Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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I always wonder why Big Boss didn't have him kill after that trial.

Because he needs to drown in a pool after his son cucks him.

Let ignore the time paradox for a second. Why didn't Big Boss haven't have Huey kill after that trial

Don't forget, he was also trying to drown Emma out of spite.

It would cause continuity problems with the other games, because it's a prequel. That's the only justification.

Also Big Boss never even met Huey.

He did NOTHING wrong

There is literally no way to play V and not come out thinking that Huey was the biggest piece of shit. There is no way to sympathize with him unless you do as many mental gymnastics as he did to justify his actions.

He was a petty, egotistical, arrogant, murdering, self-serving, self-absorbed manchild brat of a human being that would believe the entire world was wrong and out to get him rather than ever consider the idea that he was in the wrong.


Of course its a damned dog. What are you, blind?

Huey was looking out for Diamond Dogs! I did literally nothing wrong.


Reminder that:
-Huey didn't know the inspection was a ruse
-Huey tried to clear Big Bosses name after he fucked everything up by making the nuke
-Huey only made Sahelanthropus because Skullface forced him at gunpoint
-Huey doesn't know what happened to strangelove
-Strangelove committed suicide
-Skullface killed Strangelove
-Huey saw strangelove lock herself in the machine, but it couldn't be opened from the outside
-Huey only found out Strangelove was dead when he opened the machine and found her body
-Huey didn't know he had a son
-Strangelove disappeared with his son
-Huey never made his son pilot a Metal Gear
-Huey only made his son pilot a Metal Gear because he wanted to
-D Dog is a wolf
-Big Boss likes to kill his own men and rub their ashes on his face
-Big Boss is obsessed with revenge and hunted down Skull Face to kill him like a blood crazed animal
-Huey didn't know where Skull Face or Sahelanthropus were
-Huey helped Mother Base more than anybody else, by telling Big Boss were Skull Face and Sahelanthropus were
-D Horse is a donkey
-Big Boss should have been the one on that boat

Fucking THIS you goddamned retarss
I did nothing wrong
He should have been on that boat

he did in Peace Walker

Kojima, for writing himself into a corner where nothing bad could happen to Huey here because his death had already been clearly established later in the timeline.

I bet Huey can't STAND this kind of treatment. He shouldn't just SIT there and take it. He does all the LEG work making Sahelanthropus so his boss can get a LEG up on the competition, and instead of telling him to BREAK A LEG Big Boss just gives him the BOOT.

Why did no one correct the smartass and tell him D-Dog was half wolf? That would have shut him up since he would have been technically wrong about him being a full wolf.

Get back on the boat Huey.

what did kojima mean by this

What the fuck was a half wolf puppy doing alone in the middle of the desert?

It was clearly a wolf cub. You can actually train some wolves to be pets.

How did he get so ugly from PW to V?

In Peacewalker he was just high poly prerenders and hand drawn stills. Of course that's going to look better than runtime renders

Probably something to do with most of the time when he's on screen it's a render or (comic styled) cutscene rather than actually being drawn by the system at the time. Also I'm sure the constant threat of death, people willing to kill just to have you in their possession, not knowing where your son and his mother are might be enough to age you more rapidly than you would without such stress in the amount of 10 years.

>-D Dog is a wolf

Huey knew exactly where his wife and son were.

So why did Otacon's stepmom fug him?

How can someone as based as otacon have such a scumbag for a dad?

are there any good videos I can watch about MGSV's story?

All other things aside, Huey was rich, famous, smart, enthusiastic, and somewhat handsome. He was a lying dirtbag too, but that's enough to score some prime pussy.


The desire to not be as big a scumbag as your father is a very, very powerful thing.

