples time

Greatness Awaits :^)


Patience bro, we are getting there.

>failing at shitposting
why are you even here

user... Bloodborne is coming to the PC:

They literally have nothing left.

>posts 360 emulator
I wonder if I will be able to play Ninja Gaiden Black with that.

this isn't funny, stop making the board shit

I know I wouldn't have bought my ps3 and demon's souls and other game, if I knew about this barely functioning emulator 8 years later.


>all this fags wanting that fucking Zelda game and the souls game
>meanwhile here waiting for UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT again


>PS2 emulator still needs work

i rarely have a problem with any games

>10 years after everyone else played it and moved on

Since when did PCfags lower themselves to the point where they think emulation equals PC gaming?

same but there's also the best version of NG2 senpai

>that Jet Set Radio (Future I think) remake went south

This is what console-fags are

Emulation is great part of PC gaming, having instant and free acces to oldschool classics is great.

At least consolefags don't fuck up spoiler tags.

>I don't like these video game related threads!