What does Sup Forums think of Orisa?

What does Sup Forums think of Orisa?

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told you the little girl wouldn't be playable in a game where you kill each other

That's Efi

stop race baiting op

just a ugly little nigger


She legitimately looks like a tiny monkey

I think that Kaplan needs to stop sucking his own cock about how diverse his game is

She has to go back

I think the wealth distribution by the first world will never offset the poverty in the third world and anyone worth their weight in air should realize this.

Little niglet.

I don't play garbage games. Sorry, OP.

She's like that Muslim bomb maker kid in america that got sjw sympathy and got free stuff

She needs to go back.


Look symmetra is autistic, tracer is gay and we wuz kangs is a genuis!

Whats next? Winston is transgender?

Didn't play since chinese new year.

Is Bastion mainstream now? He was MY guy but I read he's in the meta now?

>Rein is actually a robot piloted by a talking cat

I cant stop thinking of her tight little cunt. I wish they had made her a Pygmy for extra tightness.

Back to the past
Samurai Jack

Cant wait shad to BLEACH'd her


off yourself

I am absolutely convinced that D.Va is a tranny.

>zarya is the only actual woman in the game


When are they finally releasing her for everybody?

Orisa is cool, I don't like Efi.


Neck yourself

orisa is neat. the SJW wet dream is fine too because it's science fiction world where that could happen. Also, in science fiction world a woman is purple, a mexican is tall, and i can have a threesome with 3 clones of Christina Hendricks.

I would be completely okay with that.

I want to fuck it.


Everything that makes autismos who fight over politics is fine.

>threesome with 3 clones
>not a foursome
Are you just watching? Are you making one of them watch? I don't get this at all.

I can't help but think of the $100 laptop

Super cute robutt. Can't wait to play her.

I'm annoyed how a lot of people are just drawing her beetle skins, instead of the clearly superior default skin.

I could tolerate that other black woman who flies because she fine as fuck but this is going overboard, she not sexy at all

>I can only like females if they have sex appeal

How pathetic and simple-minded..

Comic is shit.
But being honest.

I kind of kek'd. Very small kek.

That's like the only requirement for a woman. Why do you think its been the standard for judging a woman's worth for all of human history?

Stretch yourself before you neck yourself, fool!


>overwatch has their tiny black genius
>marvel has TWO black geniuses
>DC's TV show series has BLACKED like 5 of their main characters
>horizon's savior AI was a black woman and black fierce warrior woman

why is this happening? is japan the last bastion of hope that hasn't fallen for the diversity meme?

>diversity is a bad thing

Why? How does that affect you?

But that's not Orisa.

This is Orisa

it breaks my immersion when I see it because I can tell it is forced.

Damn. Haha.

That's Efi and I love her.

Hate the backstory/character story.

Love her skills.

I don't mind either. It's a shame that they can't have a negro character to anything without the alt right steaming with anger.

>finally have a barefooted character


fuck you blizzard

4 legged robots are godtier, but centaurbots are a shit while spiderbots are 10/10. also those horns on her head look p ugly

Is that Connie?

Why not? She looks like an average nigress with a hot loli body.

Oh man. I'm playing a game where you got time traveling Brits, super mutant monkeys, an actual fantasy-era dwarf, and cyborg ninjas, and that doesn't do anything to my immersion, but a some smart black that isn't even in the game but part of the backstory? Well, the whole immersion was just ruined!

Seriously, you're a fucking stupid user, user.

>First new hero
>Brown lady

>Second new hero
>Brown lady

>Third new hero
>Robot designed by a brown lady with the personality of a brown lady

Heads up, the next character is also coming from Africa.

>shitty child prodigy girl genius trope
>presumably grew up surrounded by sophisticated technology and hyper-intelligent people
>still wears oversized bone jewelry and facepaint
God, Efi is so garbage. What a transparent attempt at getting mad progressive-cred.
Making a midnight black character in a tribal outfit seems kind of racist to me, anyway.

there were other examples in my post, not just overwatch, but for the record I have tons of other problems with overwatch's dumb mismatch lore, a black genius from the TOTALLY AMAZING FUTURE AFRICA THAT IS THE PINNACLE OF TECHNOLOGY is just one of them. it's why i didn't buy oversnatch.

but alright user, just post a smug pic and pretend a differing opinion from yours is stupid and wrong.

