What went so horribly wrong?

What went so horribly wrong?

And why are RBYGSC undoubtedly the only true Pokemon games?

so the power of friendship is Giratina saying "fuck you" to his plans?

your birth and Ohmori as anything but a level designer

Yup. There was that one recent Pokemon fan game ROM hack where the main character was an androgynous twat that they referred to as "they" and didn't allow you to specify if it was a boy or a girl because Tumblr would cry

Not that Nintendo was any better since the main character designs got progressively stupider. The redesign of the hero of GSC for HG/SS is a sympton of the disease, the foppish male character in Pearl/Diamond was another one

This. I don't know why people still fall for nu-Pokemon and think it's okay to discuss it in Sup Forums. Probably just /vp/ immigrants seeking validation for their irredeemable taste.

Someone took time out of their day to make that image. That is truly pathetic.

And take your Nu-Pokemon turds with you.

This is why Genwunbros are the only good Pokemon fans. No SJW cuckoldry, no underage, no edgelords, just actual sane, intelligent fans of a series that has long since lost its way.


>Shit talking Cyrus, the dude he had planned to control all of time and space compared to the other leaders.

urmad lol


I don't know, I think RSE was the moment when things started to go wrong with the series. It got rid of day and night, changed held items, got rid of Time Machine, lost the existing canon (no Kanto/Johto), and introduced a bunch of progressively sillier monsters (though that arguably started with GSC).

That's what I'm saying. Pokemon stopped being true Pokemon after Gen 2. But blind underage fanboys will deny that. Thankfully Sup Forums can universally agree on this despite shitters trying to derail the thread.
>tfw H**nn, S*nnoh, Un*va, K*los, and Al*la
All of them need to be nuked tbqh.

>this thread
Good to see that Sup Forums still has taste. Fuck Shit and Poo.


Wtf I love retarded stories, railroaded worlds, and godawful new designs now!

Fuck off you've been outnumbered.

Bump again.

Nobody is willing to debate us?

Guess that settles it. Fuck off Nu-Pokemon children, you're not welcome here.

Why aren't bait threads bannable yet?

>threads where actual fans of a long dead series laugh at and criticize subhuman retards who enjoy the fake shit being shoveled at them today is bait
Fuck off back to your Nu-Pokemon hugbox

There's nothing to debate, you're just taking two things and saying "I like this one but that other one sucks" without providing any objective reasoning.

In the OP image you could literally paste Silver where Gladion is and replace "mommy" with "daddy" and the image would not change one bit.

You could start by pointing out any good things that came out of Nu-Pokemon OH WAIT YOU CAN'T

t. Genwunner

>nobody is debating us?
>fuck off all you people that are debating us
What did he mean by this

The series isn't dead you ignorant fuckstain, you're just too jaded to enjoy anything that exists prior to you hitting puberty.

Just because there was less writing to explain what the villains were up to doesn't make Giovanni's plan any less stupid.

>I want to enslave a genetically engineered monstrosity and use its' power to help me get rich as fuck


>I want to enslave a 5th dimensional monstrosity and use it's powers to destroy the world


>I want to enslave an ancient monstrosity and use it's power to help me take over the world

They all sound dumb as hell

>he doesn't understand Ghetsis's plan.
>he doesn't get that Ghetsis actively tries to kill you in B2/W2.

oh boy another genwunner thread

guess it's time to shitpost