PS4 games coming to PC

How do you feel about this?

>As many of you know, PlayStation Now lets you stream hundreds of PS3 games — currently 483 to be exact — to your PS4 and Windows PC.

>We’re excited to announce that PS Now’s catalog is set to grow even further, as we’ll be expanding to include a new platform: PlayStation 4 games. All of the games in the service, including PS4 games, will be included with a single PS Now subscription.

>Not available outside of Japan
Who cares?

dumb ass

Factually untrue

>keep reposting this
>barely any interest because everyone knows how shitty PS Now was for PS3 games

Just give it up user

So if its on a monitor it's on PC?

It was only posted once. People talk about how great Ps4 exclusives are, so I want to know what they think about the possibility of PC players being able to play them now.

If it's being played on a PC then yeah, it's on a PC.

>If it's being played on a PC then yeah, it's on a PC.
But it's not in this case

If I don't own any consoles and play a game on PS Now on my PC, what device am I physically using to play the game?

It's not that bad. Played Cathrine and Killzone HD awhile back. Wonder what ps4 titles we will get

Really user, you don't know about how this works?
The video feed is being streamed from a PS4, just because you don't see it it doesn't mean it's magically running on your PC
It's like playing a youtube video, which makes it really shitty because it creates a lot of lag and the image quality takes a huge hit.

If it has Bloodborn I'll probably get it. I couldn't bring myself to pay $300+ to play but for $10 I'll at least try it.

I understand how streaming works, the point is that you can still play it on your PC without having to buy a PS4

>You can now use your network cable instead of HDMI for your monitor

Wow, it's fucking nothing. Sony sure must be desperate to use this as some kind of big announcement.

>PCfats forced to pay Sony for games

I think it's going to be $20 when they add ps4 titles. Even if it was for the year, it'd be cheaper than a ps4

>the point is that you can still play it on your PC without having to buy a PS4
>prefers paying $100 a year just to rent it instead of $250 to own it
If that sounds like a great deal to you then enjoy

The service is shit anyway, play a 30fps game with even more frame drops and general lag from the stream

>adding ps4 games before ps2 or ps1

>$250 + $20 for the game +$10 if I want to play online


>$10 to play the game and beat it within a month
I think I know what I'm going to choose.

Everywhere I look except for Sup Forums says the input lag isn't very noticeable, I wonder who I should trust?

if you didn't have to stream the game it would be so much better

Sorry for being dumb, i am reading the replys but i still don't understand exactly how this works.

Now a pc gamer will be able to play ps4 games on pc without having a ps4? Is that it?

>PS4 games coming to PC
no, only games without multiplayer and without any dlc
>PlayStation Now lets you stream hundreds of PS3 games — currently 483 to be exact — to your PS4 and Windows PC
only in US and UK

Yeah, but we don't know which games

PC players can now stream some PS4 games at 720p/30 fps now on PC, I highly doubt Sony will give away bloodborne, most likely will be knack, 2nd son and multiplats

you should trust autists on Sup Forums posting from their desks instead of the normal fags elsewhere that probably are used to the input lag on their flatscreen TVs.


And nobody's going to pay for that shit.

psnow still doesn't have demon's souls so no bloodborne in near 100 years

I cant wait for PCtards to hate on Bloodborne due to dieing from shitty streaming lag for the 100th time. Salt will be unreal

Basically yes. They're being streamed so you'll need a decent internet connection, but you will no longer have to buy a Ps4 to play its games

>720/30 fps
So just like a Playstation?

>PS4 games coming to PC
not available in germany, everytime

Oh great I was about to get a PS4 for persona 5 but I'll guess now I'll get it on PC. It's kinda funny that the same thing happened with nier.

Revenge for dropping the ball 70 years ago.

Xbox One already had this months ago, next.

Shame xbox one has no good games you can't already play natively on PC.

> germany
> first world country

Persona 5 is a brand new game, it's not going to get added for a few years. If it's anything like how it was for PS3 games expect 95% multiplats that are already on PC and 5% second-tier exclusives like Killzone.

Is streamed from your PS4 to your PC? Or from some Sony server to your PC, no PS4 needed like onlive?

Itt PC thinking anything they want will drop on the service

Do a little research before embarrassing yourselves
Enjoy the Indies because unfortunately that's all Sony will add

>streaming a game
fuck that

i wouldnt find ponying up a few quid to play a bunch of console only games for like a month or somit but i imagine the quality streaming the game is going to be shit

I unironically don't care and won't even bother with the free trial even if the streaming works perfectly.