So what was the weapon that Cipher claim to surpass metal gear? A giant mecha control by a shota? The Vocal Infection? Some stupid nuke trade? Liquid?

i've already seen all pythonselkan, and superbunnyhop's videos on it

Having a scumbag dad almost seems to make people more likely to be based in my experience. They try to be different from their father because they hate him and end up being cool.

the patriots, I think. And memes

Les enfantes terribles where the weapons to surpass metal gear

Strangelove- "Huey! You didn't make Hal any breakfast or lunch?!"
Huey- "No! I mean.... I ... He wasn't hungry."
S- "Then WHY is he crying at the table asking me for food?"
H- "I... he told me he... wanted to go without food today. It's not my fault."
S- "Huey, he's a child!"
H- "No, honest! You have to believe me! I... I've gone without food just as long as he has. But... It... it was only the thought of your delicious food, honey, that made it possible for us to make it through the day. WITHOUT sustenance."
S- "You're eating a god damn sandwich right now, Huey!!"
H- "It's a SUB, Strangelove! You call it a sandwich all you want! You can't even tell the difference!"
S- "For fuck sake, Huey!"


Whatever you think of how poorly executed the story is, I think this is a pretty fair interpretation of a lot of what the game is doing and why.

They pretty much abandon it by then and Liquid went full Lord of the Flies

ok sure. Back to the question. why did Huey's wife, Hal "Otacon" Emmerich's stepmom, fuck her stepson?

But LET wasn't being pursued in Africa.
It was either the vocal tshord parasites or their ability to facilitate the rest of Skullfaces elaborate and abstract and stupid plan.

>kills strangelove
>next wife wants to fuck hal instead of him
>decides to kill self and tries to kill his daughter along with him

Oh, by "him" I thought you meant the subject of the thread.

She fucked Otacon because Otacon is rich, famous, smart, enthusiastic, somewhat handsome, and much younger than her husband. Also his legs work.

First gold nameplate I unlocked, wore it with mixed emotions.

Because all women crave young cock.
No, not yours. You're not good enough.

Because Venom knew DDogs were to biased to objectively judge him.
Forget that bollocks, it's only a justification for maintaining the timeline integrity. I also only replied only to repost my screenshot edit.

Probably because Huey was a whiny little bitch.

how old was otto when it went down? How old was he in MGS1?

That's not his daughter, it's her daughter.

That was the whole point.

Huey is a spiteful bitch.


Hal was born in 1980 and Huey died in 1997, so doing the math he was 17 years old when he fucked his stepmom

Huey and he got what he deserved, he got cucked to death.

oh shit, Hal was getting it in then. Nice. Also, I super don't Emma for wanting Otacon to split those legs either. Her mom couldn't resist, what hope did she have? It's not like they're blood related.

Man, I miss "Quiet is Chico" and all the other crazy theories like Venom being Gray Fox because of the blind right eye that looked alike still being there despite BB losing his. We totally called the impostor twist before the game even released though, maybe because it was so obvious.

The voice change, how the real BB doesn't have a horn at all, that electric cigar, that whole part about lies and shit in the subtext. So many signs point to fake BB that would get kill in the first metal gear. Also, those trailer were top tier.

Quiet is Chico made sense. I seriously believed it.

what ended up happening to chico? I can't remember forthe life of me. Did he just unceremoniously die in the helicopter that Kaz, Big Boss and Not Boss conveniently survived?



Yep, he dies in the helicopter. To be fair his heels had been bolted so even if he survived the crash he wasn't in any condition to swim

>One of the most irredeemable video game characters hell fiction characters in history
>Gets cucked to death in the end.

What a fitting fate.

I don't think I heard anyone propose "Chico is Quiet" before I had made a joking post about it with a serious backstory to make fun of Kaz is Ocelot fags.

I don't know if this humble user made a meme, but its a meme that still brings a smile to my face.

For PW they were using a modified otacon model, because you know why. For every character in V as they were using a new engine they remodeled every character, or are you going to tell me that BB, Ocelot, Miller, etc. look like they were in he old games?.

Hell, just look at Ocelot, he doesn't look like in any way an older version of young ocelot or a younger version of old ocelot, the face structure is totally different.

Theres probably a grain of truth to this since Chico was planned to become a grey fox kind of edgy thing but they probably scrapped the idea because it didnt fit the story well. Quiet kind of is the grey fox of the game instead.

I didn't play Ground Zero's till I got Phantom Pain and I don't understand how everyone didn't know venom was medic the months prior. I remember seeing archives with only a mention of it here or there. The way Kojima playfully hid his face in the end cut scene was getting absurdly ridiculous.