Too immersion breaking, sorry

Efi's a filthy cute

Not him. But I'm black, and I find forced diversity distasteful. When you know a character was made not from a place of creativity, but as some contrived device to fill some kind of quota, then it's not fun anymore.

That being said... complaining that a game like Overwatch has diversity, when is meant to appeal to everyone, is absolutely fucking retarded.

stop posting this
every time you do it makes me think of the Dr Rabbit video

She looks like they wanted to make a cute loli character, but then quickly realized people will start calling them pedos so they gave her tribal stuff and just started to paint her in the darkest brown paint they could fine.

>Blizzard: "Alright, we got a few ethnically diverse white people in the mix for launch. That should hold us over for a while. Let's see what other types of characters we can make."
>Blizzard: "Hold on, we'll get to it eventually"

White is right, shlomosexual.

if it ain't white, it ain't right

>half of real life africa is modern cities and technology while the other half live in mud huts
it only makes sense that despite such advancements, she would still regress to her nigger ways

Wealthy blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.

Das riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite

Why is his tongue blue?

You're right. it's the future, so they should throw out everything that resembles any known culture, and dress her in bland scifi shit.


I want an italian character, I need an italian character.
I want to hear italian insults and banter.

>Only white and black people are races

Maybe they should make asian people again, but not shitty caricatures. Because, apparently Blizzard thinks that the only thing asian people are, are samurais and ninjas

Mario in Overwatch when?

Why would a supergenius participate in a culture steeped in mysticism?

I want a Canadian, White or Metis, that works for Talon and hates omnics but is still a pretty nice guy.

Fun to play, Blizzard is taking too long to release her on live servers.


So long, gay Bowser


And yet if it was 3 whites in a row it would be unacceptable

Oh no a nigger

Truly this is the end of vidya

>patronizing douche doesn't realize disingenuous inclusion comes across as patronizing

Not surprising

I remember when at Blizzcon Blizzard said they've made character cast so diverse to clearly represent our mother earth.

>>Only white and black people are races
Huh? How did you get that idea?
Mei is Chinese, and she dresses like an Inuit, and is all about preserving the environment.
D.va is Korean, and she's a professional game player.
Technically, Overwatch has more Asian representation than black.

the topic was immersion not whether or not it was patronizing

Looks okay, I wish they'd have given her a rein like shield instead of a deployable one, now she'll be played as well as rein, rather than instead of


>D.va is Korean
Funny how that's also a caricature

>HAHA! Koreans are SOOOO GREAT at games and that's all we can think of when it comes down to making a Korean character!

I'm convinced that you don't know what a monkey looks like

1. What is mystic about her?
2. You can be immersed int eh culture of your land, without believing everything everyone else believes.
3. Even if she was observant of mystical shit, that would actually be an interesting dimension to her character. As it brings up seemingly contradictory sets of beliefs, co-existing, and how one would struggle with that.

As you probably know, most scientists are atheists. But also a TON of scientists are theists. Brilliance doesn't necessarily cause lack of faith.

She's one of the most played heroes in Korea, which says something

In the lore Africa is advanced because of the Omnics.

Why does it trigger you to see Africa doing well?

Boring design and boring gameplay.
How the fuck did they go from Ana and Sombra's playstyle to Orisa? Such a huge step down.

Is she fun? I didn't bother with PTR

Is she slow

[Citation Needed]

SFM when?

The 3 new character they introduced are all different races.

Well I never defended their creativity. But to be fair, most of the cast are shallow stereotypes. Including the new girl and her robot.
>HAHA! Tribal nations are still a thing in Africa, let's make everything tribal.

Because even to this day Africa is an uncivilized shithole. In the CURRENT YEAR THEY STILL HAVE NOT DONE ANYTHING WORTH NOTING.

And Overwatch wants me to believe that they suddenly have an advanced city and a civilized country? It's so preposterous that it's out of the realm of belief. Listen, I love science fiction as much as the next guy but this is just too much fiction.