Even if there are nos issues with streaming blooborne still runs like absolute shit, which is the only game I'd want to play

Enjoy your scraps, pc slave race!


Why pay when I am taking Sony's best games for free?

>falling for the streaming meme

Playstation Now is complete garbage.

Make sure if you use the free trial that you let it lapse, charge your card, then get a charge back

It's the only way to stick it to Sony lmao!

To bad we already have the Uncharted series, GoW series, Killzone series, sly cooper series, ratchet and clank series, twisted metal, and resistance 3.

I'm confident we will get some okay games from the ps4 library

Can I invade you?

And when were they added?

Not moving goalposts, just pointing it out.
Surely something notable from the library will be added, but literally when.



Doubt you could invade anyone on the PS3 version. KEK remember, it's ssuucch an old game.

Not yet.

>not being ran/processed locally

doesn't even count as "on PC" then

>no upping the resolution/framerate
>no mods
>no playing offline
>no actually buying the game indivually.
>no piracy

It's shit

>from some Sony server to your PC
this, no ps4 needed for ps now

some people are confusing ps now with remote play, which is a different system of streaming from a ps4 you own to a pc or vita, no sub required for that one


demon souls still has working servers

Demon's souls is not peer to peer

A good coupling to the PS4's Facebook button.

Sony cucking pcfags.
They now have to pay a yearly fee to play SOME ps4 games, with lag and shittier framerate.
Ps4 owners shouldn't even care, and most of us don't.

ps4 stream > psnow
free > subscription
all dlc available > no dlc
multiplayer > no multiplayer
coop > no coop
copy/move saves > no copy/move save

Dead game, senpai. Remember, it's soooo old. Am I right?

PC players don't have to? So really, how is that being cucked?

Are pcbros really this poor and desperate they can't spend 70 bucks for a PS 3 and a copy of demon souls?


$10 > $250 + cost of game + $10/month for online

Why would we do that when we can get it for free?


>is paying a sub for online

The real question is who wants to give money to sony?
Not me. Ps3 emulator is making great progress so I'll just wait for that.

>poor and desperate
You're talking about the people who are spending a quarter million dollars a year to pirate wiiu games.
Poorness has nothing to do with it.
Desperation maybe, but it's more of a desperation never to buy a sony console at that point.


>streaming service

Yeah, that's going to go well, like the countless other times they've tried this shit outside East Asia.

you guys get to experience some really fun and good games. To me that is pretty cool.

Depends what games they offer and how much input lag I get. Shit like Persona 5 would be okay because it's turnbased but I doubt BB will even be remotely playable.

The one reasonable post in this thread. Thanks user, I'm looking forward to being able to try out Bloodborn and Horizon Zero Dawn hopefully.

>playing DeS at a worse frame rate than PS3
>this is on computers that cost 1000's of dollars

Wow you sure do have it good!

Because you're too poor cause you spent all your saved up allowance to buy an overpriced bloated piece of shit that only has indie shit and garbage multiplats? Is that why?

Maybe you shouldn't recklessly spend thousands of dollars on a PC, which has 0 games, so you don't have to spend so much on emulation and so you don't get desperate because you have to games to play since you already pirated the multiplats.

The same fucking arguments from you people all the time with absolutely nothing to back them up.

You don't have to spend $1,000's to build a PC
>yes you do, here's a cherry-picked pcpartpicker list with top of the line everything and a bunch unnecessary expensive shit!

PC has the largest game library and many exclusives, here's a list of them
>uh those games don't count because of reasons! PCbro!

Here's also a bunch of good games you can play on PC
>nuh uh they're not good because I said so!

It's like arguing with a fucking child


What am I losing by other people playing games?

Beaides its just streaming which I've tried.
Have fun trying to play anything that requires any kind of percision or reaction.

>Spends all their NEETBUX on PC parts
>Calls others childish

>connect PS4 to PC monitor
Done, saved money.

>*PS4 games played on a PS4 will be streamed to PC for $10 a month

It is in fact available outside of Japan, I just used it last week.

>PlayStation NOW releases

So, which is it?

Any game that is streamed at 10-15 fps at 480p is shit kiddo.

>Any game that is streamed at 10-15 fps at 480p is shit kiddo.

Streams better than that and you know it.

This is not a loss for playstation, they will make more money from pc customers. it will only be a loss if the games can be pirated.

No, I don't. I have a PS4 pro so I don't have to stream PS4 games for $20

When did I say you have to use it or ask if you had a PS4?

Pc gamers who would have never got to play these games do now
I don't see the problem