>Have a loaded gun
>Point it at someone
>Close my eyes
>Pull the trigger
>Run away with eyes still closed
>Later that person is found dead
>It wasn't actually me

>Quiet kind of is the grey fox of the game instead.
Wasn't Quiet just a paid assassin who got burned by Big Boss?

And then she got all parasitical and literally everything about her changed?

Wasn't Quiet a fucking nonsense character that Kojima was fucking so he gave her air-time?

If kojima was banging her ... god damn!

If he wasnt then her inclusion is really quite pathetic and he's a cuck.

It kind of goes either way.

She was an indian from the same tribe as the parasite burger doctor. Only thing that changed about her after the parasite treatment is she hates big boss for burning her perfect hot body and she cant talk because she has the english strain of the parasites. She wants to kill big boss with her own hands.

How much money, time, and resources did he spend having her feet scanned again?

No wonder they fired his fuckin ass.

At least based Huey had a somewhat life afterwards with his son and 2nd wife. And he was "killed" offscreen.

Unlike bitch ass Kaz.
>becomes Big Boss' bitch
>helps him make an army
>gets caught in an explosion and loses an arm and a leg
>abandoned by his best friend
>takes in Liquid and wants to help him
>becomes best friends with Venom after finding out the truth
>takes in Solid Snake so he can train to kill Big Boss
>venom is killed by Solid
>murdered by liquid and Ocelot
>died angry and alone

Because he needs to drown in a pool after his son cucks him.

Huey got cucked to death. Id say thats the worst death you can have.

>unceremoniously die in the helicopter
I fucking wish.
In TPP, Venom Boss and Kaz reminisce him as some kind of noble hero, stopping just short of erecting a statue in his honor, apparently both having conveniently forgotten that everything bad that happened in GZ was Chico's fault.
Chico is a shit and I regret him dying in the crash only because it robbed me of the pleasure of executing him myself.

So we can all agree the helicopter medic was in the wrong here, right?

Lookin' a lot like Kuze there, Kaz.

Huey did nothing wrong

that was pretty good


He decided to be the Big Boss despite not, unlike Raiden, who reject the role in the end and become his own man.


Im surprised that dwalker didnt end up as more of a subplot
>do a few missions with it
>it starts humming

D-Walker is just a pair of metal pants

Was half expecting strangelove or ai boss to start coming out of it

If it was given an ai with a personality that talk to Big Boss, then it might have grab the player's attention, and don't say it has been done before.


literally a Cipher spy, spends the whole time Huey is back trying to get Huey blamed for Mother Base so that the suspicion is off of him

>Chico, with no knowledge of the area of plan of extraction, snuck into not Guantanamo Bay and tried to retrieve a heavily injured prisoner. He got caught almost immediately.

There's such a thing as being too stupid and Chico excelles at it.

Big Boss does that sort of thing all the time. He was just following his example.

Hell, Big Boss even gets caught pretty often

who gives a fuck the story's already over

Chico is a child who did a dumb thing emulating his hero Vic Boss for the woman he believed he loved because he's a fuckin child who doesn't know better. He then submitted to torture because he's a child and the torture he was submitted to was especially horrific.

>-D Horse is a donkey

Big Boss is literally the greatest soldier ever. Chico is not.

>Getting to fuck Paz unwrapped
How did he get a boner, or did he shove a floppy hotdog into loose deli meat

Raiden is better than Big Boss

Better at being a gay faggot.

He was 13, you didn't have a workable boner at 13?

But also yes.

Didn't Zero fuck Paz?

cut content, so they "killed" him off for not having enough time

>Chico was going to be the ninja of MGSV
>instead of a cyborg ninja, he's an oni slasher
>snake was a depiction of a western devil, while chico was going to be the depiction of an eastern devil
>reports of attacks at night on Mother Base, soldiers having severed limbs and stab wounds
>you continue to lose soldiers the longer you wait
>hunt down the slasher all over Mother Base during night time
>boss fight
>realize its Chico when Snake sees the headphones
>he's completely PTSD-ridden
>joins Diamond Dogs but is very distant with any social interaction
>Snake eventually tells him that Paz shurvhived the bomb, you have to kill him because he snaps
>Snake doesn't realize Paz isn't real until after

He got what he was after in going to rescue her, damn right he got hard. Chico didn't die a virgin