>Cora is heterosexual
um...what???wtf is bioware doing???
>Cora is heterosexual
um...what???wtf is bioware doing???
Also have this good webm.
still no proof that Suvi is a lesbian
>That bitch is lesbian
Can't wait for the bi mod and see tumblr burn in rage.
>Vetra is bisexual
>Liam is bisexual
Is this confirmed? I remember reading both didn't approve of the same sex PC hitting on theme.
If this is the case, you're telling me Bioware is forcing me to get with Single Mom Cora if I don't wanna romance a mentally ill bisexual retard?
Fucking splendid, hopefully there's more Hetero only romances that aren't squad mates.
op is a faggot and reposted video from previous thread
still no proof
Good times.
Liam doesn't seem to be into dudes tho.
Man, character customization isn't good at all. Those fucking beards and hair.
Not to start Bioware Defense Forcing here but for every downside I see someone whine about in ME:A, I see people ignore a lot of the positive upsides. Some facial animations look wonky, yea, but the movement in combat looks smoother, more dynamic and more fun than ever. Ryder runs like a real human at a manageable speed which, on top of the jump jets and dashing, is more than I can say for DA:I and ME3. I'm finally finishing ME3 now and I actually spend a lot of time running and gunning with the soldier's abilities and avoiding sticking to cover unless absolutely necessary. I'm excited for this to be a viable and dynamic aspect of ME:A combat.
The weapon/armor customization options for your squad mates are lacking but Ryder's customization options are greater than ever, including crafting gear, customizing your vehicles, picking powers from any tree and creating your own load outs. And it looks like it will deliver on exploration more than any Bioware game released yet. When I think of ME2 and 3, I don't mind how the squadmates armor was static, and once I equipped them with a certain weapon I liked I just upgraded it and never changed it. When I think of DA:I, I rarely gave my squad mates orders other than "stand here and please don't die". If they can deliver on fully realized and helpful squad mates in ME:A, I won't mind the lack of gear customization for them.
I'm optimistic for the game, not even cautiously optimistic.
>only half-passable looking woman is a lesbian
>butch lesbian looking Cora is straight
Also is Bioware really gonna pushing the whole "My wife's son" bit?
>there's more Hetero only romances
Don't count on it. Remember Cisquisition?
nice copy pasta
who gives a fuck the game still looks shit
>we want the sexually deviant audience
>That brown guy (Gil) is bisexual
did you not watch your own video
>mod that isn't a cucked fuccboi
Could use one in this cesspool
>Cora is straight
>Cassandra for DA was straight
So I guess they make best girls start with C
>>Cora is heterosexual
Thank God
Gil is a faggot, though
fucking idiot
>Suvi - most probably lesbian
>Liam - straight
>Vetra - most probably bi
>Gil - gay
>Cora - straight
>Pepepoopoo - bi
Whoa.....so this.....is the.....power of.....faggot liberals.....
ill take who gives a fuck for 500
Well, only in princible.
Each day its worse and worse. Did they seriously fire/lose all competent people? I thought that was a meme.
>Vetra is bisexual
Oh thank goodness I don't want to play Cock Ryder just to romance best turian.
>Liam-*awkward laugh* sorry, but guys aren't my thing.
Wtf I love Bioware again